{"cz":"Škoda Mobil","en":"Škoda Mobil"}
{"cz":"Škoda Mobil jsou firemní noviny pro zaměstnance Škoda Auto, které vychází jednou měsíčně a představují aktuální informace z dění ve Škoda Auto a koncernu Volkswagen. Pravidelné rubriky se zaměřují na zaměstnance, inovace a zajímavé projekty z prostředí firmy, aktuální informace z oblasti Motorsportu a mnohá další témata.","en":"Škoda Mobil is the company newspaper for Škoda Auto employees, published monthly and presenting up-to-date information on what is happening at Škoda Auto and the Volkswagen Group. The regular columns focuses on employees, innovations and interesting projects from within the company, current information from Škoda Motorsport and many other topics."}
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
News from the ŠKODA World
Flight through the ŠKODA World
What is happening at ŠKODA AUTO
AIM.Lab will focus on artificial intelligence
In cooperation with the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, the carmaker has opened the AIM.Lab (Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Lab – ed.). ŠKODA AUTO was represented at the early September ceremony by Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics, and Jana Polášek Filová, Innovation Management Coordinator from PPD – Digitisation and Industry 4.0. The unique project, which was created on the basis of several years of successful cooperation between this department and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, focuses on data analysis, applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as optimisation within industrial practice issues.
For more information, visit ŠKODA Space.
Success even without exposure
Owing to the pandemic situation and travel restrictions for media and customers, ŠKODA AUTO will not be attending the Munich Motor Show in September. However, the carmaker organised a special programme for selected journalists in Germany, where it offered them test drives with the fourth-generation FABIA and a camouflaged ENYAQ COUPÉ iV car. The company also set up the ŠKODA Media Lounge, where Herbert Diess, VW Group Chairman, met with Thomas Schäfer, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The event was carried out at a fraction of the cost of the usual motor show presentations, yet was very well received.
ŠKODA AUTO plans to participate in the next motor show as soon as the pandemic situation improves.
Models and Services
ENYAQ iV even transports the pope
ŠKODA AUTO provided a total of four vehicles for Pope Francis’s visit to Slovakia in September. Two ENYAQ iV electric cars and two KAROQs were at the disposal of the highest representative of the Roman Catholic Church and his entourage. The carmaker modified them at the request of the Vatican – the cars got chrome flag holders, visitor’s logos on the mirror covers and handles to exit the vehicle more comfortably. All the cars were finished in black metallic paint and had a black interior. The pope also used ŠKODA cars during his visit to Ireland in 2018, when the carmaker provided him with four RAPID SPACEBACKs.
Delivered to your car boot
Owners of selected models equipped with ŠKODA Connect technology can have their online purchases delivered directly to their cars. The new Car Access service, which is currently running in pilot mode in Prague, will allow selected delivery partners to unlock the car, store the purchased item in the boot and lock it again securely. The customer does not need to be present during the handover, as the service is activated in the My ŠKODA app, where the customer can also track the delivery process. This saves time and avoids the risk of missing the courier. The pilot mode is scheduled to run until the end of the year, and once all the technical aspects have been fine-tuned, the service will be rolled out in other locations in the Czech Republic and in foreign markets.
On ŠKODA Storyboard, you can find out exactly how the service works.
Achievements and trophies
Bronze for the Dragon Boat crew
The ŠKODA AUTO team scored big at the 17th Dragonfest in Nymburk in September. The crew of the smaller 10-seater boat placed third in the most prestigious Open category on the long course. It lost only 3 seconds to the winner. The following day in the sprint race, the company team came in fifth. Owing to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, this was the only race of the year and, therefore, the team will not be getting ready for another one until the next season. It is also recruiting new members.
If you would like to become a member of the Dragon Boat crew, please contact Lukáš Sopík from EPO – Engine Development
The best technology and design
The readers of the German AUTO Straßenverkehr magazine have awarded the Family Car of the Year to ŠKODA vehicles. The ENYAQ iV won in the Best Technology and Best Design categories. Readers voted the SUPERB COMBI the best in the segment from EUR 25,000 to 35,000 in the categories of Best Value for Money and Best Technology. Together, the two models won six victories among imported cars and overall, making ŠKODA the most successful carmaker in this year's poll.
How they see us
auto-motor-und-sport.de (5 September 2021)
At the Munich Motor Show in early September, journalists rode in a camouflaged new car based on the ENYAQ iV electric SUV
Although the new electric car variant is described as a coupé, it remains a highly practical car for everyday use.
Plenty of interior space
Bright interior
Comfortable seats
In the test version, the chassis settings were not significantly different from the default ENYAQ iV
Group News
Affordable electric car concept
Volkswagen has unveiled its idea of a small electric car intended primarily for city travel. The ID. LIFE concept focuses on sustainability, digital technologies and timeless design. Several natural and recycled materials are used in the model. The designers took special care with the interior, which can have multiple functions. For example, it can quickly transform into a small cinema or even a gaming centre.
Focused on battery development
The VW Group’s new laboratory for the development of its own battery cells opened in Salzgitter, Germany. Unified cells are expected to be produced here from 2025, and VW plans to build a total of six additional battery cell factories in Europe by 2030. The company will invest EUR 70 million (almost CZK 1.8 billion) in research in Salzgitter and create 250 jobs for top experts there. The research focuses, among others, on cells that can be recharged from 5 to 80 percent capacity in just 12 minutes.
In less than two years, ŠKODA AUTO has already produced more than 100,000 iV cars. On 30 August, the ENYAQ iV became the anniversary car. In addition to the all-electric SUV, the SUPERB iV and OCTAVIA iV plug-in hybrids are also part of this range.
Protect yourself from infection
Autumn is upon us, bringing rising numbers of COVID-19 cases and other diseases with it
The best protection against the coronavirus pandemic is vaccination, which significantly reduces both the risk of infection and, most importantly, the possibility of having a serious bout of the illness and ending up in hospital. However, even this does not provide absolute protection and, furthermore, the season of influenza and other respiratory diseases is approaching. So, let’s recap how to protect your health.
If you have not been vaccinated yet, consider all the benefits it brings. If there are no serious reasons preventing you from getting the vaccine, get it as soon as possible. In addition, the incentive programme, thanks to which you can receive two extra days off or up to 4,000 points in the ŠKODA Benefits Cafeteria, is being extended until the end of October.
Follow the rule of three: hands (regular washing or disinfection), face masks and distancing.
Disinfect items shared at work and at home.
Ventilate and maintain high relative humidity (above 40%) in rooms – for example, by setting a lower temperature while wearing warmer clothes. In a dry environment, the droplets dry out and the virus stays in the air for a long time and travels farther.
Keep yourself in good shape: Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, vitamins (especially C and D in the recommended daily dosage) and be physically active outdoors, in places where there are no people. Get enough rest and sleep.
If you experience symptoms of the disease, contact your doctor. How COVID-19 differs from other respiratory diseases was described in the ŠKODA Mobil no. 11–12 issue of 2020.
Report a confirmed infection or contact with an infected person in the COVID-19 Case Records application.
Don’t stress. Don’t focus exclusively on the COVID-19 news coverage and stay as active as possible. And if the situation weighs heavily on you, don’t be ashamed to ask for psychological help:
Mladá Boleslav, Vrchlabí
Tomáš Mertin
Phone: 734 596 389
Ivana Krahulcová
Phone: 776 174 242
Don’t lose track
Keep up to date with the latest information in the COVID-19 signpost on ŠKODA Space. There you will find, among other things, instructions on how to download the COVID info card onto your mobile phone. You can also contact interni.komunikace@skoda-auto.cz. with any questions.
Get vaccinated
Take advantage of public vaccination points or get vaccinated directly at ŠKODA AUTO plants. For details and information on benefits for those who have been vaccinated, please visit ŠKODA Space.
InnoDay 2021
InnoDay 2021
Connect, Inspire, Educate
InnoDay 2021 and Edutec 2021 ran together and virtually
ow can the GSC InnoTeam and ŠKODA Academy staff fulfil their long-standing aspiration to “Connect, Inspire, and Educate” when COVID-19 has led to legislative restrictions, corporate constraints and personal health concerns? Because of (and despite) these challenges, the ŠKODA Virtual Event took place on 8 September 2021. Using their individual avatars, participants could find themselves in a ŠKODA virtual world and take part in two parallel events: the InnoDay 2021 innovation festival and the Edutec 2021 event promoting corporate training activities.
The virtual event is a new and unique way of bringing employees together. Even though they are not leaving their office or their study at home, participants can use their digital twin to choose which part of the event to attend, what to do there and whom to meet – not unlike the real world.
The world has changed significantly over the past year and a half. ŠKODA AUTO masterfully responded to the circumstances by organising a virtual event.
There was a lot to see
Each of the areas presented innovative projects they are working on or had recently completed. ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab and colleagues from India were also represented. Employees who preferred to be physically present at the event were not ignored either. Taking into account the requirements of the Production and Logistics area and respecting the COVID-related measures, it was also possible to visit the innovation booths in person at the ŠKODA Museum. Among others, more than 600 forepersons from Mladá Boleslav took advantage of the offer.
Furthermore, in the virtual world, internal experts alternated with external experts on the same stage. Topics included the new 2030 corporate strategy, the possibilities of augmented reality in online customer communication, the use of nanotechnology in production, the transfer of supplier innovations to customers and the further use of end-of-life batteries from ŠKODA cars. The second stage featured presentations on educational topics that addressed, among others, digital efficiency and safety, corporate culture and effective remote collaboration.
At other virtual booths, the individual teams presented digital and educational topics that are already influencing or will soon influence developments inside the carmaker. These include online and new methods for language learning, electrical engineering qualifications for employees, working with Office 365 and the potential for business process automation (RPA).
The event was interesting because of its content and also because of its innovative form. More than 2,300 participants could experience the future of large corporate, social and cultural events. ED
Christian Schrader
Head of GCS – Corporate Strategy and Innovation Management
The ŠKODA Virtual Event managed to live up to the high expectations: After many months of restrictions, it connected employees across the areas and departments and inspired them with successful projects or interesting lectures. Last but not least, the event also had an educational dimension thanks to the connection with colleagues from the ŠKODA Academy. The virtual part of the event with avatars, through which employees could connect digitally, emphasised one of the requirements for innovation: constantly try new things.
What is InnoDay?
It forms part of the internal activities that support the development of an innovative corporate culture. Its main objective is to present ŠKODA AUTO employees with important and inspiring projects from the digitisation and innovation of products, services and internal processes that have been developed in the individual areas. Visitors can gain hands-on experience of the presented projects and discuss the details directly with the experts implementing or responsible for the projects.
What is Edutec?
It is a fitting complement to InnoDay from the perspective of the ŠKODA Academy. It presents employees with an up-to-date showcase of educational activities, trends and tools in the field of education to support their innovative mindset.
Innovation Marketplace
Which projects did the individual segments present as part of the Marketplace at InnoDay 2021?
Production and Logistics
AI Eye – Visual Quality Check, Flat Stream application, Automating battery delivery, Direct quality feedback, Virtual reality in production
Human Resources Management
New digital HR tools and Arctic Shores
Digital services for corporate clients, KLIQ, ŠKODA Connect Fleet Solution, Virtual showroom
Sales and Marketing
Smart digital assistant, Virtual reality in Sales and Aftersales.
Guided Buying
Technical Development
Data collection and analysis, Deformation simulation during drying in the Paint Shop
Company Management
Traffication, e-Protocol
Finance and IT
Smart search for Controlling, Power Apps – Citizen Development
Here can be found an overview of the projects presented at the Innovation Marketplace.
Virtual Event in numbers
participants visited ŠKODA’s virtual world or came to the ŠKODA Museum Marketplace.
booths in the Innovation Marketplace offered innovations in all the areas and the ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab.
specialised booths presented current educational and digital topics.
lectures by corporate and external experts were given on virtual stages.
colleagues actively presented their projects or gave workshops and lectures.
For the first time
Employees were able to participate in an internal virtual event on such a large scale.
InnoDay 2021 / Forewomen and foremen
InnoDay 2021 / Forewomen and foremen
Night at the Museum or InnoDay in three shifts
nnoDay is regularly visited by ŠKODA AUTO employees, this year, due to the production shutdown, the forewomen and foremen got in. More than 600 of them came to the ŠKODA Museum for the Virtual Event. It inspires them to make improvements that they can then implement in their departments. "We used the unfavourable situation to our advantage and made it possible for all the foremen to attend InnoDay, because normally they don't have this opportunity when production is running”, says Christian Bleiel, Head of PK – Component Production. Such events not only show them new technologies used by the carmaker in other areas but also offer possible solutions to train and coach employees by using virtual reality, among others. “I am very pleased with the participation of the forepersons in these events because throughout the year, I monitor who has been ‘inspired’ by the event and tries to introduce technological innovations in their team or department. On a personal note, I would also like to thank the organizers of InnoDay for preparing and arranging the event for the foremen and forewomen in three shifts”, says Marek Jancák, Head of the PF – Car Production department. We interviewed three of the forepersons, who shared what appealed to them about the Virtual Event: Marek Bělský, who regularly attends similar events; Martin Pelant, who like most of his colleagues visited this year’s event for the first time; and Nikola Brettová, who is a newcomer among the forewomen. ed
Marek Bělský
PF1-M – Assembly MB I
At ŠKODA AUTO, I’m seeing a big shift in the field of artificial intelligence and digitisation. For many presentations, I can imagine them being used by our team. For example, we’re talking about checking car doors by using cameras, which could be used in Hall M13 to check the entire car. Or, the Virtual Reality in Production project, which could be used in the future to train new employees in specific workplaces or for car refurbishment work.
Martin Pelant
PF2-M/15 – Assembly Line MB II
I enjoy seeing technologies that will one day become part of our daily work and make it easier and more comfortable. I was especially interested in the Visual Check, which substitutes for workers and allows me, as a foreman, to use such workers for other work.
Nikola Brettová
PFO-B – Paint Shop M18
I was most impressed by the Virtual Reality in production, where I can imagine its deployment throughout the production process. For example, in the Paint Shop, it can serve in the area of later covered painted surfaces, where employees currently rely only on photos.
India 2.0
India's innovation base is growing
Innovation activities in the emerging market are underpinned by the We !nnovate programme
he importance of the Indian market is growing significantly and so is its innovation potential. ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) has decided to meet the challenge and introduced the We !nnovate innovation programme in January this year as part of its India Corporate Strategy 2030. It brings together the company’s activities in Aurangabad, Pune and Mumbai and fosters a culture of innovation and creativity among employees from all the areas so that they contribute to internal innovations. However, it also opens the door to innovative solutions from the outside. The strategy also envisages an Indian branch of the ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab innovation centre, which focuses on mobility solutions.
The programme’s biggest event has been the India Innovation Day, which took place in May, was attended by representatives from all the SAVWIPL areas and showcased more than 160 innovative ideas. The winning project that eventually emerged from the event was the replacement of the sill spraying application with the more precise Flat Stream technology, which uses a specially developed nozzle. The system provides an improvement to the visual surface of the car sills with a stable protective PVC coating. The modern technological solution saves up to 22 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, uses 450 grammes less material per car and saves the carmaker half a million euros annually. This is a cooperation project between ŠKODA AUTO and a team from India, where the pilot operation began in 2020. This year, the Flat Stream system is being deployed at the Kvasiny plant, and next year, Mladá Boleslav will also adopt it. However, it does not stop there: The innovative solution has the potential to spread to other VW Group plants and achieve far greater savings. This example demonstrates the importance of India’s We !nnovate programme in fostering India's innovation environment and the cooperation between the parent company, ŠKODA AUTO, and SAVWIPL in piloting innovations, which can lead to significant financial and non-financial benefits not only for the Mladá Boleslav carmaker. ED
Component Production
Component Production
When Less Can Be More
Minimal lubrication in gear case casting production saves money and the environment
KODA AUTO has introduced a technological innovation in the die-casting process for MQ 200 gearbox housing production in the form of lubricating the casting mould with the minimum amount of release agent. The innovation has quickly proved its worth and succeeded in meeting virtually all of the project’s objectives, including reducing the environmental impact of production. The introduction of the new process dramatically reduces not only the consumption of the release agent as a lubricant but also water and compressed air for mould blowing. At the same time, the quality of the parts was improved, maintenance costs of the die casting tools were reduced, and productivity of the gearbox housing production was increased due to (in part) an acceleration of the entire casting cycle. “The only thing we haven’t verified in practice yet is the life span of the moulds. We expect this to be higher as well; however, compared with the previous technology, we haven’t reached a sufficient number of cycles to confirm this yet”, says Milan Adamec from PKG/3 – Forge and Foundry Technology. Therefore, this is another potential of this project.
Overall, the new minimum lubrication technology speeded up the production cycle by 13 percent and reduced mould cleaning needs by half.
Benefits for nature
Lubrication technology has changed completely. In the conventional process used before, the release agent (and also lubricant) was mixed with water, and 6 litres of this mixture were used per cycle. Now, the spray nozzles dispense the release agent in aerosol form on the inner parts of the mould in the order of millilitres (24 ml per cycle). Only some parts of the mould then need to be aftercooled by being sprayed with water. The amount of water needed per cycle is now about half a litre. Therefore, the new technology saves 5.5 litres of water per cycle, which previously created wastewater that had to be treated.
Because less liquid is used for mould aftercooling, the quality of the final castings has been improved since the evaporating cooling water was causing minor porosity in the castings. Owing to the optimisation of the mould’s internal cooling parameters, the new technology resulted in a more even temperature distribution on the mould surface, which also contributed to better quality. “At the same time, the aluminium doesn’t stick to the mould as much, which means less mould maintenance and fewer cleaning demands”, says M. Adamec. All of these benefits have reduced the frequency of casting machine stops, resulting in fewer so-called run-in parts needing to be recycled. The new technology still has potential for further development. “At the end of the tools’ lives, we can prepare new tools with internal cooling designed for the new minimum lubrication method and, thus, completely eliminate external water aftercooling from the process”, concludes M. Adamec. ED
Green Future / Green Week
Green Week
Firs look back at the weeklong lecture series that showed employees the way to a sustainable future
KODA AUTO organised a Green Week event for its employees from Monday, 13 September, to Friday, 17 September, during which the company and its partners presented sustainability topics through lectures, discussions and talks. The carmaker hopes to raise awareness of current and future environmental and climate protection measures. The Green Week event is part of the Group’s “goTOzero weeks” initiative. Within this framework, the individual VW Group brands, as well as sales regions and departments, are organising various campaigns and activities throughout 2021 to raise awareness of sustainability issues.
Ecology from the perspective of ŠKODA AUTO
Each of the five days of the Green Week focused on one area. On Monday, the marathon series of lectures kicked off with the topics of Sustainability and Economy; on Tuesday, the transmissions focused on Decarbonisation and CO2 neutrality; Wednesday was devoted to the Circular Economy and Waste Utilisation; Thursday’s lectures tackled Environmental and Energy Efficiency; and on Friday, the discussion was about Water and Biodiversity.
On Monday morning, Green Week was opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Thomas Schäfer. In his lecture, he stressed that the natural disasters occurring this summer, such as the forest fires in Greece, Italy and France, the tornado in Moravia and the floods in Germany, Austria and the Benelux countries are phenomena that may occur more and more frequently in the coming years. These are the consequences of global climate change. However, according to Schäfer, there is still time to avert the most dramatic changes: “It’s not too late. However, we can only do this if we act decisively and are in agreement.” He also mentioned ŠKODA AUTO’s journey towards sustainability and CO2 neutrality with the NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY, as the carmaker wants to reduce the emissions of fleet cars it produces by 50 percent by 2030 compared with 2020 and produce cars within the CO2-neutral cycle at its plants in the Czech Republic and India. “Let’s take advantage of Green Week to understand how pressing the issue of sustainability is, ensure that all employees understand the specific targets that ŠKODA AUTO and VW Group have set for themselves and learn how we can all make our lives and daily work processes more climate-friendly”, Schäfer urged the employees. He also added that the carmaker will be able to cope with the necessary changes thanks to the strong team spirit, practical approach and ability to adapt to new conditions.
From a different angle
In addition to ideas from ŠKODA AUTO, Green Week also focused on topics presented by its partners including teachers at ŠAVŠ. In their lectures, they provided a broader perspective on the issues. For example, Rudolf Melezinek and Kristof Peerens from 3M showed how films from their range can reduce energy consumption. The company is also launching a new project to produce pallets made of a blend of polypropylene and polyamide, which is created by recycling waste from the production of injection moulded plastic parts. Šimon Fiala reiterated the importance of IKEA’s logistics, which is known for its flat and well-stackable packages. However, it is also important that IKEA designs products with possible re-use in mind by facilitating the moving and subsequent sale. In its stores, the company has also set up places called Circular Hubs, where it sells second-hand furniture and holds workshops on re-using its products. The Czech leader in food production, Kofola, bet on new returnable glass bottles called Cirkulka, and another surprisingly “circular” product was biscuits produced in cooperation with Biopekárna Zemanka. The biscuits are made from pressed fruit and vegetable leftovers. “This is further proof of how we are rethinking waste management”, says David Sommer of Kofola.
The circular economy is also a big topic in the construction industry, which is pursuing less use of primary materials. According to Karel Fronek of Skanska, the trend is, for example, to use concrete with a recycled content from construction and demolition waste. According to him, it is also possible to recycle up to 80 percent of asphalt extracted during road reconstruction. Particularly in its Scandinavian homeland, Skanska is a pioneer in the field of active houses – buildings that produce more energy than they use. ED
Each of the five days of Green Week focused on one area of sustainability.
Sustainability & economy
CEO Thomas Schäfer opened the event with a presentation on ŠKODA AUTO's approach to current sustainability challenges.
Decarbonisation & CO2 neutrality
Michael Oeljeklaus, Member of the Board for Production and Logistics, spoke about the carmaker's approach to the Green Production strategy.
Circular economy & Zero Waste
Karsten Schnake, Member of the Board for Purchasing, presented ŠKODA AUTO's experience with its approach to sustainability in the supply chain.
Environmental & energy efficiency
Martin Jahn, Member of the Board for Sales and Marketing, spoke about resource efficiency and the move towards sustainable development in the ŠKODA dealer network.
Water & biodiversity
Maren Gräf, Member of the Board for Human Resources Management, opened this series of lectures by describing ŠKODA's approach to biodiversity.
Recordings from each of the days will gradually be added to the Media Library on ŠKODA Space.
How it Works
How it Works
Maximum Passenger Safety
Sled tests at the DyCoT laboratory in Bezděčín help fine-tune passive safety features
KODA AUTO has used the TÜV SÜD Czech’s DyCoT (Dynamic Component Testing) laboratory, located near the carmaker’s development centre, for its technical development and testing needs since 2016. The facility of more than CZK 100 million is equipped with one of the most powerful catapults for sled testing in Europe. This testing allows the functionality of elements like seat belts, airbags, head restraints, child seats and others to be fine-tuned without destroying the car, thus keeping costs under control. This is important at a time when, on the one hand, we are improving passenger safety thanks to a number of modern features (reversible or double seat belts or central airbags etc.) and, on the other hand, new requirements need to be taken into account in testing. However, in the event of an increase in conventional crash tests, this would lead to higher costs and, ultimately, higher car prices.
How vehicle safety development is carried out
It all begins with the design, then continues with the first structural elements, which are modified based on the results of the virtual simulations, thousands of which are carried out. The results are verified by hundreds of component and sled tests and then by a few dozen crash tests. The final validation is carried out by the Traffic Safety Research team, which analyses real accidents and provides important input for the development of new models. ED
The End of Hardcopy Records
e-Protocol will make it easier for staff from Quality to interpret measurements in pre-series
s one of the carmaker’s most exciting innovations to process measurement analyses, the new e-Protocol online application was included in this year's InnoDay programme (see pages 4 and 5 for more information). It is particularly useful in the pre-series when the individual car parts need to be fine-tuned to the required dimensions and shapes. The application essentially replaces the existing paper output analyses. Several measurements are made to detect dimension-related deficiencies in pre-series parts before the results of the detected values are analysed. Whether it concerns tactile or optical measurements, it is always a very precise method; however, its output previously depended on the work of the measurement specialist and what they were tasked with measuring. “Sometimes, it has proved necessary to measure or add a part. Despite the advanced optical scanning of the parts, there was a problem with the clear interpretation of the outputs in the form of PDF or hardcopy reports”, says Lukáš Pilvousek from GQD-1/5 – Pre-Serial Cubing and Meisterbock.
However, since July, ŠKODA AUTO has been deploying a modern solution that eliminates the need to remeasure parts and, at the same time, makes it much easier to analyse and interpret the results. The e-Protocol application simply accepts the measurement data – ideally, data from optical measurements with a colour map of the part with millions of points. This allows the results to be examined and interpreted in real time. In the application, the visualised part can be rotated as needed to make it clear which measurement point the user is interested in. It also allows arbitrary points to be marked and reports to be created from them almost instantly. The app works on computers, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. Viewing on mobile devices will allow further advancement in the future. “We are testing the use of augmented reality where we can examine the measurement outputs in real time with a mobile device pointed at the part”, L. Pilvousek explains. ED
FORCE Program
Force Program
Space for new and innovative solutions
This year’s innovations in the F2 and F3 action fields touch on digitisation, automation and innovation
Targeting Non-Value-Added Activities
The F2 Action Field focuses on car production and processes dealing with inspection and other activities that do not add value for the customer. The aim is to minimise or eliminate these activities altogether. The implementation team led by PF – Car Production influences, among others, car design and construction in the early development phase to ensure that parts are assembled quickly and easily and are ‘right the first time’. “The digitisation and innovation projects help us a lot to meet our challenging targets – for example, the EINES automated inspection system pilot project in the paint shops, where scanners are installed directly on the lines to scan passing painted bodies and look for any defects in the topcoat. This system significantly improves productivity and reduces the number of subsequent repairs. An equally important project in the digitisation field is the introduction of the optical camera inspection of doors on the ML1 assembly line in Kvasiny. Another project in the car production field is the camera system in the press shop on the modern PXLII line in Hall M4. The system is fully automatic. The optical heads, which can detect even micro-cracks on the mouldings, are mounted on a robotic arm. This equipment ensures that any mouldings with defects will not appear in the following production flow”, says Josef Ditrich from PFS-K/1 – SP regarding the MB press shops.
In Component Manufacturing, the theme of the F2 Action Field can be divided into two categories: reducing the risk of non-conforming parts and reviewing the efficiency of inspection activities, including additional work – for example, to eliminate the occurrence of non-conforming parts, a more efficient way of inspecting dismantled shaft bearings with a procedure that subsequently allows them to be re-used was introduced on the MQ 200 gearbox assembly line. Duplication of activities and additional work is eliminated to improve productivity in the inspection process, which is carried out by the Quality, Technical Control and individual plant operations personnel within the production flow. ED
Non-productive tasks under scrutiny
The F3 Action Field – Added Value Growth (the so-called Value Add) is monitored by the carmaker on all the vehicle production lines and in Component Manufacturing. This year, its mapping has also been extended to battery manufacturing operations and the assembly plant in Pune, India. Starting next year, the Russian plant in Kaluga will be also targeted. Suggestions and innovations that the implementation team addresses also come regularly from employees through KVP workshops, ZEBRA improvement proposals and team discussions.
Owing to the production instability caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the first half of this year was not easy on the implementation team. Nevertheless, it fully planned the projects so that, once the restrictions were relaxed, it would be possible to start implementing them in all the affected operations. One of the topics currently being addressed across the specialist departments is the manual loading of vital parts into the cars (Baugruppe) at the installation site. This activity is time-consuming and without added value as it is an administrative task (record keeping). The aim is to automate it via systems already deployed in operations (i.e., RFID), link the software in the picking sequences and register the input parts at the supplier. Deployment of the proposed solution will result in a significant saving of non-productive time. A similar principle is used in MBI assembly, where car registration (the vehicle card assignment, sticker application, RFID chip) was carried out when new bodies entered the assembly line. Employees manually scanned the code on the car body and barcode on the sticker and then visually verified everything. A newly installed scanning gateway and software interfacing subsequently automated the scanning and matching. As a result, workers no longer have to walk up to 12 steps to each body and, therefore, distances covered on foot were reduced by approximately 5.4 km per shift. ED
Even Better Aerodynamics
All-electric SUV is complemented by the more emotional body version of the ENYAQ COUPÉ iV
KODA’s first car based on the Group’s MEB electric car platform has been well-received on international markets since its launch. It will be joined by the ENYAQ COUPÉ iV variant, which could appeal to more customers with its even more dynamic and emotional design. The carmaker has so far presented the new car in a camouflage that consists of randomly grouped letters from the full model name.
is the air drag coefficient (cx) of the ENYAQ COUPÉ iV model, which is even better than of the basic body version.
litres of luggage space are offered by the new electric SUV to its passengers.
Thanks to improved aerodynamics, the flowing stern variant is even more fuel-efficient and, combined with a more powerful battery, achieves a range of more than 535 km in WLTP mode. Passengers are not deprived of generous interior space, and, compared with the original version, the boot has only been slightly reduced. “The new ENYAQ COUPÉ iV will be enjoyed by customers with active lifestyles; however, it will also be perfect for families. The interior offers plenty of space for up to five people”, notes Jaromír Mendl, Project Manager from VP – Product Marketing.
Compared with the original version of the ENYAQ iV launched the last year, the new one differs in particular in that the standard panoramic glass roof slopes gently backwards from the pillar between the front and rear doors. The dimensions are also slightly different – the ENYAQ COUPÉ iV is 4 mm longer and 1 mm taller. It will be available with wheels with diameters ranging from 19 to 21 inches and with optional Matrix-LED headlights consisting of 24 independently controlled LEDs. This will allow drivers to keep their main beams on at all times without blinding other road users. Customers can also pay extra for the Crystal Face mask, in which 131 LEDs illuminate the vertical trims and horizontal line. Customers will find three power levels and two different battery capacities in the offer (see ENYAQ COUPÉ iV variants).
Instead of the traditional trim levels, customers will be able to choose from interior designs, some of which feature sustainable materials. The dashboard is dominated by the central 13-inch touchscreen infotainment system. The driver is also supported by a 5.3-inch virtual cockpit and optional augmented reality head-up display. The generous standard equipment includes KESSY keyless locking and starting, three-zone Climatronic automatic air conditioning and LED ambient lighting that illuminates the decorative trims in the door panels, door handles and front and rear footwell. ED
Maximum power
132 kW
Maximum torque
310 Nm
Maximum speed
160 km/h
Acceleration 0–100 km/h
8.8 s
Maximum power
150 kW
Maximum torque
310 Nm
Maximum speed
160 km/h
Acceleration 0–100 km/h
8.7 s
4 × 4
Maximum power
195 kW
Maximum torque
425 Nm
Maximum speed
160 km/h
Acceleration 0–100 km/h
7.0 s
Classic Car Rides
Classic Car Rides
Record Classic Tour
Total of 170 cars started in the 8th annual ŠKODA AUTO Employee Classic Tour
he race route through the Mladá Boleslav plant premises, as well as the most beautiful places in Bohemian Paradise, welcomed the ŠKODA Classic Tour participants on Saturday, 4 September. The company employees and their families set off on the tour in cars produced before 1993. The starting field was dominated by ŠKODA cars, but there were also Porsches, Tatras, Velorexes and the iconic DeLorean, which was made famous by the Back to the Future films.
The crews were treated to three speed trials for regularity driving, where deviations from the prescribed time were measured at 0.01 s – similar to the most demanding classic car races. The overall winner of the competition was Zdeněk Vích, an automation mechatronics technician from the PF2-K – Body Shop Maintenance MB II department, who drove a 1966 Ford Mustang.
Two photo points were also set up on the route to mark the 120th anniversary of the brand’s involvement in motorsport; one featured the FABIA Rally2 evo racing special and the other a 130 RS coupé. In addition, this year’s Classic Tour also marked the 30th anniversary of the carmaker’s merger with the VW Group. ED
kilometres was the length of this year’s ŠKODA Classic Tour route.
A video of the event can be found on ŠKODA Space.
conic ŠKODA racing specials to see, others to drive on the track, and meetings to join with motorsports legends. In mid-September, an attractive event was held for journalists in Bělá pod Bezdězem to celebrate 120 years of motorsport. The participants were welcomed by two legends of the Mladá Boleslav factory team: Ladislav Křeček, the multiple national rally champion, and Matthias Kahle, the former champion from Germany. The journalists were given rides in the cars by experienced pilots of vintage cars and drivers cooperating with ŠKODA Motorsport team, Jan Kopecký and Dominik Stříteský. Alongside the historical cars, the FABIA Rally2 evo and the electric-powered ŠKODA RE-X1 Kreisel special, based on the FABIA, also drove on the track. The programme also included a tour of the ŠKODA Motorsport facilities and the ŠKODA Museum in Mladá Boleslav, where the 120 Years of ŠKODA Motorsport exhibition has begun and will run until 20 March 2022. ED
Featured models
On the track:
1100 OHC
200 RS
130 LR
FABIA Rally2 evo
ŠKODA RE-X1 Kreisel
In the exhibition:
130 RS Blahna RMC 1977
OCTAVIA WRC Schwarz Safari Rally 2001
FABIA WRC Gardemeister Bettega Memorial 2003
FABIA S2000 Hänninen RMC 2010
ŠKODA Auto World
ŠKODA Auto World
25.7 million
7,692,000 km2
Sales of new passenger cars:
Best-selling model on the market:
Toyota RAV4
Best-selling ŠKODA model:
ŠKODA AUTO in Australia
For the Mladá Boleslav-based carmaker, Australia is one of the oldest overseas markets. The first Laurin & Klement cars arrived there back in 1913 – specifically, five L&K S cars with a 1.8-litre four-cylinder engine with a 10 kW output. After that first delivery, car exports to Australia were very sporadic, and the country only became a focus after the Second World War, when the ŠKODA brand established itself there in 1947. The company sold dozens of cars a year in Australia – in successful years, even hundreds of cars. A speciality was the TREKKA model, which was produced in New Zealand, and several of them also made it to Australia.
Sales of new ŠKODA cars (2020)
Market share
Number of sales points
All the cars for the Australian market are produced in the Czech Republic, from where they travel by train to a port in Germany, and then by boat via one of two possible routes – either around the southern tip of Africa or across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans via the Panama Canal. Such transport takes a total of three months, with two-thirds of the time taken up by the sea journey and the rest by logistics in Europe and Australia.
Australians prefer the cars’ sporty look. That is why ŠKODA has been successful in Australia with the Sportline and RS models but doesn’t offer the Laurin & Klement trim there at all. The popularity of SUVs is confirmed by the fact that the Top 3 best-selling ŠKODA models on the Australian market are the KAMIQ, KODIAQ and KAROQ models. ŠKODA is one of the smaller players on the Australian market; nevertheless, it has been successful recently and is the fastest-growing non-Chinese brand on the market. And even though the Australian car market was already declining before the COVID-19 pandemic, ŠKODA cars are growing in popularity there. In 2020, the Czech brand sold 6,620 cars in the country, having delivered 7,001 and 5,807 cars in previous years. According to the latest statistics, ŠKODA AUTO already broke its sales record from the year before last at the end of August of this year when it had already sold 7,120 cars.
Best-selling ŠKODA models
Market specifics
Australia is a market that favours SUVs and pick-ups. However, these are categorised as commercial cars there, so the statistics are a little unusual. In fact, pick-ups make up about a quarter of the entire car market, SUVs make up half, and the remaining quarter or so (excluding trucks) consists of conventional passenger cars. Most Australians live in the cities; therefore, they use their cars mainly for short and medium distances and prefer petrol engines. Distances between major agglomerations are vast, and few people travel them by car; Australians travel longer distances by air. In Australia, cars drive on the left side of the road. RED
Corporate Culture
Corporate Culture
The Art of Admitting a Mistake
Company managers talk about their failures
he motto of the first-ever ScrewUp Talk, which took place at ŠKODA AUTO in July, was: “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn.” In a non-traditional format, the carmaker’s managers spoke openly about the biggest missteps in their professional careers and the resulting lessons. Speakers agreed on the need to talk about mistakes, analyse them and find out why they happened. This requires an open discussion. From the conversations about our future company culture, several key themes emerged that are important to us. One of them is courage, which will help eliminate the fear of mistakes. “We need to break the ice by making high-level leaders talk about mistakes. This will send a signal of how to work with them. Admitting a mistake and being able to learn from it is key”, explained Alena Petráčková from the ŠKODA Academy.
The second ScrewUp Talk will take place on 6 October and will feature ŠKODA AUTO managers as guests. Interested in joining? Sign up at ŠKODA Space.
The ScrewUp Talk fits into the Mindset Change concept, which was launched this year and is one of the pillars of the new corporate strategy. Three speakers spoke during the first event. First, Klaus Blüm, Head of FI – Information Technology, told his story from 2005 to 2007. In his efforts to introduce a modern system into a family business, he mastered the technical side of things; unfortunately, the system was not accepted by the company’s employees. Therefore, the entire project had to be called off due to the corporate culture. “I realised that corporate culture is above strategy and that an IT project is not just about technology but also about people. All the possible digitisation methods wouldn’t be enough unless people use them and feel comfortable doing so”, was how Blüm described the experience.
Then Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics, shared his experience from 1996 when he was in charge of pre-series production of the Seat Arosa. He found himself in a situation where he was supposed to answer a question about the project status to the then–VW Group boss, Ferdinand Piëch, but he did not know the answer. He guessed it, and when Piëch started verifying it on the spot, he had a hot flush. Fortunately, everything worked out well, and Oeljeklaus has been trying to keep a detailed overview of the tasks under his responsibility ever since. Finally, Karsten Schnake, Board Member for Purchasing, talked about difficult purchasing decisions in the IT area. He recalled how he was faced with the decision whether to purchase modern technology that no one trusted yet. He described how he felt then and how many difficult moments it brought him. “At the very beginning, you don’t know if your decision is right. When you find out that it is wrong, at the first moment you think, ‘This is the end.’ However, mistakes are always relative. Make a decision, discuss it. Sometimes it doesn’t work out; sometimes you learn”, Schnake explained.
During the meeting, there was also room for discussion and questions from the audience. A total of 141 people saw the first ScrewUp Talk live, and more than 600 employees watched the video, according to data from the end of August. It received an excellent rating of 4.8 out of 5. When asked if they would be interested in more such events, everybody responded in the affirmative. ED
You haven’t seen the first ŠKODA ScrewUp Talk yet? Watch the recording in the ŠKODA Media Library.
Strategy Talks
Strategy Talks
Strategy Talks
First discussion meeting on the future of ŠKODA AUTO attracts dozens of ŠKODA employees
n connection with the NEXT LEVEL ŠKODA – STRATEGY 2030, a series of 11 discussion meetings was launched. At these meetings, top managers and employees debate the key topics of the Czech carmaker’s future development. The first Strategy Talk took place on 24 August in the STC Kosmonosy Hall. The discussion with Thomas Schäfer, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Christian Schrader, Head of GSC – Corporate Strategy and Innovation Management, was attended in person by 43 ŠKODA employees, with another 98 joining online. Schäfer began by recalling the key objectives of the corporate plan. While accelerating the transition from combustion engines to electric drive, ŠKODA aims to become one of the Top 5 best-selling brands in Europe by the end of 2030. By the end of the decade, at least three additional electric vehicles will be part of the model range, and the share of fully electric cars in sales is expected to reach between 50 and 70 percent. ŠKODA is also poised to become the leading European brand in India, Russia and North Africa by expanding its potential to 1.5 million cars sold annually. The carmaker will also offer support by training its employees, an area in which it plans to invest around CZK 13 billion between 2022 and 2030.
All the people in attendance welcomed the opportunity to meet in person in larger numbers after such a long time. The topics relating to the company’s future direction interested the participants, and their questions led to an interesting discussion that lasted 20 minutes longer than planned. Among other things, they were interested in the future brand models, establishing a battery factory on the Czech territory, emission regulations and upcoming innovations. At the end of the meeting, Schäfer thanked the employees for their interest and helpful ideas. The programme of the first Strategy Talk successfully introduced the next meetings, which will focus on the individual strategic topics in detail. This was followed by the September debate on the transformation of the Central and Eastern European region into an electromobility hub.
Are you interested in the company’s future direction? Join the next Strategy Talks. The next one on the topic of Europe’s strategic importance will take place on 27 October at 4:15 p.m. in the Hieronymus 2 room of the ŠKODA Museum. ED
For more information about the talks and the strategy itself, please follow this link.
Together4Integrity / Survey
Together4Integrity – Survey
Integrity & Compliance Survey
Results released of anonymous online survey conducted from 31 May to 13 June among ŠKODA AUTO employees
Who Voted
93 %
Some 93 percent of employees stated that they know how to act and not to turn a blind eye to infringement.
Employees participated in the survey, corresponding to 17% of the work force. Management comprised 7% of the total and other employees the remaining 93%.
Of the employees who responded to the survey were from the indirect area, while participants from the direct area made up 37% of the total.
n this survey, the carmaker asked how employees feel about integrity and compliance, how they perceive these topics, and what ŠKODA AUTO could improve in this respect. The 20 questions were divided into four areas: acting according to moral principles (integrity) and in accordance with applicable rules and regulations (compliance) 1) within the company, 2) in teamwork, 3) in everyday work, and 4) in terms of personal contribution. For example, the individual questions showed that almost all the employees (98%) are aware that bad behaviour has serious consequences, but at the same time, approximately one-fifth of respondents (22%) are not sure that these consequences are the same for everyone Also, 85 percent of respondents believe that they would be protected from retaliation if they reported potential infringement. The survey also shows a high level of individual employee responsibility. Some 93 percent of employees know how to act and not to turn a blind eye to infringement. ED
Key findings
Consistency in responses
ŠKODA AUTO showed high consistency in responses across the individual areas and employee groups (90%). When compared with the VW Group average, the high consistency rates across all questions for direct employees (~+10%) are particularly notable.
Individual responsibility
The survey showed that most employees are aware that integrity and compliance are important for the success of the company (92%), with 97 percent of respondents personally identifying with these topics.
High awareness
Nearly all the employees are aware that misconduct has serious consequences (98%) and, if they suspect misconduct, they contact their supervisor or use appropriate channels to report it (90%).
Management leads by example
Survey participants trust their direct supervisors in almost all cases (92%) and feel supported by them in ambiguous situations (94%). Employees perceive the company management as keeping promises (90% agreement) and setting an example worth emulating (89% agreement).
Unfair consequences
Not all the employees agree that misconduct has the same consequences for everyone (78%).
Employee safety
Employees in the direct area show lower agreement in that they can raise constructive criticism on a variety of topics without fear of retaliation (79%).
Reluctance to report infringement
A significant majority of survey participants agree that ŠKODA AUTO has a system in place that protects people who express suspicion of misconduct. However, almost one-fifth of respondents (17%) were unable to assess this issue.
Together4Integrity / Instructions
Together4Integrity – Instructions
Do you know where to turn?
How the Whistleblower System works at ŠKODA AUTO
lthough the results of the Integrity & Compliance survey showed that many of you know how to report infringement and misconduct at ŠKODA AUTO, let’s take a brief look at how this system works. The carmaker has been using it since 2017 and is constantly developing and improving it. The system helps to bring potential infringements (i.e. violations of legal or internal rules) to our attention in a timely manner, process them without delay and put a stop to them. It enables employees, business partners and customers not only to raise concerns about actions leading to infringement at the carmaker or the VW Group but also to report reasonable suspicions of wrongdoing by third parties (e.g. business partners). Managers are always obliged to report reasonable suspicion of a serious violation. Specific rights, obligations and procedures can be found in the standards governing the Whistleblower System’s operations. These are Group Directive No. 3, the Central Whistleblower System organisational standard (ON.1.058) and the Whistleblower System in the company methodological guideline (MP.1.312). ED
Step-by-step processing of the whistleblowing
If you have a specific suspicion that a regulation violation has occurred, you can bring our awareness to it, for example, through the channels of the Whistleblower System listed below. Although these channels are part of the VW Group’s Central Whistleblower System, they are also used for reporting complaints at ŠKODA AUTO. If you do so, you shall also be protected against possible retaliation under the so-called whistleblower protection.
You can report a complaint through these channels at any time, in any language (also anonymously).
By phone to toll-free number +800 444 46300. If your service provider does not support the toll-free line, you can use the regular line at +49 5361 946300.
In person to the VW Group’s Central Investigation Office (K-ICW), Porschestraße 1, 384 40 Wolfsburg (downtown).
By post to Central Investigation Office, Box 1717, 38436 Wolfsburg (downtown), Germany
Electronically to io@volkswagen.de
Via the secure online reporting channel at this website
By contacting the ombudsmen (external lawyers) for English and for German.
VW Group’s Central Investigation Office shall review the complaint and assess the credibility and validity of the information provided. If it is assessed as credible and substantiated, it is then categorised by a trained employee as either a serious violation or other violation according to the relevant rules (for a specific definition of both types of violations, please, refer to the Central Whistleblower System organisational standard). Depending on this categorisation, it is either processed further by the VW Group’s Central Investigation Office (in the case of a serious violation) or forwarded to ŠKODA AUTO’s Governance, Risk & Compliance department for further processing (in the case of other violations). All the information provided as part of a complaint is treated with the utmost discretion and is considered confidential.
In order to independently assess and investigate the complaint, ŠKODA AUTO has established the Steering Committee for HR, Compliance and Integrity whose members are the heads of Governance, Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit, Legal Affairs, ŠKODA AUTO Security and the relevant HR departments. This Committee shall re-examine the complaint and, on the basis of the information contained therein, assign the appropriate investigative unit. This investigative unit shall then investigate all the information and facts contained in the complaint within a specified time limit. Where the circumstances and the conduct of the investigation so permit, the investigative unit may also request the statements of the persons concerned by the complaint.
If the suspicions that are subject of the complaint are confirmed, the Steering Committee shall decide on appropriate remedial action. These measures shall be put into practice by the departments concerned and the complaint shall then be closed, as decided by the Steering Committee. If the suspicions in the complaint are not confirmed, the complaint shall be closed as decided by the Steering Committee. If the person concerned so wishes, support shall be provided to ensure that he or she is not suspected and that his or her reputation is preserved (rehabilitation).
If the whistleblower’s contact details are available, the whistleblower shall always be informed of the complaint closure and whether or not the suspicions contained in the complaint were confirmed.
Find more about Whistleblower System at ŠKODA Space in section Information > About Company > Governance, Risk & Compliance > Integrity & Compliance > Whistleblower System.
Satisfaction Survey
STIMMUGSBAROMETER voting starts in a few days
he survey traditionally used to measure employee satisfaction in the VW Group will start again on 4 October. Until 24 October, employees can give the carmaker feedback and share their views on various aspects of their work life. Further information on the survey will be available through leaflets, which all employees eligible to vote will receive by the end of September. In these leaflets, they will find the wording of all the questions and further details on the voting.
Voting options
For employees without access to work computers, voting stations will be set up at all three production plants throughout the survey period. They will be available for voting during business hours from Monday to Friday. The exact location of the individual stations can be found on the survey page on the ŠKODA Space portal or by contacting your direct supervisor. At the voting stations, trained staff will help you simply log in to the ŠKODA Space portal and enter the application with one click. All you need to vote at the voting station is your personal MFA card. However, you can also vote from home; again, via a link available on the ŠKODA Space homepage. ED
How can I vote?
Use ŠKODA Space to enter the survey.
From home, you can access the network by using your username (formerly DZC) and employee password (formerly LDAP).
Access the Stimmungsbarometer application by clicking on:
The banner on the ŠKODA Space homepage
The survey icon in the Favourite Applications tile menu or by selecting Stimmungsbarometer on the My Application menu.
How do I reset my employee (formerly LDAP) password?
You only need to have a contact e-mail address entered via the KOMPAS system with your HR manager or direct supervisor. They will also advise you on how to enter your e-mail in the system. If you have not provided this contact information, follow the instructions specified in the I don’t have a contact e-mail section.
When logging in to ŠKODA Space, select the Forgot Password? section.
Enter your username and copy the authentication code from the screen.
A link will be sent to your contact e-mail address to set a new employee password.
I don’t have a contact e-mail
Enter your contact e-mail with your HR manager or direct supervisor. Then go to the How Do I reset my employee (formerly LDAP) password section.
Visit a voting location and bring your personal MFA card for verification. When logging in by using the assisted login, select the change your password option.
Write down your changed or newly created password.
At home, enter your username and changed employee password and vote.
Vote online
Easy network access
Get used to the terms User Name and Employee Password when entering the digital world of ŠKODA AUTO
rom 1 October, the login terminology will be simplified for all ŠKODA AUTO employees. “Our reason for this change was obvious: If employees didn’t know how to log in or found it complicated to do so, they didn’t use the digital services”, says Martin Šedivý from SB/4 – Digitisation and HR System Support. Now, a regular user will need a username (formerly DZC) and an employee password (formerly LDAP password) to log in. These details are sufficient to log in to a substantial part of the carmaker’s digital world. However, if you want to access sensitive data, it is still necessary to log in with two-factor login (which you are familiar with, for example, from online banking).
At ŠKODA AUTO, you can use your username and employee password to log in to, for example, ŠKODA Space to find the information you need, look at the lunch menu and find out what the company’s next strategy is. However, if you want to change the number of the account where your salary is sent, you will need further verification. This remains the same and is authenticated by SMS, PKI, RSA token etc. If you use a company computer for work, the computer password would still be used to log in. “These changes will be accompanied by an explanatory communication campaign, especially to direct area employees, on how to set passwords, what to remember and how to change the settings. We’re also working on the option of logging in to the digital world of ŠKODA AUTO by using a personal number or computer password, as well as other changes. All of this has the aim of making it as easy as possible for employees to access the information that they need while maintaining the necessary standard of company security”, adds Šedivý. ED
eMobilita – fotogalerie
The ENYAQ COUPÉ iV adds an even more dynamic variant to ŠKODA's electric SUV.
The car has so far been presented with camouflage,
but journalists have already taken a ride in it.
Thanks to the sloping roof, the car has improved aerodynamics and,
combined with a more powerful battery, achieves a range of over 535 km.
Even the new body version offers generous passenger space.
This is further enhanced by the panoramic roof.
Detske tabory – fotogalerie
Dětské letní tábory v Jetřichovicích a Nedamově navštívili zástupci vedení ŠKODA AUTO.
Děti v Jetřichovicích si pro hosty na oplátku připravily hudební program.
V Nedamově ztvárnily živé logo ŠKODA AUTO a v podobě leteckého snímku ho na fotoobrazech předaly hostům.
Veteránské jízdy Classic Day – fotogalerie
At the Classic Days in Bělá pod Bezdězem,
journalists had a chance to ride in the 1100 OHC racing special.
The ŠKODA 200 RS prototype
also provided a unique experience.
The ŠKODA 130 LR scored a number of successes in the 1980s
and was not to be missed among the legendary cars.
The successful history of ŠKODA Motorsport
was also represented by the FAVORIT L/A.
The factory team also showed off the FABIA Rally2 evo.
A special feature is the newly built all-electric ŠKODA RE-X1 Kreisel.
The 440 "Spartak", 130 RS, OCTAVIA WRC, FABIA WRC
and FABIA S2000 were available for viewing on site.
Pravidla soutěže PDF
Jak to chodí – fotogalerie
In a traffic accident, a car hits an obstacle and slows down. According to the law of inertia, the car and its passengers continue to move until something brings them to a stop. At first glance, the sled test does exactly the opposite. Starting from a standstill, the simplified part of the car with the test dummies is accelerated backwards by using the dynamic pulse of the catapult to achieve the same acceleration/deceleration as during the crash, according to the law of conservation of energy. The simplified part of the car, as well as the test dummies, are subjected to the equivalent energy of a real traffic accident.
Euro NCAP’s legal regulations and requirements assess passenger protection in different types of frontal impacts – for example, a collision between two cars travelling at 50 km/h or a collision with a solid wall at 50 km/h. The catapult can accelerate the reinforced body to a gravity force of 90 G (a force equivalent to 90 times the passenger’s weight) with a payload of 1,000 kg (the combined weight of body and passengers).
Very complex side sled tests are also carried out in the laboratory. “During development, we try to take into account the most common types of side impact. The first represent the situation of a skidding car heading into a tree at 32 km/h. Another typical side impact represents a collision with another car at 60 km/h. In both cases, there is a significant deformation of the car’s body structure and interior”, explains Radek Urbiš, Head of EKS – Car Safety.
In addition to the interior deformation, the developers are also up against the speed of the action. For this task, the ALIS (Active Lateral Intrusion Simulation) advanced test rig is used, which consists of several pneumatic pistons with a force equivalent to up to 12,000 kg. They are used to create lining deformation and accelerated by the catapult piston.
Sled tests cannot capture all the crash test phenomena (e.g. dynamic body roll). This makes simulation support all the more important. Thanks to advanced FEM (finite element method) simulations, it is possible to predetermine the appropriate restraint configuration or the appropriate deceleration/acceleration pulse so that the result is as faithful a replica of the car crash test as possible. FEM simulation is also used in ALIS synchronisation.
Pravidla soutěže
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 24. 09. 2021 do 25. 10. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Září 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováno 10 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
10x Rodinné vstupenky do Leteckého muzea
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 24. 09. 2021.
Motorsport – fotogalerie
Řeckou Acropolis Rally ovládl jezdec Andreas Mikkelsen z týmu Toksport WRT, který startuje za podpory ŠKODA Motorsportu.
Na druhém místě dojel jeho týmový kolega Marco Bulacia se spolujezdcem Marcelem Der Ohanessianem.
V domácí Barum Czech Rally Zlín se z vítězství radoval Jan Kopecký, který si s předstihem zajistil i titul mistra České republiky.
Na náměstí Míru ve Zlíně vyrostl pro fanoušky ŠKODA Rally Park.
Dobrovolnictvi – fotogalerie
25 zaměstnanců z oddělení PF1 odstraňovalo náletové dřeviny z pískového lomu u hradu Kost.
Zaměstnanci z oddělení STM se ve svém volném čase zaměřili na úpravy přírodní památky Dymokursko.
Sravování – fotogalerie
J. Punčochář uvařil cibulačku s modrým sýrem a variaci koprové omáčky s telecím masem.
M. Fichtner pak zaměstnance potěšil krémem z pečeného květáku a kroketami z kančího masa s pečenou kořenovou zeleninou.
R. David se pochlubil svou oblíbenou fazolovou polévkou ochucenou uzenou paprikou a vepřovým nadivoko s krémovým špenátem a bramborovými knedlíky plněnými houbami a špekem.
Cukrář L. Skála na konci týdne vykouzlil mákem plněné knedlíky s višňovou omáčkou.
Čtveřici doplnil šéfkuchař Aramarku, manažer Národního týmu kuchařů Tomáš Konopka, který připravil zeleninový krém s medvědím česnekem a hovězí líčka s kedlubnou na smetaně.
Veteránské jízdy Classic tour – fotogalerie
The route of the Classic Tour took the employees
and their family members to the plant in Mladá Boleslav.
The industrial area was then replaced
by the picturesque environment of the Bohemian Paradise.
The ride was attended by ŠKODA and other cars built before 1993.
The very early production of the Laurin & Klement factory - the bicycle - was also represented.
The participants paid attention to the period clothing and accessories on the cars.
Jiří Prokop, the head of the SG - Health Services and Ergonomics department,
set off in style in a ŠKODA 1203 ambulance.
Inno Day – fotogalerie
At InnoDay, each of the areas presented innovative projects
they are working on or had recently completed.The virtual event was also attended by CEO Thomas Schäfer
and Michael Oeljeklaus, Member of the Board for Production and Logistics.
With respect to the anti-human trafficking measures,
it was possible visit the innovation stands in person at the ŠKODA Museum.
The Marketplace was full of news from the world of innovation that is influencing
or will soon influence the development of the automotive industry.
The production shutdown allowed more than 600 masters
from Mladá Boleslav to attend InnoDay.
Through their avatar, participants could find themselves
in the virtual world of ŠKODA.
Výroba komponentů – fotogalerie
The spray nozzles dispense the release agent in aerosol
form on the inner parts of the mould…
... in volumes of milliliters.
Only some parts of the mould then need to be aftercooled
by being sprayed with water.
Thanks to the fact that less liquid is used for mould aftercooling,
the quality of the final castings has been improved.
EDU LAB – fotogalerie
Projekt EDU.LAB zahrnuje ukázky pokročilých technologií i interaktivní expozice, na nichž si mohou žáci špičkové prvky sami vyzkoušet.
EDU.LAB bude od září do listopadu objíždět celou republiku a navštíví přibližně 30 základních škol.
První zastávkou EDU.LABu byl 61. ročník Mezinárodního filmového festivalu pro děti a mládež ve Zlíně.
Škodováci – fotogalerie
Miroslav Čulik pravidelně vystupuje jako DJ Mirek.cz.
V posledních letech nejčastěji vystupuje na firemních a svatebních oslavách.
Hudebně jsou pro Mirka top 90. léta. Tuto muziku nejen poslouchá, ale často ji pouští i publiku.
Pravidla soutěže Motorsport
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 27. 08. 2021 do 20. 09. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Září 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováni 5 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
5x Jízda vozem FABIA Rally2 evo
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 27. 08. 2021.
Sysel při západu slunce na Radouči
Bedřichov po cestě na přehradu
Zima v Arberu
Přehrada Souš
Kozí hřbety nad Špindlerovým Mlýnem
Mléčná dráha nad osadou Jizerka
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{"en":"Year 2019 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2019 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2018 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2018 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2017 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2017 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2020 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2020 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2016 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2016 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2015 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2015 (PDF)"}
{"en":"ŠKODA Weekly","cz":"ŠKODA Týdeník"}
{"en":"Year 2020","cz":"Ročník 2020"}
{"en":"Year 2021","cz":"Ročník 2021"}
Ročník 2022
Ročník 2023
Enyaq in a new outfit
Right at the start of 2025, Škoda Auto is preparing a grand premiere to present a new version of the Enyaq and Enyaq Coupé. Now even more appealing thanks to the Modern Solid design language, they offer customers much more than ever before – from sustainable materials to more advanced digital features and assistance systems, along with an extended range made possible by improved aerodynamics.
Enyaq v novém hávu
Hned na úvod roku 2025 nachystala Škoda Auto velkou premiéru, na které představila novou verzi vozů Enyaq a Enyaq Coupé. Ty jsou nyní ještě přitažlivější díky využití designového jazyka Modern Solid. A zákazníkům toho nabízejí mnohem více. Od udržitelných materiálů přes pokročilejší digitální funkce a asistenční systémy až po prodloužený dojezd díky vylepšené aerodynamice.
Accelerated Kylaq roll-out
The launch of the new Kylaq SUV in India was completed five weeks ahead of schedule, which allowed the brand’s most compact vehicle to reach customers sooner and strengthen Škoda Auto's competitiveness on the Indian market. Thanks to this accelerated ramp-up, production in Pune started on 12 December, and thus, the project team was able to build on the successful launches of the Kushaq and Slavia.
Urychlený náběh Kylaqu
Zahájení výroby nového SUV Kylaq v Indii se podařilo uskutečnit s pětitýdenním předstihem, což umožnilo přivést aktuálně nejkompaktnější vůz značky k zákazníkům dříve, a přispět tak ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Škoda Auto na indickém trhu. Díky urychlení náběhu začala jeho výroba v Púně už 12. prosince. Projektovému týmu se tak podařilo navázat na úspěšné náběhy modelů Kushaq a Slavia.
Elroq enters series production
Škoda Auto started mass production of the Elroq in January. This all-electric model not only introduces the Modern Solid design but also incorporates several technological innovations. The Elroq rolled off the production line in Mladá Boleslav, marking its launch four years after production began on the Enyaq, the carmaker’s first electric SUV, which shares the same production line in the M13 hall.
Elroq v sériové výrobě
Škoda Auto v lednu zahájila sériovou výrobu modelu Elroq. V Mladé Boleslavi tak začal z výrobních linek sjíždět plně elektrický model, který přináší nejenom nový design Modern Solid, ale i spoustu technologických inovací. Náběh modelu Elroq přichází po čtyřech letech od startu výroby prvního elektrického SUV Enyaq, se kterým sdílí i výrobní linku v mladoboleslavské hale M13.
February anniversaries
What does the first recorded theft of an L&K car on Czech territory have in common with the digital world premiere of the updated Octavia model? Both took place in the month of February, but 113 years apart! These and other fascinating February milestones from the automaker’s history are presented in the section celebrating the 130th anniversary of Škoda Auto.
Jak to chodí / mistrovske-forum
Únorová výročí
Víte, co má společného první popsaná krádež vozu L&K na českém území s digitální světovou premiérou inovovaného modelu Octavia? Oba historicky důležité okamžiky se odehrály v měsíci únoru, i když je od sebe dělí úctyhodných 113 let. Nejen tyto zajímavosti, ale také mnoho dalších únorových milníků automobilky přináší nyní už pravidelná rubrika věnovaná 130. výročí založení Škoda Auto.
The supercharged Kodiaq RS
The sporty version of the second-generation Kodiaq is even more dynamic, thanks to the new 195 kW 2.0 TSI EVO engine with all-wheel drive. The Kodiaq RS is traditionally adorned with black design elements, such as the mirror caps, the trim around the side windows and the grille frame. The interior features Suedia fibre upholstery combined with faux leather and offers optional sports seats.
Nabušený Kodiaq RS
Sportovní verze druhé generace modelu Kodiaq je díky novému motoru 2,0 TSI EVO o výkonu 195 kW a s pohonem všech kol ještě dynamičtější. Kodiaq RS tradičně zdobí černé designové prvky, jako jsou kryty zpětných zrcátek, lišty kolem bočních oken nebo rámeček masky chladiče. Interiér sází na čalounění s vláknem Suedia v kombinaci s umělou kůží a na přání je bez příplatku dodáván se sportovními sedadly.
Elroq dazzles in Mallorca
To raise awareness of the new compact and affordable Elroq electric car among customers in key markets following its October launch, Škoda Auto hosted an event for journalists on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca in late November and early December. There, they had the opportunity to get to know the model thoroughly, including test drives in attractive surroundings and on challenging terrain.
Elroq oslnil na Mallorce
Aby se nový kompaktní a dostupný elektromobil Elroq dostal po své říjnové premiéře do většího povědomí zákazníků na klíčových trzích, uspořádala Škoda Auto na přelomu listopadu a prosince akci pro stovky novinářů z celého světa na středomořském ostrově Mallorca. S modelem se zde důkladně seznámili během prezentací a také při testovacích jízdách v atraktivním prostředí a místy i náročnějším terénu.
January anniversaries
The year 2025 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of Škoda. That’s why, in each issue of this year’s Škoda Mobil, you’ll find historical highlights related to the month of publication. So, what happened in January? In 1936, for example, the carmaker took part in the Monte Carlo Rally for the first time. This issue explores the successes achieved at this famous event and more.
Lednová výročí
Celý rok 2025 se ponese ve znamení výročí 130 let od založení automobilky Škoda. Proto se v každém letošním Škoda Mobilu můžete těšit na historické zajímavosti, které se vztahují vždy k měsíci vydání. A co se tedy událo v lednu? Například v roce 1936 se automobilka poprvé účastnila Rallye Monte-Carlo. Nejen o úspěších dosažených na této slavné soutěži se dočtete tentokrát.
Future-Proof Factory
As part of its new strategic initiative, Peak, the Production and Logistics area is focusing on the competitiveness of vehicle and component manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic and India. Future-Proof Factory is one of three initiatives outlining the steps necessary to successfully address the challenges ahead. It aims to prepare plants for future manufacturing needs and their transformation.
Továrna budoucnosti
Ve své nové strategické iniciativě peak se oblast Výroby a logistiky zaměřuje na konkurenceschopnost závodů na výrobu vozů a komponentů v České republice i v Indii. Továrna budoucnosti je jednou ze tří hlavních iniciativ nastiňujících strategické kroky, které jsou nezbytné pro úspěšné řešení nadcházejících výzev. Jejím cílem je příprava závodů na budoucí výrobu a jejich další transformaci.
Škoda Mobil Únor
Škoda Mobil February
Škoda Mobil Leden
Škoda Mobil January
Škoda Mobil December
Škoda Mobil Prosinec
Škoda Mobil November
Škoda Mobil Listopad
Škoda Mobil Říjen
Škoda Mobil October
Škoda Mobil Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br>June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Leden
Škoda Mobil<br>January
Škoda Mobil<br>December
Škoda Mobil<br>Prosinec
Škoda Mobil<br>November
Škoda Mobil<br>Listopad
Škoda Mobil<br>Říjen
Škoda Mobil<br>October
Škoda Mobil<br>Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil<br>August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br> June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March 2023
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>November 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>June 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2021
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>January 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>July 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2020
Skoda Mobil – newsletter <br>06/2020
<b>ŠKODA Mobil</b><br>Květen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>May 2020.
Dubnové vydání CZ
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2020.
Březnové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2020.
Únorové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2020.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2020.
Lednové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2017.
{"en":"Škoda Weekly","cz":"Škoda Týdeník"}
{"cz":"Týdenní zpravodaj pro zaměstnance. Každý čtvrtek shrnuje hlavní události uplynulého týdne ve Škoda Auto, přináší novinky z kultury i regionu.","en":"Weekly Thursday newsletter for employees. A summary of the last week‘s main events at Škoda Auto, regional news as well as cultural events."}
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Plakat - Skoda Classic Tour
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Cervenec - mesic bez plastu
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12/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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11/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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10/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
09/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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08/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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05/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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44/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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42/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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21/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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09/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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08/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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04/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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03/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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01/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
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18/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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17/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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15/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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13/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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10/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
08/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
03/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
02/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
{"cz":"Škoda Přílohy","en":"Skoda Supplements"}
{"cz":"Součástí Škoda Mobilu, zaměstnaneckých novin mladoboleslavské automobilky, jsou speciální přílohy, které se věnují mimořádným tématům z pohledu společnosti Škoda Auto. Mohou být součástí novin, ve shodném formátu jako noviny, vložené, například ve formě letáku, nebo to mohou být samostatné unikátní magazíny ve specifickém formátu jako například přílohy věnující se novým modelům, historickým výročím značky, nebo jiným důležitým informacím z prostředí firmy.","en":"Škoda Mobil, the employee newspaper of the Mladá Boleslav-based carmaker, includes special supplements that focus on especially important topics from Škoda's perspective. Supplements can be a part of the newspaper, in the same format as the newspaper, inserted, for example, in the form of a flyer, or they can be stand-alone unique magazines in a specific format, such as supplements dedicated to new models, the brand's historical anniversaries, or other important information from the company's environment."}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
55 Years of Škoda IT
55 let Škoda IT
Diversity Report 2023
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2023
Nový Kodiaq a Superb
New Kodiaq and Superb
Výsledky kolektivního vyjednávání
eMobility EN
Diversity Report 2021
Výroční zpráva Diverzity 2021
Cafeteria Benefity ŠKODA
ŠKODA příloha Strategie
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Komentované prohlídky ŠKODA Muzea za 40 Kč
120 Years on the Racetrack
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
120 let Motorsportu
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
Diversity report 2020
Výroční zpráva diverzity
Infografika - Nová centrální kuchyně
Dohody Kolektivni smlouvy
Diversity report 2019
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2019
Ride into the future
Jízda do budoucnosti
125 Years
125 let
Kolektivní smlouva 2020
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil.
Benefits ŠKODA Cafeteria
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Benefity ŠKODA Cafeteria
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, prosinec 2019.
60 let ŠKODA Octavia
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2019.
60 Years of the ŠKODA OCTAVIA
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červenec 2019.
Ride To The Future
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, July 2019
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - supplement ŠKODA Mobil, January 2019.
Volby do dozorčí rady
Mezi námi
Speciální nabídka vozů pro zaměstnance ŠKODA AUTO.
Motorem První republiky
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2018.
Driver of the First Republic
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, September 2018.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Sedm příběhů o proměně osobní mobility.
Ride Into The Future
Supplement ŠKODA Mobil, June 2018.
Kolektivní smlouva 2018
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2018
Péče o zdraví
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2017.
1927-2017: 90 years of vocational training. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
1927-2017: 90 let SOUs. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2017.
ŠKODA KAROQ - člen rodiny SUV. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, srpen 2017.
Ride Into The Future
50 phenomena that will take control of your future. ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
50 fenoménů, které ovládnou naši budoucnost. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červen 2017.
ŠKODA OCTAVIA: the heart of the brand. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
Srdce značky. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, únor 2017.
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2017
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2017.
{"cz":"Škoda GreenFuture"}
{"cz":"Green Future"}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Green Future
02/25 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Únor 2025
12/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Prosinec 2024
12/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture December 2024
11/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture November 2024
11/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Listopad 2024
10/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Říjen 2024
10/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture October 2024
09/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Září 2024
09/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>September 2024
08/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Srpen 2024
08/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>August 2024
07/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Červenec 2024
07/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>July 2024
06/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Červen 2024
06/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>June 2024
05/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Květen 2024
05/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>May 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Duben 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>April 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Březen 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>March 2024
02/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Únor 2024
GreenFuture<br>February 2023
12/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
12/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
11/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>October 2023
11/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Září 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>September 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Květen 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>May 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Duben 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Březen 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>March 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Únor 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>February 2023
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
11/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
11/2022 BudEko
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>October 2022
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Říjen 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Září 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>September 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2022
08/2022 BudEko
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2022
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Květen 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>May 2022
05/2022 BudEko
04/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Duben 2022
04/2022 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2022
04/2022 BudEko
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Březen 2022
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>March 2022
03/2022 BudEko
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Leden 2022
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>January 2022
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Prosinec 2021
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>December 2021
12/2021 BudEko
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Listopad 2021
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>November 2021
11/2021 BudEko
10/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
10/2021 BudEko
09/2021 BudEko
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 BudEko
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 BudEko
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 BudEko
05/2021 BudEko
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 BudEko
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 BudEko
02/2021 BudEko
11/2020 Green Future
11/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
5/2020 Green Future
5/2020 Green Future
4/2020 Green Future
4/2020 Green Future
3/2020 Green Future
3/2020 Green Future
2/2020 Green Future
2/2020 Green Future
1/2020 Green Future
1/2020 Green Future
12/2019 Green Future
12/2019 Green Future
11/2019 Green Future
11/2019 Green Future
10/2019 Green Future
10/2019 Green Future
09/2019 Green Future
09/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
01/2019 Green Future
12/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
10/2018 Green Future
10/2018 Green Future
09/2018 Green Future
09/2018 Green Future
08/2018 Green Future
07/2018 Green Future
07/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
01/2018 Green Future
01/2018 Green Future
12/2017 Green Future
12/2017 Green Future
11/2017 Green Future
11/2017 Green Future
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10/2017 Green Future
09/2017 Green Future
09/2017 Green Future
08/2017 Green Future
08/2017 Green Future
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06/2017 Green Future
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05/2017 Green Future
04/2017 Green Future
04/2017 Green Future
03/2017 Green Future
03/2017 Green Future
02/2017 Green Future
02/2017 Green Future
01/2017 Green Future
01/2017 Green Future