{"cz":"Škoda Mobil","en":"Škoda Mobil"}
{"cz":"Škoda Mobil jsou firemní noviny pro zaměstnance Škoda Auto, které vychází jednou měsíčně a představují aktuální informace z dění ve Škoda Auto a koncernu Volkswagen. Pravidelné rubriky se zaměřují na zaměstnance, inovace a zajímavé projekty z prostředí firmy, aktuální informace z oblasti Motorsportu a mnohá další témata.","en":"Škoda Mobil is the company newspaper for Škoda Auto employees, published monthly and presenting up-to-date information on what is happening at Škoda Auto and the Volkswagen Group. The regular columns focuses on employees, innovations and interesting projects from within the company, current information from Škoda Motorsport and many other topics."}
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2022
A flight through ŠKODA World
Letter from the CEO
I wish you peaceful and merry Christmas, plenty of rest, good health and a successful start to 2022.
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow ŠKODA employees,
The Supervisory Board of the Volkswagen Group has already informed the public of several personnel changes, one of which concerns ŠKODA and me personally. As of 1 July 2022, I will become the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Volkswagen brand in Wolfsburg.
However, I would like to assure you of one thing: Until then, I will continue working with full commitment for our company, and we still have many challenges ahead of us. We will be launching our new models (derivatives of the ENYAQ iV product family, the modernised KAROQ and the FABIA MONTE CARLO). We will also continue expanding electromobility and supporting the Czech Republic’s transformation into its hub. And despite the coronavirus pandemic and the shortage of semiconductors, we will fight for every car. In this respect, I rely on your full support. I am convinced that we will meet these challenges and further strengthen our ŠKODA brand together – for our customers, in the regions we manage and within the Volkswagen Group. In the long term, with our NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, we are fully prepared for the future: With our reconstituted Board team, a clear strategy for electromobility and our efforts in the growth regions of India, Russia and North Africa, we will successfully lead ŠKODA AUTO through its transformation process and lay the foundation for long-term job security.
You can be absolutely sure that I will be committed to this great brand and its employees until my last day at ŠKODA AUTO. We have numerous tasks ahead of us, so let’s get to work on them!
But before that, I wish you and your families a peaceful and Merry Christmas, plenty of rest, good health and a successful start to 2022.
Thomas Schäfer
FABIA gets five stars for safety
The popular hatchback’s fourth generation is the 14th ŠKODA model in the line to receive the maximum five-star Euro NCAP safety rating. In its benchmark tests, the FABIA obtained 78 percent of the maximum possible score, making it one of the safest cars in its class. “Thanks to the MQB-A0 platform, the FABIA offers – for the first time – several safety and assistance systems that were previously available only in higher-end cars while at the same time enhancing the safety of this popular model”, notes Johannes Neft, Board Member for Technical Development.
Collective bargaining has been completed
ŠKODA AUTO management and its social partner, the KOVO Trade Unions, have successfully completed collective bargaining for 2022. The parties have negotiated a number of agreements relating to working hours, working calendars and a 5% increase in the social spending budget. For employees, this means that they will be able to benefit from several new or revised benefits.
Details of the collective bargaining results can be found at ŠKODA Space.
Martin Jahn again at the head of AutoSAP
Martin Jahn, member of the Board of Directors for Sales and Marketing, returns to the head of the Automotive Industry Association (AutoSAP) after five years. He has served as the association’s president from 2009-2016. “I would like to continue the work of the Board of Directors of the association. The domestic car industry must respond to the requirements of clean mobility, decarbonisation of production, digitalisation and other trends”, said Mr Jahn, who has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic since November.
How they see us
How they see us Autorevue.cz (2 December 2021)
KODIAQ RS 2.0 TSI 180 kW
Although the KODIAQ RS is a big and heavy car, it does not mind turns, is surprisingly agile, and it turns and brakes well.
Large interior and high comfort
Perfect engine and transmission alignment
Precise steering
Excellent brake proportioning
Higher consumption if you are not careful
Unnecessary fake sounds
No diesel engine option
Experts advise on sustainable development
In developing ambitious goals derived from its NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, the carmaker has been relying on its new Advisory Board for Sustainable Development since early December. The independent five-member board features experts with international experience in the fields of the environment, social affairs, economics and governance. They will advise the carmaker on the implementation of specific measures (ŠKODA Mobil regularly informs you about them in the Green Future section) and offer new perspectives, suggestions and approaches to sustainable development issues. ŠKODA AUTO was one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to establish such an expert advisory committee.
The composition of the board and other details can be found on ŠKODA Storyboard.
Achievements and trophies
ENYAQ iV nominated for European Car of the Year
ŠKODA’s electric SUV was among the seven finalists for the traditional award, which is jointly presented by nine European car magazines. The winner will be selected by an international jury of 61 motoring journalists from a total of 23 European countries. The winner of the 2022 Car of the Year award will be announced in Geneva at the end of February 2022. The ENYAQ iV follows on from the fourth-generation OCTAVIA, which was shortlisted last year. It is also another success for the model, having already won the Golden Steering Wheel award for the Best Electric SUV in early November.
VW Group awards apprentices
The Group’s traditional Best Apprentice Award for 50 apprentices for outstanding performance and expertise was held online due to the pandemic this year. Two recent graduates of ŠKODA AUTO’s Secondary Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering who already work at the carmaker received their awards. Pavlína Rohlíčková graduated as an electronics technician in June 2020 and works as an electronic equipment mechanic in the PFO-L – Paint Shop A department now. Marek Sučík trained as a metalworker and works as an adjuster in the PKM – EA 211 Engines department.
More than 7 million new OCTAVIAs have rolled off the line since 1996. The anniversary car was produced by ŠKODA AUTO’s employees on Wednesday, 1 December.
Preferably all three
Please sign up for your booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine
accination has been shown to be the most efficient way of combatting the COVID‑19 pandemic by significantly reducing the risk of infection or severe disease. To gain sufficient immunity against COVID-19, doctors and scientists recommend a booster dose of the vaccine six months after the last dose. ŠKODA AUTO will once again offer it in the offices of its plant doctors. You can find information on how each vaccine is created and how it works here.
The third dose is very
important because this
is a completely new
vaccination and completely
new disease. It is common
for such diseases
to require re-vaccination.
It will extend our
protection, which decreases over time.
Roman Chlíbek
Register for your vaccination here.
Reward for the third dose
Any ŠKODA AUTO employee who opts for a booster vaccination dose by 30 June 2022 and delivers the certificate by 15 July 2022 will again be able to take advantage of the incentive programme. As part of this programme, they will either choose to take a day off or earn 2,000 points for the ŠKODA Benefits Cafeteria.
You can find out more at ŠKODA Space.
How to recognise myths and alarming news
Even with the development of online communication, numerous myths and fake news (so-called hoaxes) have been spreading among people, recently often concerning COVID-19 disease and vaccination. A lot of people pass this information on, even unknowingly. How do you recognise such news and form an objective opinion?
The hints and tips in the article at ŠKODA Space, will assist you.
Coronavirus / Improvements
How Vaccines Work
A quick overview of the topic that dominated this year’s meetings with the foremen
Three basic vaccine development models
Protein base
The virus features so-called spike glycoproteins through which it attaches itself to human cells. When these spike proteins are removed, the virus kills itself. This killed virus is used for vaccine production. When injected into the body, it triggers a reaction to the presence of the virus, and the body begins to produce antibodies.
Vaccines that it is used for:
Against measles and polio
Vector vaccines
A single spike protein from the virus is used. It is packaged into what is called a host adenovirus, which is a virus commonly found in humans and animals and causes common colds, diarrhoea, inflammation etc. This packaged spike protein is used in its inactive form (i.e. the person who is vaccinated is not infected with the virus) to produce a vaccine that is delivered into the body by vaccination. It then has information about the virus and can start producing its own antibodies.
Vaccines it is used for:
Sputnik (uses human adenoviruses), Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson (uses monkey adenoviruses)
This is the most sophisticated vaccine variant and is also made from a single spike protein. However, only its so-called mRNA information (i.e. the instructions for making the spike protein) is used for vaccine development, not the whole spike protein. The mRNA is then wrapped in a protein package and injected into the body. Human cells read this information and start to produce their own spike proteins and, therefore, antibodies against the virus. This is why this vaccine is called messenger RNA and is also known as informative or mediator RNA. In addition, the vaccine does not contain a live virus and, therefore, will not cause the vaccinated individual to develop any symptoms of the disease against which they are being vaccinated.
Vaccines it is used for:
Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, as well as against influenza, some tumours and rabies
Did you know that...
... a virus is a non-cellular organism that is incapable of surviving on its own without a host? That is why, if it attaches itself to objects or touched surfaces, it dies on its own after a while. If we disinfect these surfaces, we accelerate the virus’s dying process.
Roman Chlíbek
Head of the Czech Vaccionological Society
The third (or booster) dose is very important because the vaccine and the disease are completely new. It is common for such diseases to require re-vaccination. This will extend the immunity protection, which decreases over time. In the context of the Delta variant, it has been shown that this protection can be much shorter than at the beginning. People tolerate the booster dose much better than the previous two doses. It is actually an extra bonus for them and a boost to their immunity at a time when more and more mutations of the virus are spreading.
Overview of EU‑approved vaccines
Pfizer/BioNTech (mRNA)
Doses: 2 + 1*
Time between doses: 21 days
Age limit: 12+
Moderna (mRNA)
Doses: 2 + 1*
Time between doses: 28 days
Age limit: 12+
Astra Zeneca (vector)
Doses: 2 + 1*
Time between doses: 28‑84 days
Age limit: 18+
Johnson & Johnson (vector)
Doses: 1 + 1*
Time between doses: –
Age limit: 18+
* Additional dose (or booster) is currently being administered at least five months after the last vaccination to those who are aged 45 and above or have severe health problems.
Source: www.covid.gov.cz, data valid as of November 23, 2021.
Who should and should not get vaccinated
In principle, the greater health limitations I have, the faster I should rush to be vaccinated.
Chronically ill people, cardiac patients, people with cancer, diabetes or asthma, women from the eighth week of pregnancy, people with immune system disorders and people who have had a transplant.
Children under 12 years of age (pending approval), people with an allergic reaction to a previous vaccination for whom a different type of vaccine is recommended and people with acute respiratory disease.
New Strategy / FORCE Program
We Are On the Right Track
Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics, assesses the FORCE Program
How has the programme changed over the years, and are its scope and objectives still valid?
Since the introduction of the FORCE Program, there has been confirmation that we developed the right set of tools. Each of our eight fields of action addresses the current and future challenges, and today, we can say that this is exactly what the Production and Logistics sector needed. Of course, we evaluate and then update every work package and its objectives every year. This flexibility is our strength.
This year, the carmaker introduced the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. How much did it influence the direction of the FORCE Program?
Based on its three pillars (i.e. EXPAND, EXPLORE and ENGAGE), as well as 10 other related topics, we conducted an intensive analysis of the individual FORCE action fields. We took this as an opportunity to examine the FORCE Program as a whole and to check that we are still working on the right topics and are optimally positioned for the future. Based on this information, we decided to extend the FORCE Program until 2030. In addition, we have also revised the contents of some of the work packages of the eight action fields and set new, challenging objectives. Along with our company-wide strategy, we have also updated the FORCE Program in light of the VW Group’s new One.Production strategy, with which we have integrated it.
We have been dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since the spring of 2020. Last year, for the first time in history, production was halted for a few weeks, and this year, there are additional issues with semiconductor shortages. To what extent is the FORCE Program helping in these cases?
We’d never before experienced what we experienced in the past two years. Despite all the difficulties and challenges, we knew from the very beginning that we could only do everything together. The guiding principle has always been to react flexibly to the external situation and look for the best solution. We also controlled all the processes much more closely and kept a close eye on our costs. The FORCE Program played a crucial role in this respect and reflected the idea of “WE”: With this tool, which has clearly defined our objectives, we can jointly handle challenging situations.
I would like to thank all of my colleagues in the Czech Republic, India and Russia for their commitment, both in meeting our production objectives and in coping with these turbulent times. I wish you all a very pleasant Christmas and, above all, good health for 2022.
Michael Oeljeklaus
Board Member for Production and Logistics
However, the FORCE Program is not only relevant to the Czech plants; it has been successfully implemented by your colleagues in India, and this year, ŠKODA AUTO took over the responsibility for the Russian region from the VW Group. At what stage is the FORCE Program there?
Yes, our colleagues in India have successfully implemented it at both plants. We regularly exchange information on the status of our individual projects and jointly determine what the next course of action will be. Everyone deserves a big thank you and my respect for the work they have done. From 1 January 2022, we will also take over the responsibility for Russia; with the new Head of Production and Logistics, Jiří Černý, the spirit of the ŠKODA brand and the FORCE Program will be transferred there as well. Now, because of the pandemic situation, we are coordinating everything via online meetings, and the responsible persons have taken over the project organisation. We jointly fine-tune our individual work areas of the eight action fields with our objectives until 2030. We will then be happy to present the entire project to you via ŠKODA Mobil.
The situation in the automotive industry is also affected by a number of new challenges, including electromobility. What can we expect in the coming year, but also by 2030?
We are well positioned to offer a diverse range of cars to various customer groups. We are fully focused on the transformation of electromobility and facing the challenges of digitisation. We are flexible and can cover any potential demand fluctuations; our plans are sustainable, and we are on the road to CO2 neutrality. In addition, with the implementation of the ENYAQ iV car on the assembly lines in hall M13, we have proved what we can do and that we are future-oriented. This applies not only to our car production but also to our component production, where we have taken an important step with the assembly of the PHEV and MEB battery systems. However, the aggressive penetration of the Asian brands into our market means that it is time to break new ground while staying faithful to our Simply Clever solutions. I am confident that we will achieve this as a brand, together with the FORCE Program 2030. ED
New Strategy / Purchasing
New Strategy / Purchasing
Sustainable Purchasing
Thanks to NEW PROCUREMENT, ŠKODA AUTO’s purchasing processes will feature sustainable development and the circular economy
ith the direction of NEW PROCUREMENT, the orientation of the Purchasing area is changing in line with the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. This change means that sustainability criteria will play a decisive role in the procurement of materials and components. “As the biggest private company in the Czech Republic and a responsible corporate entity, we also want to set the bar in the field of sustainable development. We will only fulfil this ambition if we consistently and comprehensively involve our partners in supply chain management from the outset. This is where our new direction in the Purchasing area, NEW PROCUREMENT, comes into play: With immediate effect, we will pay much more attention to sustainability and the circular economy. We will work on our new business models and also look for new partners, for example, in start-ups”, says Karsten Schnake, Board Member for Purchasing.
In addition to quality and cost-effectiveness factors, the circular economy currently plays a key role in the new direction of the purchasing process. Through the comprehensive involvement of its supply partners and the targeted selection of environmentally friendly, recycled and recyclable materials, the Purchasing area helps ŠKODA AUTO to reach its sustainable development objectives. The Czech carmaker aims to consistently minimise the environmental impact of its business activities. To this end, specific objectives have been developed as part of the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. In this way, the carmaker will comprehensively involve its suppliers in the entire process chain and also support them in developing innovative solutions. Their potential application in the production process will then be verified in the areas of Technical Development, Design, Quality and Sales. With its new approach in Purchasing, the carmaker is also responding to the changing demands and expectations of its customers, for whom the topic of sustainability is becoming more and more important. ED
Corporate NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030 and its follow-up strategies of individual areas can be found in the overview at ŠKODA Space.
New Strategy / Strategy Talks
New Strategy / Strategy Talks
We will stay the pearl of the VW Group
ŠKODA AUTO’s growth ambitions revealed at last two Strategy Talks
t the end of October and the beginning of December, a series of discussions between managers and employees continued, focusing on the priorities of the new NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. The goal of becoming one of the Top 5 best-selling brands in Europe by 2030 was highlighted by Martin Jahn, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, in a discussion entitled Strategic Relevance Europe. “ŠKODA AUTO products are valued by our customers not only in the Czech Republic but also especially in Germany, the UK, Austria and Poland. To improve our current eighth position among the best-selling brands in Europe, we will consider the needs of our customers in France, Spain and Italy even more carefully”, said Jahn. The company’s focus on having a competitive electrified portfolio in the future was stressed by Stefan Wünschmann, Head of the GSO – Multiproject Management & Digital Transformation department. “In the context of increasing market demand, we have the task of revising the BEV launch sequence and agreeing on the design of our upcoming models with the VW Group”, noted Wünschmann. The latest Strategy Talk on Regional Strategies took place at the beginning of December. “Besides the domestic European market, ŠKODA AUTO is unlocking business opportunities in other world regions. We aim to become the leading European brand in India, Russia and North Africa”, explained Christian Cahn von Seelen, Head of the GR – Management of Global Regions department. The CEO, Thomas Schäfer, shared his previous experience in and passion for emerging markets and outlined the next steps: “We are taking a close look at two countries: Firstly, Egypt is the gateway to not only North Africa but also the entire continent. If we want to look for opportunities, we have to start there. Secondly, Vietnam and the Czech Republic are culturally very close. We are evaluating future opportunities for ŠKODA to become more active there.” The Strategy Talks will continue in the new year, and details will be announced in advance on ŠKODA Space. ED
We Think Green
We think green
To save resources and minimise its environmental footprint, ŠKODA AUTO reduces food waste at all its catering facilities. The SPP/4 team and Aramark prevents wasting by menu planning, customer numbers and portion numbers forecasting, perfect purchasing, waste tracking and analysis. Where do we stand on food waste in the Czech Republic?
Food that ends up in the trash
Although 800 million people worldwide suffer from malnutrition, up to one-third of food is thrown away every year. Thus, food waste leaves a significant footprint on our environment and our wallets and contributes to social problems.
8% of greenhouse gas emissions relate to the production of food that is eventually thrown away
28% of agricultural land is taken up by raw materials that people throw away
21% of fresh water is used for food that ends up in the trash
Source: World Resources Institute
Who wastes food the most?
The Czech Republic is well below the European average for food waste, with approximately 56 kg of food per capita going to waste each year. Households produce 53% of food waste, 19% is generated in processing, 12% in catering, 11% in primary production and 5% in supermarkets.
Source: Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information
How often do we throw away food?
What can you do to reduce waste? Plan your shopping and do not shop when you are hungry. Learn to store ingredients properly so that they last as long as possible. Cook creatively. And if you know you can’t eat the whole portion, reduce your side dish.
Source: potravinova-bezpecnost.vyplnto.cz
Green Future
ŠKODA AUTO’s internal logistics testing electric tractor units
he use of trucks that are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) has already helped to make intra-plant transport more environmentally friendly. The carmaker has taken another step to minimise its environmental impact: Since 1 October, it has been testing two electric tractor units for its intra-plant transport in Mladá Boleslav. More trucks with this drive will follow.
ŠKODA AUTO plans to save 60 tonnes of CO2 per year by using these vehicles.
The carmaker plans to save 60 tonnes of CO2 per year by using these trucks instead of diesel ones. It is also consistently minimising its carbon footprint and significantly tightening its environmental objectives as part of its NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. “At ŠKODA AUTO, we purposefully rely on our Simply Clever solutions to make the carmaker more sustainable in the areas of production and logistics. Following the successful test run of two pure-electric tractors in the intra-vehicle transport fleet, we are smoothly transitioning to pure-electric tractor units. We also want to give a boost to our local suppliers. In the mid-term, we plan to ensure that all the components supplied by trucks from the immediate vicinity of our plants reach our production lines with zero local emissions”, says Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics.
Both the electric tractors that were tested are equipped with standard semi-trailers and will replace the existing diesel-powered vehicles on their respective routes until May next year. In the next phase, from June 2022, specially built shortened semi-trailers will be used at the Mladá Boleslav plant to transport batteries for electric cars, which will include handling equipment for automatic palette loading and unloading. ED
80 km
This is approximately the range of locally emission-free trucks on a single battery charge.
4.5 hr
Is the time necessary to recharge the battery to full capacity.
200 kWh
Of electric energy is consumed by the vehicles to drive 100 kilometres.
Data analytics in Logistics
KODA AUTO’s strategy towards digital transformation and the challenges of the present make data analytics a key tool for effective management and resilience of the entire logistics chain. This is why the PLL-S – Logistics Planning and System Support department has created a data team (see photo) to help with the development of platform-based solutions for big data, RPA (robotic process automation) and AI (artificial intelligence). Currently, fully automated reports for key logistics processes in Power BI already run across the entire department. “We continue to implement data from the Group’s logistics systems to build our so-called Control Tower, which is a common goal for all of the Group’s logistics. The main idea behind the project is to have absolutely transparent data throughout the entire logistics chain with real-time process monitoring. Logistics will also use Early Warning Systems for the early detection of alerts of potential issues and learning AI that will suggest potential data-based adjustments in order to achieve maximum effectiveness (e.g. recall proposal, maximum truck utilisation, optimisation of the number of trips etc.)”, says Mojmír Barák from the PLL-S department. The PLL-S data team has five members. It has now gained the status of the first non-IT team that can facilitate the end-to-end processing and uploading of data to the data analytics platform (DAP) at ŠKODA AUTO. This offers anyone in logistics, as well as our other colleagues, assistance with data analysis, editing or management, including support in case of any issues. ED
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact e‑mail.
Smart Maintenance
A project developed at ŠKODA AUTO turns reactive maintenance into predictive maintenance and monitors the condition of the conveyors in the busiest hall, M13
KODA AUTO is systematically switching from reactive maintenance (fault repair) to predictive maintenance, which means trying to address repairs before the actual fault occurs. One of the examples of this approach is the MAGIC EYE project, which was carried out in Hall M13 in cooperation with the Central Technical Service (PSZ). In this project, artificial intelligence monitors the condition of the aluminium track used for the body-supporting hinges. It was inspired by an example from an Indian plant where a dispatcher monitors the tracks with a simple camera.
The assembly line in this hall is one of the busiest lines in Mladá Boleslav; here, the best-selling OCTAVIA model and the hope of the future, the ENYAQ iV, are built. The cars assembled there move either on special floors or on hinges that run on aluminium tracks at different heights. Every minute of downtime on this line, for example, caused by a need to eliminate a fault, costs the carmaker thousands of euros. This is why the Central Technical Service decided to launch one of its pilot projects for predictive maintenance, which facilitates repairs and minimises downtime. “Taking advantage of modern technologies, digitisation, data collection and estimating when a piece of equipment is on the verge of fault and repairing it before any fault or downtime occurs is optimal from the maintenance point of view”, explains Marek Jancák, Head of PF – Car Production.
A few weeks ago, the pilot phase of the MAGIC EYE project was successfully completed in Hall M13 and is in full operation now. A set of seven cameras has been installed on one of the 95 frames that run on the body tracks there. As they pass, they capture the condition of the track, including the cabling that ensures power and communication for the entire line system. “Owing to the restricted accessibility of the tracks, it was very difficult to check their condition manually; now, everything is monitored by a camera system connected to artificial intelligence”, says Libor Šída from the PF1-M/3 – Assembly Maintenance MB I department. However, before the new system could be deployed, the artificial intelligence had to be trained to detect faults. “The learning process took about three months, and we fed thousands of photos into the system. Since some faults are rare, we had to create their images ourselves”, explains Šída. Now, the MAGIC EYE already knows about 14 types of faults, such as cracks, loose nuts or bolts or foreign objects in the track. “With this project, we have smoothly moved from reactive to predictive maintenance. The modern maintenance technician is no longer just a technician and a mechanic but a specialist who predicts possible faults in equipment and proposes new prediction methods”, says Filip Koliáš from the PSZ depratment.
It is not without interest that ŠKODA AUTO has applied for a patent for this solution and intends to deploy it at several other plants as well. ED
Want to see how Magic Eye works in practice? Check out the new episode in the ŠKODA TECHNICAL: My Machine series:
My Footprint in Production
My Footprint in Production
Good decision
Find out how an employee who joined ŠKODA AUTO from abroad perceives her work in production in an interview with Lejla Hamzić from PFS – Car Production Management.
Lejla Hamzić
PFS – Car Production Management
What is your relationship to the automotive industry, and what led you to work at ŠKODA AUTO?
I studied at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and my bachelor’s thesis focused on engines and vehicles. I wanted to use the knowledge I had obtained during my studies and gain practical experiences. When I was writing my thesis, I wondered where to go next. I could have joined the Trainee Programme at ŠKODA AUTO, stayed on to work in Bosnia and Herzegovina or moved on to my PhD studies in Ostrava. I chose the car company, and in retrospect, I think it was a good decision. I’m happy to be working in the automotive industry during the transition to electromobility.
You started here as a trainee. How much did it influence your further career?
The trainee programme is a great start because it allowed me to experience the carmaker from a different perspective. I spent a year working in various departments, meeting new colleagues, gaining more experiences, working on interesting projects and preparing for my target position. The trainee programme also allowed me to better understand the department that I currently work at.
What does work at an automotive company bring you?
One of the greatest benefits is the daily opportunity to learn something new. The whole car manufacturing process is very complex, and we always have to solve a number of problems. In the past two years, I’ve worked with numerous colleagues, learned Czech, improved my German and gained a project management position. All of this, together with my international experiences, has helped me to bring a different perspective to my department on how certain problems can be solved.
Do you find it challenging to work in production?
Sometimes it’s a hectic and demanding job because there are multiple changes every day. I like challenges, problem solving and continuous improvement. That is what I encounter every day. Surrounding yourself with colleagues who are positive as well, willing to listen and help you to solve issues is very important. ED
Chronicle 2021
A Year of Transformation and Digital Challenges
Despite the ongoing challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ŠKODA AUTO made a significant shift towards its future in 2021 by achieving a number of historic milestones and small victories
Electric impulse
The electromobility offensive gained momentum in the past year. ŠKODA’s first all-electric SUV, the ENYAQ iV, is on its way to customers. Norway was the first to see it in April, followed by the Czech Republic in May. The model was highly acclaimed, picked up some prestigious awards and became the best-selling all-electric SUV in Germany. In September, the carmaker also unveiled the body variant of its ENYAQ COUPÉ iV for the first time, so far only in its camouflaged form.
ŠKODA Motorsport marked the anniversary of the Mladá Boleslav–based carmaker’s entry into the world of motorsport, where it has been active since 1901. However, the team is thinking about the future as well, and in 2021, it focused on developing a new special model based on the fourth-generation FABIA.
The 120th anniversary of motorsport is the subject of a supplement.
VW Group’s confidence
In the past year, ŠKODA AUTO took over responsibility for the global platform for the first time. Thus, it will be responsible for developing the cornerstone of affordable compact cars, the MQB-A0 platform.
Old friends with (not only) new faces
The classic of the Mladá Boleslav brand came to life in 2021 when the FABIA’s fourth generation made its debut in May. Thanks to the use of the company’s MQB-A0 platform, the car has grown up and gained a number of modern technologies that were previously uncommon in this class. And to make matters better, the carmaker also introduced the updated KODIAQ and KAROQ models with even more dynamic designs.
The new FABIA model is presented in detail in the supplement
episodes in English
In cooperation with ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab, the GK – Communications department has launched its SIMPLY CLEVER PODCAST, which introduces listeners to the carmaker’s world of innovation and other behind-the-scenes features. In addition to 18 Czech episodes, there are also three in English.
Raw materials round the corner
Together with the Technical University of Liberec, ŠKODA AUTO has patented its sustainable material for interior elements. It consists of crushed sugar beet, which the carmaker sources from the Dobrovice sugar factory located near Mladá Boleslav.
We don’t smoke at ŠKODA AUTO
The carmaker became a completely smoke-free company on 1 September. The change, in which its social partner, the KOVO Trade Union, participated as well, was accompanied by a campaign with specific employees.
Determined to fight the pandemic
The year 2021 was once again influenced by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly affected people’s lives and impacted the automotive industry as well. ŠKODA AUTO had to deal with taking care of its employees’ health but also a chip shortage that severely limited production, which had to be interrupted several times. In the case of health protection, the carmaker focused on vaccination in addition to a range of hygiene measures, the provision of protective equipment and testing. To promote vaccinations, the carmaker developed a strong campaign, incentive programme and on-site vaccinations. It also continued helping to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, and not only in the Czech Republic. For example, at the end of May and in early June, it organised the dispatch of two flights with necessary medical equipment for overloaded hospitals in India.
The fleet of electric BeRider scooters operated by ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab in Prague surpassed a significant milestone in its third and most successful season.
CZK saved
Thanks to the proposed improvements to the ZEBRA system, in the first half of 2021 alone, we saved significantly more money than in the previous year. The number of improvement proposals and their authors increased as well.
Decades of Cooperation
The carmaker also commemorated its successful merger with the VW Group, which happened 30 years ago, on 16 April 1991.
Online meetings and calls*
Communication is increasingly taking place in the digital environment through meetings, calls and messages via Skype and MS Teams. To give you an idea, there are on average 32,850 online meetings or calls per working day and 125,706 messages. The pandemic has impacted this trend as well, with most interactions via apps taking place during the severe lockdown last spring.
*Data from January to November 2021.
More considerate to nature
Employees joined the Group’s #project1hour initiative and came up with more than 100 voluntary commitments to reduce their carbon footprint. Then, in September, the carmaker organised its Green Week for them: one week dedicated to sustainability in all the areas of life.
Indian adventure
The offensive on the Indian market, which is ŠKODA AUTO’s responsibility for the entire VW Group, has taken off significantly in the past year. Under the banner of the INDIA 2.0 project, the new compact SUV KUSHAQ was first launched in March, followed by the SLAVIA sedan in November. Both models are based on the MQB-A0-IN platform, tailored to the local customers’ needs and 95 percent locally produced. The carmaker is also moving forward in India thanks to its We !nnovate Programme, which it introduced in January, and its successful promotion of the FORCE Program.
Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics, assesses the functioning of the FORCE Program
Fresh wind
In 2021, ŠKODA AUTO continued its transformation to meet future needs. Johannes Neft has been on the Board since the beginning of the year and is responsible for the E – Technical Development area. In March, Maren Gräf took over responsibility as Board Member for Area S. Under her leadership, a transformation strategy was developed, and the area was given a new name, People & Culture. At the same time, Martin Jahn joined the Board to take over the V – Sales and Marketing area. This too has undergone significant restructuring to reflect changing customer requirements and new business models. In October, Christian Schenk became the new Board Member for the F – Financing and IT area.
Welcoming changes
Being more international, more electrified and more digital. With these objectives in mind, the carmaker adopted and presented its new corporate policy, NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, in June. More than five dozen experts from across the carmaker worked on it. The EXPAND, EXPLORE and ENGAGE pillars summarise the objectives of becoming one of the Top 5 best-selling brands in Europe, becoming the leading European carmaker in India, Russia and North Africa, introducing carbon-neutral production at the Czech and Indian plants and introducing at least three new all-electric models. All by 2030.
Did you know that...
… following the principles of the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, all the areas of the carmaker’s strategy are now undergoing changes? You can read about the Purchasing area’s current direction here.
Meals a day
In April, the new Central Kitchen in Mladá Boleslav began operating, and in addition to its significantly greater capacity, its state-of-the-art technology allows for the freshest possible ingredients on the plate.
A record number of participants lined up for the start of the Classic Tour vintage ride in September.
Investments for the future
Production and other plant areas are undergoing constant transformation. The milestones of the past year include the opening of the new Central Pilot Hall M63 in January, which enables the use of virtual reality or 3D printing in pre-series production and in build tests. Moreover, the building was not built from scratch but redeveloped from a previously underused former electroplating plant. Another major investment was made in Česana, where a three-storey complex for building test cars and prototypes opened earlier this year. A new Technology Centre was also added in July, providing facilities for the development of electromobility, cybersecurity, online services etc.
More Modern and More Economical
Four years after its launch, the successful SUV KAROQ gets its innovated version
KODA’s authorised partners on the Czech market have already started pre-sales of the modernised KAROQ, with the recommended price starting at CZK 638,900. It has a more distinctive look and improved aerodynamic features. Appearance-wise, its most noticeable changes include a wider hexagonal radiator grille and narrower headlights, which are also available, for the first time, in a variant with Matrix-LED technology. A more elongated body silhouette with a new roof spoiler in the same colour as the car, Air Curtain in the front bumper and other features ensure improved aerodynamic properties for less fuel consumption and fewer CO2 emissions. Customers can choose from five petrol and diesel engines in the Evo generation, all with lower fuel consumption and emissions.
The new version of the model puts even greater emphasis on connectivity. In 2022, the KAROQ will be offered exclusively with a virtual cockpit in two sizes: standard mini and, from the Style trim level onwards, a larger, individually configurable 10.25-inch cockpit. The assistance systems, such as Automatic Parking, Trailer Manoeuvring Assistant and the panoramic camera system, offer additional convenience. Up to nine airbags ensure crew safety as well.
The big innovation is the ECO fabric supplied on request. It uses vegan and partially recycled materials. The seat cover material is made from PET bottles.
Oliver Stefani
Head of ED – ŠKODA Design
Black dominates the sports version
The top variant of the model is the KAROQ SPORTLINE. The most powerful 2.0 TSI petrol engine with 140 kW output is available exclusively for this variant. The model features its black paint on the body and black interior. The dashboard is decorated with Piano Black trim, and the door trim is in Carbon. The sports seats are also black and covered with ThermoFlux breathable fabric. On the Czech market, the price of the KAROQ SPORTLINE model starts at CZK 763,900. ED
Women Helping Women
The Woman to Woman mentoring programme significantly supports women’s career development at ŠKODA AUTO
↑ In the pilot project Woman to Woman, mentor Jana Růžičková (left), head of the SB department, led Marcela Orlovská, an expert coordinator of qualitative planning from the SPP unit.
ollowing the successful completion of the pilot phase of the Woman to Woman Programme, which culminated in the spring of 2021, the project is now in the full swing. It is currently open to women who are interested in career growth and already in the Talent Programme. The mentoring programme will serve to support and encourage them to manage their own development, maximise their potential, develop their skills, appropriately divide their energies among the demands of their personal and professional lives and make quality choices for their future careers.
The essence of the programme is the voluntary support of talent by a female manager. She is more experienced and helps her colleague to improve her work or management skills, guides her in orientation on her career path and balances her demands of work and family but also counts on using her potential and strengthening her self-confidence, among others. Jana Růžičková, Head of SB – Operational HR Care, Digitisation, HR 4.0, and Eva Kancnýřová, Head of VAC – Customer Centre, participated in the pilot project as mentors and provided support to the talents, Kateřina Vránová from EDI/3 – Colour and Trim and Marcela Orlovská from SPP – HR Planning & Social Services.
The Woman to Woman Programme is among the activities that the carmaker’s management has supported to achieve the goal of 25 percent female representation in its management, as defined in the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. This project was initiated following breakfast meetings with female managers held some time ago as part of the Diversity Project. At that time, 90 percent of those in attendance agreed that systematic consultation with and support from female managers would have helped them when they were talents.
The Woman to Woman Programme is also presented on video, which you can watch in the Media Room on ŠKODA Space. ED
Jana Růžičková
Head of SB – Operational HR Care, Digitisation, HR 4.0
Diversity is a key success factor for the development of ŠKODA AUTO and includes gender balance among its pillars. Strengthening women’s principles in management is, therefore, very important. The female perspective on dealing with some of the difficult situations that female talents encounter on their way to management differs from the male perspective. Sharing information with experienced female managers can, therefore, support our female talent on this journey: for example, tips and advice on how to balance family and career or how to deal with one’s position in the team.
Increase your potential
Are you one of the talent programme participants interested in becoming a manager? Join the Woman to Woman Programme, through which trained managers will share their experiences with you. Contact Martina Ficková of SE – ŠKODA Academy at martina.fickova@skoda-auto.cz or at 730 860 581.
Achievements and Trophies
Achievements and Trophies
Best PR Team of 2021
The team of the company’s communication and ŠKODA AUTO’s internal communication wins the Spokesperson of the Year 2021 industry award
n 1 December, the carmaker’s representatives received awards in the Spokesperson of the Year 2021 professional competition. ŠKODA AUTO was awarded first place in this year’s PR Team of the Year category by the expert jury. The Spokesperson of the Year industry award is handed out every year by the PR Club to reward the work of spokespeople and PR teams who directly create the media image of companies and institutions. This year’s jury comprised media editors, editors-in-chief and experts in PR and communications. The evaluation criteria included demonstrating quality work linked to the principles and standards of ethics of the profession and contributing to a positive perception by the general public. “The biggest communication challenge for my colleagues was the coronavirus pandemic and also the associated chip shortage in the automotive industry.
I’m very pleased that the team’s knowledge, experiences and commitment have been recognised in this prestigious competition. I’m very proud of my team! It’s great motivation for our further work.
Jens Katemann
Head of GK – Communications
There was a lot of pressure on external communication, particularly on the speed of crisis communication when production was stopped. At the same time, our internal communication was inseparably linked to this. The main objective was to keep all the employees informed about when and how to come to work during the various lockdowns and shift cancellations. However, they were able to try out their new ways of communication, which subsequently became standard”, says Martin Jahn, Board Member for Sales and Marketing. Tomáš Kotera, Head of GKU – Corporate Communications, also appreciates the work of his colleagues from the Corporate and Internal Communications team in a challenging period. “Crisis communication of topics, such as COVID-19, semiconductor shortages, the company’s entry into new markets, repeated production stops and extended delivery times of cars to our customers accompany us every day. Therefore, we greatly appreciate recognition in the form of winning the PR Club’s professional competition. I thank our teammates for their great work”, says Kotera. Moreover, this is the second such an award in recent times. In September, our Internal Communications won the Golden Semicolon Award in the Crisis Communication, Change Communication and Public Affairs category. ED
Survey Results
Stimmungsbarometer has shown further improvement in employee sentiment at ŠKODA AUTO
Comparison of survey results
Total index
Policy indicator
Total index
Policy indicator
Policy indicator
Total index
Policy indicator
he Stimmungsbarometer employee satisfaction survey was conducted at all the carmaker’s Czech plants from 4 to 24 October. Although external factors influenced the voting process again this year (in particular, the operations of numerous voting sites were limited or interrupted on some days), very solid employee turnout of 77 percent was reached: 27,319 employees voted, including 6,690 at the voting sites.
Voting results
As in the previous year, the overall index rose – this time, to 89.5 points (compared with 88.3 in 2020). The Policy Indicator index, which measures the level of our corporate culture, increased to 89.1 points (87.9 in 2020). You can find out how your team fared in the Results section of the Stimmungsbarometer app (accessible via the ŠKODA Space portal), and your line manager will inform you of the results by the end of March at the latest.
Top-rated questions
In line with the 2020 survey, the question focusing on employer attractiveness received the best response, at 94.1 points (93.7 in 2020). The questions focusing on quality or compliance rated very well. There is the most room for improvement for questions examining positive changes in the last year, rating 82.7 points (81.4 in 2020), and work–life balance with 84.5 points (81.8 in 2020).
Voting at other companies
The ŠKODA companies around the world took part in the survey again this year. Since mid-September, our colleagues from ŠKODA AUTO Deutschland have been voting. Our colleagues at ŠKODA AUTO Slovakia and DigiLab in the Czech Republic started voting at the same time as we did. Our colleagues in India shared their views as well. During the four weeks of voting, they saw very high turnout (more than 98 percent of employees). ED
When do you need to define measures in your team?
If the total index of your unit or team has exceeded 79 points, you do not need to create any measures.
If the index of all the questions in the results report for the supervisor and direct reports did not reach 79 points, you are required to define two measures on the topics that you agree on.
When is discussion necessary?
Discussion of the results must always take place, regardless of whether you have achieved 79 points on the overall index. Only discuss the policy indicator if you have you have not scored 79 on it. In this case, however, you do not need to conduct two discussions; from this year onwards, you only need to conduct the Policy Indicator discussion as part of the results discussion and confirm this by entering the data into the Stimmungsbarometer application.
What is an overall index?
This index gives a value for 22 questions from blocks I to IV. The value of the overall index (less or more than 79 points) determines whether you will create measures in your team.
More information can be found on the Stimmungsbarometer page on the ŠKODA Space portal.
Pravidla soutěže
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 26. 11. 2021 do 9. 12. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GKU jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Prosinec 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováno 10 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
10x dva lístky na představení do Národního divadla
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 26. 11. 2021.
Sysel při západu slunce na Radouči
Bedřichov po cestě na přehradu
Zima v Arberu
Přehrada Souš
Kozí hřbety nad Špindlerovým Mlýnem
Mléčná dráha nad osadou Jizerka
Pravidla soutěže Motorsport
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 27. 08. 2021 do 20. 09. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Září 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováni 5 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
5x Jízda vozem FABIA Rally2 evo
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 27. 08. 2021.
Pravidla soutěže PDF
Modely – fotogalerie
Like the KODIAQ, the smaller KAROQ also gets a more dynamic look this year with a more distinctive grille.
The headlights are narrower and for the first time also available with Matrix-LED technology.
Also new are the sharply cut Top LED tail lights with animated direction indicators and a welcome effect.
In the interior, for example, the decorative mouldings have been changed and ECO fabric covers are now also available.
Customers can also choose the sporty SPORTLINE version of the new KAROQ.
It features distinctive black paintwork, car-coloured bumpers and a black diffuser.
Vyroba – fotogalerie
MAGIC EYE monitors the condition of the conveyors in hall M13.
It was deployed on one of the 95 hangers in this operation.
MAGIC EYE is mainly used for maintenance, which it changes from reactive to predictive.
ŠKODA AUTO intends to deploy this project in other plants.
Škodováci – fotogalerie
Paraglidingu Nikola zcela propadla.
Létá třetí sezonu.
Stále se však něco učí, například starty.
Kdyby jí nebyla zima, létá i celoročně.
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{"en":"Year 2019 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2019 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2018 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2018 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2017 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2017 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2020 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2020 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2016 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2016 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2015 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2015 (PDF)"}
{"en":"ŠKODA Weekly","cz":"ŠKODA Týdeník"}
{"en":"Year 2020","cz":"Ročník 2020"}
{"en":"Year 2021","cz":"Ročník 2021"}
Ročník 2022
Ročník 2023
Enyaq in a new outfit
Right at the start of 2025, Škoda Auto is preparing a grand premiere to present a new version of the Enyaq and Enyaq Coupé. Now even more appealing thanks to the Modern Solid design language, they offer customers much more than ever before – from sustainable materials to more advanced digital features and assistance systems, along with an extended range made possible by improved aerodynamics.
Enyaq v novém hávu
Hned na úvod roku 2025 nachystala Škoda Auto velkou premiéru, na které představila novou verzi vozů Enyaq a Enyaq Coupé. Ty jsou nyní ještě přitažlivější díky využití designového jazyka Modern Solid. A zákazníkům toho nabízejí mnohem více. Od udržitelných materiálů přes pokročilejší digitální funkce a asistenční systémy až po prodloužený dojezd díky vylepšené aerodynamice.
Accelerated Kylaq roll-out
The launch of the new Kylaq SUV in India was completed five weeks ahead of schedule, which allowed the brand’s most compact vehicle to reach customers sooner and strengthen Škoda Auto's competitiveness on the Indian market. Thanks to this accelerated ramp-up, production in Pune started on 12 December, and thus, the project team was able to build on the successful launches of the Kushaq and Slavia.
Urychlený náběh Kylaqu
Zahájení výroby nového SUV Kylaq v Indii se podařilo uskutečnit s pětitýdenním předstihem, což umožnilo přivést aktuálně nejkompaktnější vůz značky k zákazníkům dříve, a přispět tak ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Škoda Auto na indickém trhu. Díky urychlení náběhu začala jeho výroba v Púně už 12. prosince. Projektovému týmu se tak podařilo navázat na úspěšné náběhy modelů Kushaq a Slavia.
Elroq enters series production
Škoda Auto started mass production of the Elroq in January. This all-electric model not only introduces the Modern Solid design but also incorporates several technological innovations. The Elroq rolled off the production line in Mladá Boleslav, marking its launch four years after production began on the Enyaq, the carmaker’s first electric SUV, which shares the same production line in the M13 hall.
Elroq v sériové výrobě
Škoda Auto v lednu zahájila sériovou výrobu modelu Elroq. V Mladé Boleslavi tak začal z výrobních linek sjíždět plně elektrický model, který přináší nejenom nový design Modern Solid, ale i spoustu technologických inovací. Náběh modelu Elroq přichází po čtyřech letech od startu výroby prvního elektrického SUV Enyaq, se kterým sdílí i výrobní linku v mladoboleslavské hale M13.
February anniversaries
What does the first recorded theft of an L&K car on Czech territory have in common with the digital world premiere of the updated Octavia model? Both took place in the month of February, but 113 years apart! These and other fascinating February milestones from the automaker’s history are presented in the section celebrating the 130th anniversary of Škoda Auto.
Jak to chodí / mistrovske-forum
Únorová výročí
Víte, co má společného první popsaná krádež vozu L&K na českém území s digitální světovou premiérou inovovaného modelu Octavia? Oba historicky důležité okamžiky se odehrály v měsíci únoru, i když je od sebe dělí úctyhodných 113 let. Nejen tyto zajímavosti, ale také mnoho dalších únorových milníků automobilky přináší nyní už pravidelná rubrika věnovaná 130. výročí založení Škoda Auto.
The supercharged Kodiaq RS
The sporty version of the second-generation Kodiaq is even more dynamic, thanks to the new 195 kW 2.0 TSI EVO engine with all-wheel drive. The Kodiaq RS is traditionally adorned with black design elements, such as the mirror caps, the trim around the side windows and the grille frame. The interior features Suedia fibre upholstery combined with faux leather and offers optional sports seats.
Nabušený Kodiaq RS
Sportovní verze druhé generace modelu Kodiaq je díky novému motoru 2,0 TSI EVO o výkonu 195 kW a s pohonem všech kol ještě dynamičtější. Kodiaq RS tradičně zdobí černé designové prvky, jako jsou kryty zpětných zrcátek, lišty kolem bočních oken nebo rámeček masky chladiče. Interiér sází na čalounění s vláknem Suedia v kombinaci s umělou kůží a na přání je bez příplatku dodáván se sportovními sedadly.
Elroq dazzles in Mallorca
To raise awareness of the new compact and affordable Elroq electric car among customers in key markets following its October launch, Škoda Auto hosted an event for journalists on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca in late November and early December. There, they had the opportunity to get to know the model thoroughly, including test drives in attractive surroundings and on challenging terrain.
Elroq oslnil na Mallorce
Aby se nový kompaktní a dostupný elektromobil Elroq dostal po své říjnové premiéře do většího povědomí zákazníků na klíčových trzích, uspořádala Škoda Auto na přelomu listopadu a prosince akci pro stovky novinářů z celého světa na středomořském ostrově Mallorca. S modelem se zde důkladně seznámili během prezentací a také při testovacích jízdách v atraktivním prostředí a místy i náročnějším terénu.
January anniversaries
The year 2025 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of Škoda. That’s why, in each issue of this year’s Škoda Mobil, you’ll find historical highlights related to the month of publication. So, what happened in January? In 1936, for example, the carmaker took part in the Monte Carlo Rally for the first time. This issue explores the successes achieved at this famous event and more.
Lednová výročí
Celý rok 2025 se ponese ve znamení výročí 130 let od založení automobilky Škoda. Proto se v každém letošním Škoda Mobilu můžete těšit na historické zajímavosti, které se vztahují vždy k měsíci vydání. A co se tedy událo v lednu? Například v roce 1936 se automobilka poprvé účastnila Rallye Monte-Carlo. Nejen o úspěších dosažených na této slavné soutěži se dočtete tentokrát.
Future-Proof Factory
As part of its new strategic initiative, Peak, the Production and Logistics area is focusing on the competitiveness of vehicle and component manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic and India. Future-Proof Factory is one of three initiatives outlining the steps necessary to successfully address the challenges ahead. It aims to prepare plants for future manufacturing needs and their transformation.
Továrna budoucnosti
Ve své nové strategické iniciativě peak se oblast Výroby a logistiky zaměřuje na konkurenceschopnost závodů na výrobu vozů a komponentů v České republice i v Indii. Továrna budoucnosti je jednou ze tří hlavních iniciativ nastiňujících strategické kroky, které jsou nezbytné pro úspěšné řešení nadcházejících výzev. Jejím cílem je příprava závodů na budoucí výrobu a jejich další transformaci.
Škoda Mobil Únor
Škoda Mobil February
Škoda Mobil Leden
Škoda Mobil January
Škoda Mobil December
Škoda Mobil Prosinec
Škoda Mobil November
Škoda Mobil Listopad
Škoda Mobil Říjen
Škoda Mobil October
Škoda Mobil Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br>June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Leden
Škoda Mobil<br>January
Škoda Mobil<br>December
Škoda Mobil<br>Prosinec
Škoda Mobil<br>November
Škoda Mobil<br>Listopad
Škoda Mobil<br>Říjen
Škoda Mobil<br>October
Škoda Mobil<br>Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil<br>August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br> June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March 2023
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>November 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>June 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2021
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>January 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>July 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2020
Skoda Mobil – newsletter <br>06/2020
<b>ŠKODA Mobil</b><br>Květen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>May 2020.
Dubnové vydání CZ
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2020.
Březnové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2020.
Únorové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2020.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2020.
Lednové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2017.
{"en":"Škoda Weekly","cz":"Škoda Týdeník"}
{"cz":"Týdenní zpravodaj pro zaměstnance. Každý čtvrtek shrnuje hlavní události uplynulého týdne ve Škoda Auto, přináší novinky z kultury i regionu.","en":"Weekly Thursday newsletter for employees. A summary of the last week‘s main events at Škoda Auto, regional news as well as cultural events."}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
06/2025 Škoda Týdeník
06/2025 Škoda Weekly
05/2025 Škoda Týdeník
05/2025 Škoda Weekly
04/2025 Škoda Týdeník
04/2025 Škoda Weekly
03/2025 Škoda Týdeník
03/2025 Škoda Weekly
Skoda TVK
02/2025 Škoda Týdeník
02/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Týdeník
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43/2024 Škoda Weekly
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40/2024 Škoda Weekly
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38/2024 Škoda Weekly
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33/2024 Škoda Weekly
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32/2024 Škoda Weekly
Plakat - Skoda Classic Tour
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31/2024 Škoda Weekly
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30/2024 Škoda Weekly
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29/2024 Škoda Weekly
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24/2024 Škoda Weekly
Cervenec - mesic bez plastu
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11/2024 Škoda Weekly
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10/2024 Škoda Weekly
09/2024 Škoda Týdeník
09/2024 Škoda Weekly
08/2024 Škoda Weekly
08/2024 Škoda Týdeník
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07/2024 Škoda Weekly
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06/2024 Škoda Weekly
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04/2024 Škoda Weekly
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06/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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05/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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40/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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21/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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11/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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09/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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08/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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07/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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05/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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04/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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03/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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02/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
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48/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
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45/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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44/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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42/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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41/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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40/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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39/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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38/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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36/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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35/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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34/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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33/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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32/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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31/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
31/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
30/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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29/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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28/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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27/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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26/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
26/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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24/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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23/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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22/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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21/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
21/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
20/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
20/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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18/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
18/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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17/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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16/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
15/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
15/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
14/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
14/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
13/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
13/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
12/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
12/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
11/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
11/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
08/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
03/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
02/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
{"cz":"Škoda Přílohy","en":"Skoda Supplements"}
{"cz":"Součástí Škoda Mobilu, zaměstnaneckých novin mladoboleslavské automobilky, jsou speciální přílohy, které se věnují mimořádným tématům z pohledu společnosti Škoda Auto. Mohou být součástí novin, ve shodném formátu jako noviny, vložené, například ve formě letáku, nebo to mohou být samostatné unikátní magazíny ve specifickém formátu jako například přílohy věnující se novým modelům, historickým výročím značky, nebo jiným důležitým informacím z prostředí firmy.","en":"Škoda Mobil, the employee newspaper of the Mladá Boleslav-based carmaker, includes special supplements that focus on especially important topics from Škoda's perspective. Supplements can be a part of the newspaper, in the same format as the newspaper, inserted, for example, in the form of a flyer, or they can be stand-alone unique magazines in a specific format, such as supplements dedicated to new models, the brand's historical anniversaries, or other important information from the company's environment."}
Triobo Ltd.
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Diversity Report 2023
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eMobility EN
Diversity Report 2021
Výroční zpráva Diverzity 2021
Cafeteria Benefity ŠKODA
ŠKODA příloha Strategie
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Komentované prohlídky ŠKODA Muzea za 40 Kč
120 Years on the Racetrack
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
120 let Motorsportu
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
Diversity report 2020
Výroční zpráva diverzity
Infografika - Nová centrální kuchyně
Dohody Kolektivni smlouvy
Diversity report 2019
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2019
Ride into the future
Jízda do budoucnosti
125 Years
125 let
Kolektivní smlouva 2020
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil.
Benefits ŠKODA Cafeteria
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Benefity ŠKODA Cafeteria
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, prosinec 2019.
60 let ŠKODA Octavia
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2019.
60 Years of the ŠKODA OCTAVIA
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červenec 2019.
Ride To The Future
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, July 2019
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - supplement ŠKODA Mobil, January 2019.
Volby do dozorčí rady
Mezi námi
Speciální nabídka vozů pro zaměstnance ŠKODA AUTO.
Motorem První republiky
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2018.
Driver of the First Republic
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, September 2018.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Sedm příběhů o proměně osobní mobility.
Ride Into The Future
Supplement ŠKODA Mobil, June 2018.
Kolektivní smlouva 2018
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2018
Péče o zdraví
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2017.
1927-2017: 90 years of vocational training. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
1927-2017: 90 let SOUs. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2017.
ŠKODA KAROQ - člen rodiny SUV. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, srpen 2017.
Ride Into The Future
50 phenomena that will take control of your future. ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
50 fenoménů, které ovládnou naši budoucnost. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červen 2017.
ŠKODA OCTAVIA: the heart of the brand. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
Srdce značky. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, únor 2017.
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2017
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2017.
{"cz":"Škoda GreenFuture"}
{"cz":"Green Future"}
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Green Future
02/25 GreenFuture
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GreenFuture<br>Září 2024
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GreenFuture<br>Srpen 2024
08/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>August 2024
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GreenFuture<br>Červenec 2024
07/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>July 2024
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GreenFuture<br>Červen 2024
06/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>June 2024
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GreenFuture<br>Květen 2024
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GreenFuture<br>May 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Duben 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>April 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Březen 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>March 2024
02/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Únor 2024
GreenFuture<br>February 2023
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GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
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GreenFuture<br>October 2023
11/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Září 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>September 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Květen 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>May 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Duben 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Březen 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>March 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Únor 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>February 2023
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
11/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
11/2022 BudEko
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>October 2022
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Říjen 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Září 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>September 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2022
08/2022 BudEko
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2022
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Květen 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>May 2022
05/2022 BudEko
04/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Duben 2022
04/2022 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2022
04/2022 BudEko
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Březen 2022
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>March 2022
03/2022 BudEko
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Leden 2022
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>January 2022
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Prosinec 2021
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>December 2021
12/2021 BudEko
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Listopad 2021
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>November 2021
11/2021 BudEko
10/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
10/2021 BudEko
09/2021 BudEko
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 BudEko
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 BudEko
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 BudEko
05/2021 BudEko
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 BudEko
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 BudEko
02/2021 BudEko
11/2020 Green Future
11/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
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5/2020 Green Future
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4/2020 Green Future
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3/2020 Green Future
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2/2020 Green Future
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1/2020 Green Future
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12/2019 Green Future
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11/2019 Green Future
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10/2019 Green Future
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09/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
01/2019 Green Future
12/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
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09/2018 Green Future
09/2018 Green Future
08/2018 Green Future
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07/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
01/2018 Green Future
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12/2017 Green Future
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10/2017 Green Future
09/2017 Green Future
09/2017 Green Future
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05/2017 Green Future
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04/2017 Green Future
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03/2017 Green Future
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02/2017 Green Future
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01/2017 Green Future