{"cz":"Škoda Mobil","en":"Škoda Mobil"}
{"cz":"Škoda Mobil jsou firemní noviny pro zaměstnance Škoda Auto, které vychází jednou měsíčně a představují aktuální informace z dění ve Škoda Auto a koncernu Volkswagen. Pravidelné rubriky se zaměřují na zaměstnance, inovace a zajímavé projekty z prostředí firmy, aktuální informace z oblasti Motorsportu a mnohá další témata.","en":"Škoda Mobil is the company newspaper for Škoda Auto employees, published monthly and presenting up-to-date information on what is happening at Škoda Auto and the Volkswagen Group. The regular columns focuses on employees, innovations and interesting projects from within the company, current information from Škoda Motorsport and many other topics."}
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2021
A Flight Through the ŠKODA World
A Flight Through the ŠKODA World
Happening at ŠKODA AUTO
With the foundation of its 42 Prague Institute, ŠKODA AUTO is accelerating its transformation from a traditional carmaker to a software-focused company.
Christian Schenk
Board Member for Finance and IT
Education for the jobs of the future
The carmaker and other partners will support the foundation of the 42 Prague non-profit educational institute. On 11 November, ŠKODA AUTO’s representatives signed a memorandum to this effect with Sophie Viger, CEO of the École 42 umbrella network of schools. It was established in 2013 and has earned a solid reputation in the field of IT education. Its concept of teaching is not based on fixed lectures and professors but favours practice-oriented teaching with the principles of gamification and peer learning. Admissions and enrolment in the Prague branch of the network are planned to start in May 2022, and the first semester will start in September 2022. Up to 450 students will study at the institute.
Stable result for the first three quarters
Although the current situation in the automotive industry has been significantly affected by the chip shortage, ŠKODA AUTO managed to maintain its stable operating result of EUR 900 million (approximately CZK 23 billion). The carmaker’s sales for the first three quarters amounted to EUR 13.329 billion (CZK 341.2 billion), and its profitability reached 6.8 percent. This year, its successful markets include Russia, where the carmaker delivered 72,600 cars from January to September, a 11.5 percent year-on-year increase. It also performed well in India, with 13,300 ŠKODA cars reaching their customers, almost doubling last year’s result. In the fourth quarter, however, the production constraints caused by a chip shortage weighed heavily on its results.
Cars were delivered by ŠKODA AUTO to their customers in the first quarter of 2021. Compared with last year, this is a decrease of 2.9 percent.
Achievements and Trophies
Golden Steering Wheel for the ENYAQ iV
ŠKODA’s electric SUV impressed the jury comprised of racing drivers, presenters and journalists at the Lausitzring race track in Germany. Among the three finalists that emerged from the vote by the Auto Bild Magazine and Bild am Sonntag Newspaper, it was voted the winner of the Golden Steering Wheel competition in the electric SUV category. The judges evaluated the individual models according to various criteria, such as driveability, spaciousness and view. This is the seventh time that ŠKODA AUTO has won this award, the first time being in 1999 with its FABIA model.
Best employee care
The carmaker built on its achievements in the previous years and won the Employer of the Year 2021 competition in the category of companies with more than 5,000 employees. The award is part of the Employers’ Club Annual Awards, follows PWC’s methodology and assesses the employee care quality. This is another success of ŠKODA AUTO in the HR area – in October, it was also named the most attractive employer in the Czech Republic in the international Universum survey, and it regularly ranks first among the Randstad Award’s best employers.
Diversity promotion is recognised
The Business for Society Platform awarded the carmaker its special jury prize for the carmaker’s project Promotion of Diversity and Working with Prejudices for Better Team Performance as part of the TOP Responsible Company Awards. It consists of a series of interactive training sessions for supervisors, during which they learn to work with unconscious biases in order to help work performance and interpersonal relationships in their departments. A symbol of having consistent respect for people and their attitudes, which is emphasised in the new corporate policy NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, is the recent change in the name of the S – Human Resources Management area to S – People and Culture.
How they see us
The Slavia looks like an interesting new car and could be an obvious choice for customers considering buying a sedan.
Stylish and sophisticated look
Largest boot space in the segment
Well-crafted interior with ample rear seat space
Numerous safety features
The once great appeal of sedans is declining, and the question is how the car will compete with a very wide range of SUVs
Electric SUV at the Dubai EXPO
ŠKODA AUTO is among the partners of the Czech representation at EXPO 2020, which is taking place a year late due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The carmaker is providing the Czech Commissioner General, Jiří František Potužník, with an ENYAQ SPORTLINE iV car for the duration of the exhibition. The general world exhibition is primarily focused on the topics of sustainability and mobility. This corresponds with the carmaker’s NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, which defines its ambitious goals in this area. EXPO 2020 takes place in the UAE’s most populous city from the beginning of October to the end of March 2022.
Thanks to the POWERPASS service, ŠKODA AUTO offers access to one of the largest charging networks for electric cars in Europe. Over 260,000 charging points, including more than 2,000 fast charging points, can be used with an app or RFID card.
Top Secret
Traditional internal innovation fair IVET presents 37 interesting projects
his year, IVET moved from the Úhelnice polygon to the design presentation hall in Bezděčín. For four days, representatives from the Technical Development departments presented a total of 37 innovation topics to their colleagues and the Board members. It was a very unusual fair. Most of the presented exhibits, ideas and solutions were labelled “Top Secret”. That is why IVET is a purely internal fair: It serves to acquaint both the carmaker’s management and colleagues from other departments with the innovations and ideas of Technical Development.
From 11 to 14 October, hundreds of the carmaker’s employees headed to the IVET fair. “The first day was dedicated to presentations for the Board, including the CEO Thomas Schäfer, which shows the importance of the event and the emphasis that the carmaker’s management places on innovation”, explains David Nádeník from the EB/1 – Innovation department. On the second day, the event was mainly attended by employees of Product Lines and Marketing – departments that come into contact with innovations during their implementation in production and subsequent sales to their customers. On the last two days, other employees from Technical Development visited the fair as well with the goal to agree on which innovations to take forward and prepare for mass production.
Innovations must be experienced
In addition to the installations, the fair also included outdoor test drives. Technical Development employees only presented car innovations that were not visible at first glance since they drove in regular traffic. And which innovations are we talking about? They include our solutions relating to seat comfort, control and infotainment solutions, as well as other innovations. The goal was to make sure everyone experiences them in the same way as the end user.
However, we can present some of the innovations from the IVET fair in more detail. These include our other Simply Clever solutions for which ŠKODA AUTO is renowned. One of the innovations that could reach our customers in the future is our solution for seats on the loading edge of the boot. This is essentially a two-sided carpet that can be “rolled” from the boot over the loading edge and bumper, with the lower part made of a durable and easy-to-wash material. Other innovations that were presented included the secure attachment and storage of a mobile phone or the various folders in the boot and the car’s interior.
There were also innovations in the areas of customer comfort, advanced assistance systems, projects related to the coexistence of the user with the electric car or improved infotainment features. Healthy interiors, or the various measures that lead to the elimination of bacteria and viruses in a car’s interior, have also become a big topic these days. ED
IVET helps to connect everyone involved in product innovation at ŠKODA AUTO. It serves to showcase and inform what we at Technical Development are thinking about and working on to make future ŠKODA cars even better.
David Nádeník
EB/1 – Innovation
New strategy
The IVET fair also introduced visitors to a new innovation strategy that will ensure the creation of useful and practical products. This strategy is based on the principles of the NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030 and follows the brand’s core values: Simplifying, Surprising and Human. “It’s about defining the pillars in these areas that we will adhere to in the innovation process. The goal is to create solutions that users will actually appreciate, and we’re working on this with the Marketing department”, says Lukáš Kendík from the EB/1 – Innovation department.
In this pillar, our developers should always strive to make new solutions user-friendly, with features available through the minimum number of steps. The carmaker is also addressing ways to simplify electric car charging, and its modular interior solutions represent one of its critical chapters.
This pillar focuses on ensuring that both the car and its specific features or solutions provide users with moments of positive surprise and that ŠKODA interiors offer more smart solutions than the competition. It also addresses updates to on-board systems: one of the motivations for users to install updates will be new features that become another pleasant surprise. “The projects resulting from the new strategy will start to appear in cars in the coming years”, indicates L. Kendík about the pace of implementation of the new procedures.
The last pillar suggests that the user should feel at home (or better) in the car’s interior, and everything should be as adaptable as possible to their needs and requirements.
IVET / Traffication
Will soon get new features for easier and safer travel
raffication (or traffic notification) is an application that displays traffic safety warnings in the form of pop-up notifications in the ŠKODA car infotainment system. For example, it alerts the driver about a parked car or when they are about to enter a motorway in the opposite direction. In a few days’ time, its second version will already be released. It will significantly expand the existing features and, above all, introduce new types of warnings – for example, against dangerous weather conditions, such as strong winds, heavy snowfall or icy roads. In addition, it will feature a completely new design. This will allow its users to view the detail of warnings or report road hazards to alert other drivers. “This is one of the features that users have often called for. However, unlike the competing applications, we’re not fully dependent on the user’s activity, as manual reports only supplement the other types of reports”, says Michal Vondra from the GXG – PL Complete Connectivity Project department (pictured).
One of the main differences, compared with the competition, is the unattended mode where there is no need to activate or enter any destination before every journey. The app works completely independently in the infotainment background, where it evaluates potential threats in the surroundings and displays them to the user if relevant. Thus, it is a unique solution that already provides information that will only become standard with the advent of so-called V2X communication (direct communication among cars or between car and infrastructure). The second version of the app will be available in the SCALA, KAMIQ and FABIA models with Amundsen infotainment, and the SUPERB, KAROQ and KODIAQ models with Columbus infotainment, and in the OCTAVIA model. It will be available for six months free of charge and can be purchased for a small fee for a full year. Traffication is one of the infotainment applications whose development is managed entirely by ŠKODA AUTO. Read more about the development and testing of the infotainment applications in the November 2021 issue of ŠKODA Mobil. ED
IVET / myškoda
MyŠKODA app improvements
The new look, feel and simplified control logic in just a few clicks are based on a new innovation strategy
n two phases, the MyŠKODA app will receive significant improvements to make it easier and more convenient for its users to use. The solution, which is based on the new design of the ŠKODA FLOW user environment, was one of the innovations presented at the IVET fair.
MyŠKODA offers its users access to all the ŠKODA Connect mobile online services and also includes all the information about the car and service partner network.
The MyŠKODA app will receive its improved user environment by the end of this year, with more major changes to the app’s functionality coming next year. “We’re building on the ŠKODA FLOW design, which has become the carmaker’s standard for digital products and with which our UX team won the Red Dot Design Award, the best of the best”, says Miroslav Vinter from the GX/F – PL Development of Connectivity Frontends department. The application’s new look and control logic are based on an innovation strategy that was presented at the IVET fair as well. “We are all about simplification. It’s about everything being clear to the user, functions being available in a few clicks, and everything working cleanly and equally across ŠKODA AUTO’s various digital products”, says Vinter.
Our developers are placing greater emphasis on integrating the features of electric cars. “The feature controls should look the same across the entire model range and should work pro-actively as well”, explains Vinter. In the future, the app will offer the user the ability to find the nearest chargers and display them on a map if the battery charge level drops below a certain level. ED
IVET / Safety
IVET / Safety
Attention, child in the car!
A new solution alerts about children in danger inside a car and ensures assistance
t may sound unbelievable, but drivers sometimes unwittingly forget their little ones in the car. Such omissions can have fatal consequences. That is why the IVET fair featured a solution that alerts the car user to a child that may have been forgotten inside the car and ensures assistance if the child is in danger. Especially in hot weather, a child in a car is at risk of overheating, which kills dozens of children worldwide every year. “For the ŠKODA brand, family comes first. We produce mostly family cars, so it makes sense that we’re addressing this dangerous phenomenon”, says Maxim Savelov of the EEC – Connected Car department. That is why the carmaker is working on a user interface solution to warn the driver about forgetting their children in the car.
The HMI Proposal for NCAP project is based on a future recommendation from EuroNCAP, a consumer organisation that aims to increase car safety and protect car passengers’ lives in the long term. Children are among the most vulnerable. “In case children are left in the car by accident, those under five are in greatest danger. The younger the child, the greater the danger”, says Savelov. The youngest children cannot cope on their own in similar situations; moreover, their thermoregulation is not fully functioning yet. “Heat is more dangerous than cold”, warns Savelov.
The resulting solution should work quite easily. The car sensors will detect a child left in the car, and when the driver stops and turns off the ignition, a message will appear on the virtual cockpit display to make sure the child is not left in the car. If the driver exits the car anyway and then locks the car (a prerequisite for activating the system), safety mechanisms are triggered to help the child. The system will also be connected to the MyŠKODA app, which will tell the driver that they have forgotten their child in the car – if they do not respond within a certain time interval, the car will start indicating “Please help me” to its surroundings.
The objective is to attract the attention of the surroundings, which could rescue the forgotten child in case of a crisis. The application indication can be deferred via the app. However, if a child is left unattended for a longer period of time, the system will, for example, call the emergency services, open the car windows or activate the ventilation. In case of an electric car, it can activate air-conditioning as well. “It is important to say that everything will work at the moment when the driver actually locks the car and pays no attention to their child”, emphasises Savelov. “If a car is unlocked, we expect the driver to return quickly or that both the car and the child are under the driver’s supervision”, he adds. ED
Communicate in a Way that People Know
InnoToolbox programme helps establish communication with customers through a common chat application
he person behind the idea of using WhatsApp, which is often used in everyday life, to contact customers was Victoria Udut from the then-VB – Business Development department (she now works at the VM/1 – International Brand Marketing department). “From various studies, but also from friends and acquaintances, we knew that people want to communicate with marketers by using chat apps. ŠKODA AUTO didn’t used to offer anything like that, so we wanted to change that. If we give customers the opportunity to get in touch with a dealer quickly and with as little effort as possible, we will increase customer satisfaction and expand business opportunities”, explains Udut. The team that worked on this idea subsequently approached partners within the carmaker and among importers to push the idea. “This meant dealing with some relevant, but also less relevant, objections. I had to fight for this innovation”, notes Udut. She was able to rely on the principles of the InnoToolbox programme, which is one of ŠKODA AUTO’s long-term strategy tools to promote innovation. It is inspired by the Adobe Kickbox concept and guides innovators from the idea to prototype to “selling” it to an internal customer. It served as motivation for the innovator and helped her to gather all the pros and cons of her idea and get to a tangible result. “The InnoToolbox and an InnoTeam mentor also helped me to navigate all the processes within the carmaker that I had to go through when implementing the innovation. I can recommend everyone not to be afraid to push their ideas and use similar tools”, says Udut, who also co-partnered on the project with students of the CEMS management programme at the Prague University of Economics and Business. A manual for dealers was created to help them maintain a high level of communication with customers, as well as an eLearning training programme. The former VC – Customer Experience Management department then added a feature to the importer’s websites that allows a direct link in the “Find a Dealer” section to chat via WhatsApp with dealers who support this option. ED
A series of IdeaSpace videos highlights successful projects in which the company’s innovation tools, programmes and InnoTeam support played an important role. The videos can be found at inovace.skoda-auto.cz.
india 2.0 / slavia
SLAVIA Brings Style and Prestige
The carmaker unveiled its second model of the INDIA 2.0 project, a compact sedan based on the MQB-A0-IN platform
he small sedans from the A0 segment are very popular among our Indian customers. That is why ŠKODA AUTO has focused on this category for its second model developed in India. The SLAVIA will be produced at the ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) plant in Pune. “The SLAVIA is designed to meet the needs of all our Indian customers. The car is being manufactured in India with a localisation rate of up to 95 percent. We believe that with the KUSHAQ and SLAVIA cars, we will fully capitalise on the potential offered by the Indian market”, says Thomas Schäfer, the CEO of ŠKODA AUTO.
Named after the first bicycles sold by the company’s founders, Laurin and Klement, the model is based on the MQB-A0-IN modular platform. The car will appeal to its customers with its emotional design that evokes style and prestige. The car is decorated with chrome elements, including its impressive two-tone alloy wheels of up to 16” in size and the Crystal metallic blue colour offered exclusively on the Indian market. The interior is dominated by a central infotainment screen with a diagonal up to 10”.
Thanks to its powerful engines and numerous Simply Clever features, the SLAVIA will not only appeal to demanding Indian customers but also find its application in other countries.
Gurpratap Boparai
Managing Director of SAVWIPL
The powerful air-conditioning and ventilated leather front seats, which are part of the highest Style trim level, are perfect for the harsh Indian conditions. The SLAVIA also comes with a host of high-end safety features and assistance systems. Its standard features include the ESC electronic stability control and tyre pressure monitoring, while the Hill Start Assist and light and rain sensors are available as options.
Like the KUSHAQ, the sedan comes with a choice of 1.0 TSI and 1.5 TSI petrol engines that meet India’s stringent BS6 emissions standard. Customers can also select the automatic transmission versions upon request. ED
Length 4,541 mm
Width 1,752 mm
Height 1,487 mm
Boot 521 l
Three-cylinder 1.0 TSI (85 kW*)Four-cylinder 1.5 TSI Evo (110 kW*)
Maximum torque
175 Nm*
250 Nm*
*Preliminary data
More information on the new SLAVIA model.
Model for the Others
ŠKODA AUTO receives a special prize from the Automotive Lean Production Awards for the second time. This time for the excellent start-up of the new Paint Shop
t the 15th annual Automotive Lean Production Congress, which took place at the ŠKODA Museum in Mladá Boleslav on 3 and 4 November, the carmaker was presented with a special award. It is in recognition of the qualities of the new Paint Shop, which in many ways serves as the benchmark for lean production and digitisation in the automotive industry. It is also a testament to the professionalism of the Production and Quality Management teams. The state-of-the-art facility was commissioned by ŠKODA AUTO in 2019.
This year, the Automotive Lean Production Congress included the commissioning of the Paint Shop among the five awarded projects. “We’re delighted to have received this special award for the successful launch of the Paint Shop. It shows that the new Paint Shop is setting industry-wide standards in the areas of sustainability and cost and process efficiency and demonstrates how consistently ŠKODA AUTO is taking advantage of the opportunities presented by Industry 4.0. A total of 66 robots are taking over the various work steps there and, thus, further optimise production quality”, said Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for Production and Logistics, at the award ceremony. He also thanked all ŠKODA AUTO employees who contributed to the excellent start-up of the new Paint Shop. In 2019, the carmaker received a special award for the Smart Digital Application for the dProduction project. This year, more than 40 manufacturers from 10 countries competed for this award. The most promising ones received an invitation to the two-day congress.
Michael Oeljeklaus opened the second day of the congress with a special lecture and spoke about the NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, which is inherently lean. He also highlighted the carmaker’s success in achieving CO2 neutrality at the Vrchlabí plant over the past year and emphasised the goal of reducing fleet emissions by more than 50 percent by 2030 compared with 2020. In the Q&A session, he described the topic of the current chip shortage, which is plaguing not only carmakers. Apart from the known reasons, he focused mainly on the long-term solution. Carmakers, which currently account for only about 1 percent of global chip demand, need to build close relationships with their suppliers and start working with silicon raw materials in a new way, he said. One example is by enabling faster replacement of old chip types in cars with new ones. Maren Gräf, Board Member for People & Culture, also spoke at the conference and followed up on the topic of the chip crisis. She explained that car companies and other industrial companies have to make changes that allow them to respond better to various crisis situations resulting from such events or the coronavirus pandemic. “The pandemic has made us think about what a new model of work can look like”, Gräf said in the discussion. She highlighted the importance of sustainability where climate protection plays a crucial role. However, according to Gräf, sustainability also means diversity, equal opportunities for employees and support for the regions where the company operates. “There are studies that say teams with rich diversity are more effective”, she noted. ED
Award-winning Paint Shop
Marek Jancák, Head of PF – Car Production, and Jiří Drbout, Head of PP – Brand Planning, received their awards from Werner Geiger, Managing Director of the Agamus Consul consulting company. They jointly provided more detail regarding the award-winning Paint Shop, which uses a number of unique solutions – for example, a new concept of dryers, which are used to cure the varnish and body runs through them “crosswise” rather than in the direction of travel. This results in a more compact operation, with more intensive recuperation contributing to cost savings in dryer heating, as well as better paint curing. In addition to the innovative dryers, 66 precision robots operate there, and the Paint Shop is equipped with a special system for capturing paint in crushed limestone, which is then used in the desulphurisation of the ŠKO-ENERGO plants.
Details about the new Paint Shop
My Footprint in Prodcution
My Footprint in Prodcution
I Enjoy My Work in Production
In the first of the My Footprint in Production series of interviews, Jakub France explains why he chose to work in Production and Logistics and how he started in the automotive industry.
Jakub France
PF2-K/2 – Body Maintenance MB II
What brought you to ŠKODA AUTO?
Most of my family worked here, and maybe that was why I wanted to come here from a young age. Later on, when I was choosing what to study, I chose the ŠKODA AUTO University (ŠAVŠ). Both my studies and love for cars ultimately made me apply for a job at the carmaker.
What is your relationship with the automotive industry?
Very positive! Cars have become my hobby and my passion. I’ve even started organising sports car rallies. I enjoy new trends and innovations that can be easily and well implemented in production.
Did you start at the carmaker as a trainee?
Before my studies at the ŠAVŠ, I became a trainee at the MB II Body Shop. For example, I was there at the start of the Student Talent Pool programme, experienced the change of designation from trainee to intern, went through the compulsory work experience and wrote my bachelor’s thesis as a trainee under the guidance of ŠKODA AUTO and Body Shop management. After five years, I still worked as a specialist at the MB II Body Shop and increasingly realised that Production is a place I like because it has so much to offer to me.
How do you contribute to the carmaker?
I work as a trendsetter specialist at the Body Shop. I strive to introduce new trends and technologies not only in production but also in maintenance. I contribute with innovative ideas and participate in projects that will make the work of all the employees in this department easier.
Is working in the Production area challenging, and how?
The most challenging thing is that I study at a university with my major in economics, which is a logical follow-up to my secondary education. In practice, I currently combine these two worlds – economics and technology – by bringing my economic perspective to technical issues. I constantly follow new trends in the world by drawing on technical articles and advice from colleagues. All of this strengthens my will to “keep working hard”. ED
Force Program
FORCE Program
New Production Targets in India
ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) is on track to successfully complete the INDIA 2.0 project
he FORCE Program has been in effect at the Indian production sites since 2019. They have improved the business processes there through ideas, refreshed the way they creatively engage employees and contributed to the completion of the INDIA 2.0 project. In 2021, the FORCE Program generated savings of EUR 5.22 million (approx. CZK 135 million) thanks to the implementation of 300 savings measures in India. With the MQB platform – on which the models are built in Pune, India – and the segment that is manufactured at the Aurangabad plant, the Indian region is well prepared to meet the future challenges in this dynamic market. “The team was able to come up with many topics that focus on investment efficiency in production and cost optimisation for the individual processes. We’ve also focused on capacities, which we are considering from not only the local but also the global perspective. This is the only way our business in India will flourish, and we’ll be able to offer more products tailored to the Indian, as well as the global, market. Within SAVWIPL, Manufacturing and Logistics has taken the lead on innovation. We want to focus in detail on our plant strategies in terms of model upgrades and expansions related to the electric future”, says Mojmír Hájek, Head of I-P – Manufacturing and Logistics, India Region.
I am deeply convinced that trust in the Indian team and its belief in the FORCE Program are the way to go. Processes set up according to its principles will help us to successfully implement changes and find a way to meet the tough challenges ahead.
Martin Syrovátka
Head of Production Services SAVWIPL
Therefore, the next step will be to improve access to the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. In this regard, the FORCE Program team held a joint brainstorming session (group interviews – ed.) in Aurangabad, where everyone delved into how the individual goals and future measures can be coordinated with the EXPAND > EXPLORE > ENGAGE philosophy. What came out of the meeting was a structured vision for the INDIA operations until 2030, as well as a roadmap with the individual measures. These were later presented to the Mladá Boleslav team and laid the foundation for a new approach to the India objectives of the FORCE Program. ED
New Climate Resistance Testing facility
With its own facility, India can test cars in both desert and tropical conditions all year long
limate resistance testing is an integral part of the development of new ŠKODA brand cars. In addition to a special climate chamber or waterproofing testing facility (more in the July 2020 issue of ŠKODA Mobil), they are also tested directly in the extreme environment in question (e.g. in a desert or humid climate). ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) has set up a site for these tests in Aurangabad, India, following the example of similar outdoor facilities that the VW Group has in Arizona, Florida and South Africa, among others. “The idea of a testing facility was born in 2019 during the planning of the INDIA 2.0 project, when we were thinking about how to facilitate the development of vehicles in India and save money at the same time”, says Petr Sobotka of GQM-2 – Material Technology and Special Measurements. Running our own testing facility in India is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than transporting cars to other Group facilities.
The Aurangabad testing facility has similar parameters to other Group facilities. It is a secure, strictly monitored area where the tested cars are exposed to the weather for long periods of time. Up to 12 cars (or even the individual components) can be tested there. The testing facility is constantly monitored, and not only for safety reasons; all the weather parameters, such as temperature, pressure, solar radiation intensity, humidity or wind direction and speed are also monitored. “Since the summer of 2019, a demanding verification phase has been underway there, which has helped us to determine whether the testing facility meets the Group’s requirements”, says Miroslav Hradil from the GQM-2/1 – Material Technology – Polymers department. The series of tests and trials was completed there in October with the final audit that confirmed the testing facility’s functionality. The testing facility is already running live tests of the Indian ŠKODA KUSHAQ and VW Taigun, with other projects from the INDIA 2.0 family soon to follow. They will be complemented by cars from the INDIA 2.5 project in the future.
Compared with other workplaces, Aurangabad has one advantage: It has a dry desert climate half the year and a humid one the other half. This allows the carmaker to test the durability of the cars in both environments in the same place. “Until now, we had to send the cars for testing to two different test facilities – Arizona for dry climate testing and Florida for humid climate testing. In Aurangabad, we test for both stress types, which significantly streamlines the entire analysis and testing process”, says Sobotka. There they can test not only the long-term stability of cars’ plastics, paints and varnishes in direct sunlight but also the durability of adhesives and other binders in humid climates. “The in-house climate resistance testing facility project strengthens ŠKODA’s role within the VW Group and develops the competence and know-how of our Indian colleagues in the region, for which ŠKODA AUTO has assumed Group responsibility”, concludes Florian Weymar, Head of Quality Management of the ŠKODA brand. ED
However, ŠKODA AUTO does not forget about parents whose children are in compulsory school. On 11 November, the next online seminar in the Healthy Boundaries in a Digital World series will take place. This time, it will focus on the age group of children from 6 to 15 years old. If you are interested in participating, please register here.
We think green
Thinking green
The food chain is a complex mechanism that nowadays offers a wide range of options. So much food is produced that most of us have never felt hungry; at the same time, food is being wasted. The SPP/4 team and Aramark give advice on how to eat green without polluting our planet.
Consumption of drinking water per 1 kg of apples
The consumption of water needed for food production varies from country to country, depending on water availability. Food that is grown in countries suffering from water scarcity and has to travel greater distances to reach you is not the best choice. So keep an eye on where your food comes from.
Organic chicken’s carbon footprint
A chicken from organic breeding is of higher quality; however, it takes longer to grow and consumes more feed. It will, therefore, have a higher carbon footprint than conventionally bred chicken. A compromise may be chickens bred in an environmentally friendly way or free-range chicken.
Global CO2 emissions
Let’s think about what we eat. Let’s eat seasonal and local foods, keep processed foods to the minimum and avoid food wasting.
Meat production
80% of the carbon footprint
produced by pig breeding comes from the livestock support and feed production (corn, grain and soya but also farmland, fertilisers, pesticides and seeds).
Other sources of emissions include processing, packaging, storage and transport. We also have to factor in purchasing, refrigeration, cooking and waste.
What is CO2-equivalent?
All the greenhouse gases associated with food production, such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide are expressed in CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq).
For comparison: 121 g of CO2-eq is produced during the production of 125 g of black beans
Green Future
Saving tons of waste
Production of reusable REkrabička in which you’ve been taking your takeway food from our restaurants since the summer
y using the REkrabička, ŠKODA AUTO has joined more than 700 businesses across the Czech Republic that use these eco-friendly containers. These include restaurants, canteens, bistros and cafés. There are currently 130,000 REkrabička in circulation. This saves 5.5 tonnes of waste every month, compared with the past.
ŠKODA AUTO is trying to expand its product portfolio to replace even more disposable packaging items in the future.
Based in Kuřim, South Moravia, Zero Waste Solutions is the only company in the Czech Republic that produces this product. They sell or lease their boxes and ensure that they are recycled when they are used up. The REkrabička comes in several types: two-section box for the main course, single-section box for soup and salads. One box takes 20 to 30 seconds to produce, depending on its size and weight. Even at this stage, the manufacturer is careful to protect the environment. It uses mainly electric machines with optimum parameters for environmentally friendly and economical production. During packaging, it minimises the packaging material amount: It places the boxes into packaging boxes without any unnecessary additional layers. It uses local production materials – dyes come from nearby Brno, other materials from the Czech Republic, and the rest no farther than Europe. Thanks to this, it minimises the environmental impacts of transport as well.
Serving even after recycling
The lifespan of the REkrabička depends on how its users treat it. It can easily handle 500 dishwashing cycles. It is most at risk from silver scratches and also from prolonged microwave heating and careless handling. When the REkrabička’s life is over, the manufacturer takes back the container and hands it over for recycling. This involves grinding the REkrabička into granulate, which is then used to make plastic pallets or boxes, for example, but it also serves as input raw material in the automotive industry.
Production cycle
Choosing the material from which the REkrabička would be made was the most difficult part of the entire process. The manufacturer initially considered glass or stainless steel. It concentrated on environmental friendliness, durability and practicality. A special type of polypropylene, which is reasonably durable, affordable and recyclable, proved to be the best. Zero Waste Solutions is currently developing its own material as legislation has made it possible to use recycled materials directly for food packaging. The development includes, for example, tests of microwave resistance, food staining and scratching resistance and hygiene tests. Once the manufacturer switches to its new material, it will start with the most popular two-chamber box, which is also the most complex one to produce. As early as next year, new containers could be created from discarded REkrabička. In addition, the manufacturer has other ambitions: to save 18 tonnes of waste per month by the end of June 2022 or to extend the use of REkrabička to the packaging of drugstore products. SPP AND ARAMARK TEAM
Ondřej Širočka
Director of Zero Waste Solutions
I used to work at an IT company in a large office complex, and every day, I saw how much disposable packaging was thrown away. A lot of waste was generated mainly by so-called boxed diets where food was packed even into five boxes in one day. So, I started wondering whether it could be done differently. I completed my market research in about a year, spoke to restaurants and people who make boxed diets. Gradually, it came down to making the REkrabička.
Fresh and Packed with Technology
ŠKODA AUTO showrooms reflect customers’ digital requirements and also offer virtual and augmented reality
nstead of a traditional reception area, there is a pleasant open space, large OLED displays or comfortable seating in almost every corner. These are just some of the features of the modern ŠKODA AUTO showroom. The carmaker prepared the new concept to increase competitiveness and sales, as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty via a better customer experience. “We’re taking into account the rapid progress of digitalisation and the changing behaviours of customers who, for example, already come to the dealer with a specific idea thanks to their use of the online configurator. However, it is not so much about having a showroom packed with digital technology but, above all, about connecting it to the online world, which people connect to, for example, from home”, according to Pavel Kulíšek from VX1 – Offline Customer Journey department, which is responsible for the development of the sales network.
The dealership network is a living organism that is constantly evolving. I dare say that we’re one of the trendsetters in the VW Group when it comes to showroom solutions.
Pavel Kulíšek
VX1 – Offline Customer Journey
In 2019, the Autocentrum Jan Šmucler store in Pilsen was the first to undergo such a transformation. Since then, hundreds of dealerships around the world have adopted the concept. The important thing is that the technology is fast and easy to use. The new showrooms improve the brand image and increase the chances of selling better equipped vehicles.
The new showrooms usually have a generous amount of space. The individual car models are presented on their own themed island, each featuring a 22-inch touchscreen where you can try out various combinations of colours, wheels and other accessories. “We certainly don’t impose products on dealers; we always want them to make sense in a given location and space and make the investment worthwhile”, explains Kulíšek. The whole concept is very flexible and allows us to adapt to the needs of smaller showrooms in city centres and shopping centres.
Emphasis on interactivity
The showroom is divided into several parts. The so-called visualisation zone can feature even more modern technologies if this is what the dealer wants. “We offer dealers a solution for presenting cars by using virtual and augmented reality where we focus mainly on electric cars, such as the ENYAQ iV and the upcoming ENYAQ COUPÉ iV”, says Kulíšek. The most attractive area of the showroom is the main novelty zone. There is an interactive touchscreen table as its centrepiece, which the team members use to present everything of interest to customers. Another zone is intended for relaxation and offers free Internet access, TV and coffee. And those who may not want to use the team members’ services at the moment can visit the self-service zone with touch screens or the QR codes on the displayed cars to guide them to the presentation of each of the models. ED
The World of ŠKODA AUTO
The World of ŠKODA AUTO
Surface area:
357,022 km2
Sales of new passenger cars:
Best-selling model on the market:
Volkswagen Golf
ŠKODA AUTO in Germany
Germany is currently the largest market for the Czech carmaker, whose market share in the country has been growing steadily in recent years. Since 2008, ŠKODA AUTO has held the position of largest importer, and last year, it moved up to sixth place in new car registrations, leapfrogging the domestic brand Opel. This is a historic milestone – the first time a foreign brand has managed to overtake one of the Top 6 domestic brands in Germany. ŠKODA AUTO can draw on its long history in the German market. The Mladá Boleslav–based carmaker imported its first cars here as early as 1907: the L&K A, L&K B and L&K F. After its merger with VW, it established itself as a popular brand whose customers appreciate the excellent price/performance ratio.
Sales of new ŠKODA cars (2020)
Market share
Number of sales points
Until now, the OCTAVIA has clearly been the biggest draw, but the brand has a very balanced portfolio in Germany. “Another breakthrough model was the KODIAQ, which opened up the brand to the corporate clientele, and the average value of vehicles sold on the German market has increased significantly. Today, however, the new electric ENYAQ iV scores particularly well. The model fully benefits from the high rate of electrification on the German market: “Since the beginning of the year, one in four new vehicles registered is pure battery or plug-in hybrid-powered”, notes Christoph Esser from VE1 – Region 1. The ENYAQ iV has become the best-selling pure battery SUV on the market since its introduction and also won the renowned Golden Steering Wheel 2021 of the trade magazine Auto, Motor und Sport in the Best BEV SUV category. In October, the ENYAQ iV was the brand’s best-selling model in Germany for the first time in terms of new orders signed and, therefore, has the prospect of being ŠKODA’s benchmark on this market for the long term.
The new FABIA arrives
The fourth generation of the popular hatchback went on sale in both Germany and the Czech Republic in September, and the carmaker is promising success from it. The new FABIA has provoked a very positive reaction in the market, with its larger dimensions and design attracting attention. The launch of the model was supported by the LIVE & DRiVE campaign, during which visitors were able to see or test-drive the FABIA and ENYAQ iV at 12 three-day events. The exhibition attracted nearly half a million visitors and included 864 test drives and almost 3,000 customer consultations with dealers.
Best-selling ŠKODA models
Market specifics
SUVs are the most sought-after cars and account for more than a quarter of the market. BEVs are also very popular and, given the rapid rise of electrification, surveys show that half of Germans would already like to buy a fully electric car when they buy their next car. The process of buying a car, whether new or used, is undergoing major changes, although German customers have so far been conservative. Even in the wake of the pandemic, they are not only choosing a model online but also increasingly looking for the best deal, and there is a growing willingness to conclude a purchase contract digitally – until now, Germans had preferred physically visiting a dealership to purchase a car and sign a contract. ŠKODA AUTO Deutschland GmbH, the brand’s importer in Germany, is gradually working with Volkswagen Financial Services to implement a full-fledged online car sales process, from the approval of financing or leasing to the actual signing of the purchase contract. ED
Think Digitally, Print Minimally
We Print Less and Less
Thanks to a number of digitisation projects and changes to employee habits, ŠKODA AUTO is succeeding in saving the environment and reducing costs
n the reporting period from January to August, ŠKODA AUTO reduced the number of printed pages by about a third compared with the same period in 2019. This means that employees printed approximately 11 million fewer A4 pages. In addition to the financial savings, this reduction has had a positive impact on the environment as well. According to studies, producing and transporting a single sheet of paper produces an average of 4.74 g of carbon dioxide. Therefore, in the examined period, the reduction in printing alone corresponds to a saving of about 52 tonnes of CO2, with the projection of more than 80 tonnes by the end of 2021. Incidentally, the reduction in printing quantified in the first eight months of this year also indirectly translates to a saving of 1,400 trees and 1.5 million litres of water.
A number of measures are behind the reduction, including greater distances to printers and placing A3 printing on only certain floors, which makes it more difficult to reach them. Employees are striving to eliminate this type of printing. Instead of direct printing, the Print2Me queuing has also started to be used, making it possible to cancel any erroneous or redundant printing of certain documents at the printer. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an impact, with numerous team members working from home and, therefore, printing less. This form of mobile working has shown people that it is often not necessary to have physical documents in hand, and that they only need to be handled electronically. This brings us to another important activity that helps reduce printing: digitalisation. In recent years, a number of measures, projects and applications were implemented that have significantly reduced paper consumption. Here is an overview of those implemented by the FR – Accounting, Taxes, Customs department. ED
Digitisation activities eliminating printing
eMA – Self-service payroll and tax application. It includes electronic payroll stubs, annual tax clearance application, taxable income and income certificates for banks, change of salary payment method and retirement insurance record sheet.
eVPC – Application used for electronic business travel settlement. Originally, it was a physical form with relevant supporting documents sent by internal post.
FINPORT – Financial portal for ŠKODA AUTO’s business partners that is used for electronic communication. It allows you to download tax and accounting documents, payment notifications, confirm balances and offset mutual receivables and payables etc.
ELZOF – The electronic sales invoice request system issues tens of thousands of documents per year. Every invoice contains on average one attachment of two sheets, so the savings are really significant. Around 98% of these invoices currently go out electronically, which also means savings on envelopes and postage.
Electronic archiving of print reports in IXOS – various print reports were previously archived in this way, and in 2018, draft payment reports were added, which were printed weekly on approximately 2,000 A3 pages.
e-Invoicing – Electronic invoicing on the supplier’s side, including electronic approval workflow.
Automation of DM inventory - regular annual electronic inventory of fixed assets using barcode readers.
Automatic sending of sales invoices – Process of so-called manual invoicing, where invoices are sent to ŠKODA AUTO’s business partners by e-mail in PDF format.
Digitisation of the “Absence from work” paper forms – printing savings were achieved by transferring them from the “e-Attendance sheet” or “My Shifts” to the e-Attendance application.
Other successful projects – The other projects and activities that have led to the required print savings include the electronic archiving of batch input logs (maps) for machine posting of documents from the interface, electronic archiving of internal billing notes as a basis for posting and others.
Latest energy-saving projects
e-Annual Report
In the past, annual reports of 160-180 pages were printed on expensive high-quality paper in 120 copies in Czech and English. The latest annual report for 2020, which is almost 200pages long, was published only electronically, which also saves on distribution costs. The annual reports can be found on the ŠKODA Storyboard website.
SLV e-Inventory
The electronic inventory of service vehicles has resulted in an annual saving of approximately 1,100 A3 pages. The work involved in the preparation and distribution of the reports by the cost centre and, last but not least, the physical archiving of the reports was eliminated as well.
Electronification of internal communications
To be used for the application to secure reimbursement to an external entity without the existence of a supplier invoice including reimbursement donation contracts via the system eCSR. Since 2018, printing of 3,280 documents have been saved.
Azubi Car
Azubi Car
Full Power into the Desert
Despite delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the team is already working on its eighth student car, named the AFRIQ
or the first time ever, the Azubi Car will have the look of a rally racing special. The team of 25 students from the ŠKODA AUTO Vocational School (SOUs), which is part of the ŠKODA Academy, is cooperating with the ŠKODA Motorsport team to celebrate its 120th anniversary. The car, based on the KAMIQ model, will pay tribute to the Czech brand’s racing achievements. ŠKODA Motorsport has provided the students with accessories for the car and expert assistance both in its development and design and will also support its promotion. The car could not have been built without significant support from the training masters, on whom an even greater responsibility fell at the time of the pandemic.
The rally version of the KAMIQ car presented an extraordinary challenge to the students’ creativity. They brought numerous great ideas to the paper and project.
Oliver Stefani
Head of ED – ŠKODA Design
Proud students and company
The students brought a lot of great ideas to the project. They will modify the car’s interior so that there is only room for the driver and navigator, and they will put in numerous protective elements, as well as a steel structure. They do not need to focus on the interior as much as with the previous models; instead, they will carefully consider which components to keep in the car to make it as lightweight and functional as possible. They also have to sort out the electronics modification to fit the racing model. The entire development of the car is closely monitored by Alois Kauer, Head of the ŠKODA Academy, who appreciates the close connection between teaching and practical skills during the project. “If you create something yourself, you learn much better. When the students work on the Azubi Car project, they’re proud of what is being created. Thanks to the involvement of a large number of our experts, they enjoy great support and also the opportunity to work with the design and production departments. It’s great marketing for the brand as well. The whole world wishes to see what the young people have created”, Kauer says.
The project was delayed due to the pandemic, but the students also had more time to do everything. They are developing and building the car themselves from the initial idea to the finished car, which they will present in second quarter of the next year. The student car project is unique in the Czech Republic and gives the students an overview of all the important departments of the carmaker. They learn to work in teams and combine planning with the practical implementation of the project, including presenting their work to the Board members. ED
In the next episode of the podcast, Martin Slabihoudek, Head of SOUs, talks about the new student car and the benefits of this project for both the school and the carmaker. You can listen to the episode with the Spotify app or by visiting www.simplycleverpodcast.cz.
Matyáš Janča
Toolmaker, Year 3
I work on the project physically rather than on paper. I’m extending part of the car’s rear and front bumper. I signed up because I wished to work on some project, and making a student car seemed like a great idea. My motivation was also the good feeling of being directly involved in the car, which is then publicly presented by the carmaker. I’ve been following the Azubi Car project for a long time, and I’ve been checking out where the cars have been.
Adéla Nešněrová
Transport operations and economics, Year 4
In this year’s Azubi team, I’m leading a group in charge of the interior. When we’ve agreed on what we should put in it, it’s up to me to assign the various tasks to the team members. I am responsible for making sure we turn everything in on time. What I liked most was that I got to be involved in the car sketching. Under the guidance of the Česana experts, we transformed our ideas into their virtual form.
Vít Trnka
Car mechanic, Year 2
I’m directly involved in the car building. For example, I’m responsible for attaching the added spoiler, removing the axle and replacing the engine. Actually, my entire second year is my internship with the Azubi Car. I joined the project to further improve what we learn at school but also to broaden my horizons and learn something new. This has been a success. For example, I’ve learned how to weld plastic parts well and model the inside of a door.
Aleš Zíta
Teacher at SOUs
The great benefit is that the students can work with the professional departments, and that they can contact our supervisors from the start of production. We also collaborate with ŠKODA Motorsport and marketing to promote the model. Pupils go into production, they try out the technology. Basically, they get to do things that others don’t – not only sketching the car with renowned experts, for example, but also meeting the Board of Directors, with whom they have to discuss it. For the students, the Azubi Car is a great chance to experience what it’s really like in the automotive industry, outside the bubble of the school.
Get Vaccinated, Please!
The current epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic has prompted the carmaker to tighten some measures
he number of people infected with the COVID-19 virus in the Czech Republic is on the rise again, but the vaccination rate at ŠKODA AUTO is still only around 61 percent. To prevent a new wave of infections, the carmaker will reactivate the measures it had already developed in close cooperation with the KOVO Trade Union in 2020. These include the compulsory wearing of respiratory protection at the workplace and regular mandatory testing. Information on the measures in force will be provided by your line managers. If the epidemiological situation worsens, the carmaker will take further measures as well.
Area testing continues
In the context of the current situation, area testing of unvaccinated and vaccinated employees continues on a regular basis from 10 p.m. on Sundays. Trained responsible persons supervise the testing and record-keeping at the production sites. On the office premises, supervisors are responsible for the testing process. If an employee refuses to take a test, the employee will be prevented from working, receive no pay and be blocked from entering ŠKODA AUTO’s premises. The employees of external companies (not integrated companies), self-employed persons and visitors must prove their infection-free status by showing a completed vaccination or providing a certificate of having previously contracted COVID-19.
Booster vaccination dose
To have sufficient immunity to COVID-19, a booster vaccination dose is recommended six months after the last vaccination. ŠKODA AUTO will be offering this vaccination at the company’s doctor’s offices and has, therefore, extended the incentive programme in cooperation with the KOVO Trade Union. If you opt for the booster vaccination dose by 30 June 2022 and provide your certificate by 15 July 2022, you will be able to either take one day off or earn 2,000 points in the Cafeteria ŠKODA Benefits. You can schedule your day off in the eNepřítomnosti app and use it to arrange your vaccination, or, with your supervisor’s approval, at any time after the date, on which you provide the certificate until 31 December 2022. If you choose the cafeteria points, they will be automatically credited to your account in the 29th calendar week of 2022 and will be valid until the end of 2023. The aforementioned requirements also apply to the employees vaccinated with a single-dose vaccine, in which case the administration of the second dose is considered a booster dose. ED
Any questions regarding the current situation should be e-mailed with the subject line Emergency Situation to interni.komunikace@skoda-auto.cz. All information can also be found in the COVID-19 Signpost at ŠKODA Space.
Where to get vaccinated
If you are a permanent employee, you can book your vaccination appointment via the Booking ŠKODA app and then go to the C21 clinic in Mladá Boleslav; for example, where the two-dose Moderna vaccine is available. If you are interested in the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine, you can book your vaccination by e-mailing Věra Prokorátová. You can also receive an approved vaccine from your general practitioner. Please do not forget that this is a good time of year for flu vaccinations as well, which are free of charge for both permanent and agency employees. Consult your general practitioner for the proper timing of your vaccinations (both COVID-19 and influenza).
Now, you can also get vaccinated by our mobile team directly at your workplace. Our mobile ambulance team offers the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine against COVID-19, as well as the flu vaccination. If any plants or teams (but not individuals) are interested, you can order the ambulance by contacting Věra Prokorátová from the SG – Health Services and Ergonomics Department at e-mail.
Benefits of your points in the cafeteria
Do you know what benefits the Cafeteria ŠKODA Benefits offers? Until 30 November 2021, the ŠKODA AUTO incentive programme is valid, where you can choose to take two days off or 2,000 points in the Cafeteria ŠKODA Benefits for every extra vacation day you don’t use. You will receive this reward by sending a valid certificate of a complete covid-19 vaccination by 15 December this year to prohlidky.prevence@skoda-auto.cz.
Remember that your points expire!
The Cafeteria ŠKODA Benefits points that were credited to you last year will expire on 31 December 2021. Your points credited this year are valid until the end of next year.
Not sure what to do with your points?
In the benefits catalogue, you will find an overview of all the contract partners divided into health, sports, culture and books categories. You can shop online directly from the cafeteria or via your Flexi Pass Card. In case you do not choose anything, you can convert your points to an extra contribution to your supplementary pension savings plan or to healthy meals at Aramark. You can find out your current points balance directly in the cafeteria. You can access the benefits catalogue via skoda.mojebenefity.cz.
I do not have a PIN or Flexi Pass Card
Have you forgotten your PIN or lost your Flexi Pass Card? You can correct everything directly at the cafeteria. You can reset your PIN in the top-right corner of the screen below the card icon. The next time you make a payment, insert your card into the terminal at the retailer and select your new PIN. If you cannot find your card, you can block it in the same way and then order a new one. It will be delivered within three weeks to the distribution point in Mladá Boleslav or to the HR offices in Kvasiny and Vrchlabí. You can also pick up your card at the same place if you have not collected it yet.
You can find detailed information about the Cafeteria ŠKODA Benefits on ŠKODA Space.
in the HR World
Virtual assistants save time for HR workers and recruiters
rtificial intelligence makes the tedious work of HR workers easier, relieves them of administration and routine and helps with recruitment. The same is true at ŠKODA AUTO where, in addition to the internal IVA chatbot, employees in the S – People & Culture area also use other digital assistants, such as the Recruitment and Onboarding Chatbots. Together with the transition to the new KOMPAS HR platform, chatbots are one of the digital and transformational challenges that concern the HR area.
Onboarding Chatbot in numbers
The number of job applicants that HR chatbots serve per month on average.
of candidates successfully complete the recruitment process with a chatbot.
how long it takes candidates, on average, to fill in their personal data.
Recruitment Chatbot
Chatbots are particularly beneficial when onboarding production workers, replacing the manual filling and transcribing candidate’s information through the personal questionnaires. An external candidate will encounter the Recruitment Chatbot when filling out a job application. During the pandemic, the Recruitment Chatbot significantly assisted the company in large recruitments. It proved its role as a modern digital tool that helped meet the demanding goals of rapid staffing in an efficient and secure way. This is a structured conversation in which the chatbot guides the candidate through filling in personal details, work experience, education etc. This chatbot was also appreciated by HR professionals and, therefore, placed in a medal position in the HR Award for the Best Project in the Human Resources Management Field in the Czech Republic in 2019. “Since winning the award, we’ve been continuously working on improving and adapting to new customer needs so that the tool is always functional and meets the current candidates’ needs”, adds Jiří Pavlík from the STR/3 – Recruitment direct and indirect staff unit.
Onboarding Chatbot
Once a candidate has successfully passed the selection procedure, the Onboarding Chatbot will make it easier for him to join the carmaker. It is designed to simplify the entire onboarding process and collect personal data. It handles all necessary communication also with foreign applicants (in addition to the Czech version, it features Polish and includes instructions in Cyrillic). Candidates can fill in the necessary data at ŠKODA AUTO recruitment centres with the support of assistants or from the comfort of their home via telephone or computer. All the data are sent directly to the KOMPAS HR platform. Here, they are processed by an HR worker who can issue an employment contract and no longer has to manually fill the information into the system. “We also use the data collected by the chatbot during the employee onboarding for reporting purposes in Power BI, which allows us to sufficiently work with data quality, as well as candidates; thus, we can identify any problems before the actual onboarding”, says Monika Pohlová from the SBK – Human Resources Personnel Care Kvasiny department . For the maximum security of personal data, the carmaker moved the entire Onboarding Chatbot solution to the company’s Microsoft Azure Cloud environment. The project’s entire technological solution earned ŠKODA AUTO’s Onboarding Chatbot a nomination for the Microsoft Awards.
The chatbots strictly adhere to legislative and GDPR requirements. They also provide data verification to HR workers based on established control mechanisms and so-called data corrections directly in the application. This reduces the administrative burden on recruiters and HR workers. ED
Did you know...
...one of the newest features of the Recruitment Chatbot is the automatic creation of resumes? So, for candidates who do not have their resume ready or updated, it generates one directly in the KOMPAS system.
IVA Advises Employees
The IVA (Intelligent Virtual Assistant) chatbot communicates with employees and helps them to resolve various situations via ŠKODA Space.
IVA: How can I help you?
I have a problem with my phone.
Select the device in question and I will show you how to fix the problem, or I will schedule an appointment at IT Point for you.
I need to replace my old phone.
I can help you to apply for a new one.
I need legal advice.
Select which kind. I am familiar with legal department systems, specifically NDAs, DPA contracts and now also TISAX certification.
I am having trouble with the RPA systems.
I am sending you a list of the most common problems and the relevant troubleshooting.
I am working on a purchasing case and do not know how to handle it.
I will walk you through the whole process. Come on, let’s fill out a new case together.
I am not familiar with the quality information systems.
Here are some tips on the most common problems and my advice on how to solve them.
What is for lunch at the Pentagon today?
The following main meals are available at the Pentagon…
If you think that a chatbot would make your job easier, contact the Automation and AI team.
Then and Now
Then and Now
From looks to practicality
Demands for cast wheels have grown considerably over the decades. Today, they mainly include low weight and perfect aerodynamics
t ŠKODA AUTO, the tradition of developing cast wheels spans more than 50 years. However, although you could see them on export specials from the 1980s or on the ŠKODA 130 RS racing car, they were available as standard for action models FAVORIT Komfort (from late 1991, respectively 1992), FAVORIT Black Line and Silver Line (after 1993 facelift). At the time, cast wheels offered an austere design from today’s perspective, and in addition to technological innovation, they also brought a practical one: the coordination of the wheel base from 98 to 100 mm, according to the standards of the parent VW Group. Their production was handled by a single German supplier, and even then, around 5 percent of production rolled off the lines on alloy wheels.
The final design of the cast wheels is tailored to each ŠKODA model and its derivatives that roll off the assembly line.
Individual design for each model
The range of alternatives to the previously most common steel wheels grew with each successive model. The FELICIA, for example, already had a design of its own, with customers able to choose from several different types of aluminium wheels in 13- and 14-inch diameters before production ended in 2000. Special edition models were already beginning to reflect the growing desire of customers to individualise their cars. In the following years, the range of alloy wheels gradually expanded with the arrival of the FABIA, OCTAVIA and SUPERB models. In addition to the development of their design, which was specifically designed for a particular model, demands on production and technology gradually increased. The range of suppliers has also expanded. Today, ŠKODA AUTO has eight around the worldwide, and the BM – Metal Purchasing department led by Miroslav Heršálek ensures a sufficiently strong competitive environment, including to meet the requirements of development, quality and logistics.
As a result, customers can now choose from a wide range of different wheel designs, sizes and finishes. The portfolio includes wheels ranging from 16 to 21 inches in a variety of attractive designs, colour variations, all-painted or with machined front paint layer, specially polished, with different spoke designs etc. This is why, these days, the vast majority of cars roll off assembly lines with cast wheels whose designs are tailored to each individual model or derivative. Compared with the past, the range of features that alloy wheels on ŠKODA cars should have has also expanded. In addition to the primary aesthetic function, quality and optimum material costs, there is also a requirement for low weight and aerodynamics, which play an important role in the car’s fuel consumption. And while the increasing popularity of SUV models has led to an increase in disc dimensions, close cooperation between the specialist departments has resulted in finding technologies that can keep disc weight at a sufficient level. The quest for optimum air circulation, which is often at the expense of design appeal, also poses a challenge. Therefore, Simply Clever solutions have resulted in so-called plastic aero inserts. This clever yet elegant solution combines the advantages of a classic aluminium disc and a plastic wheel cover and allows for further individualisation of the models. This solution first appeared in the ŠKODA range with the SUPERB and the 18-inch Vela disc and can also be found on the latest ENYAQ iV. ED
BLADE 18” for the SCALA,
IGNITE 20” for the KODIAQ
XTREME 20” for the KODIAQ
Metal Continues to Lead
The range of metal parts in ŠKODA cars represents the most purchased commodity
nder the car bonnets, there is a world of remarkable devices and parts made of steel, aluminium and other metallic materials that the Technical Development engineers work to perfect, and buyers seek out their suppliers. Metals remain popular even as modern materials, such as carbon fibre composites, which have the advantage of light weight but the disadvantage of high costs, are experiencing a boom. That is why steel remains the basic building block of ŠKODA cars. However, it is changing and evolving as well. The automotive industry is using increasingly sophisticated alloys that are lighter and more flexible but also stronger than ever before. Today, you will find that up to 33 percent of car body parts are made of high-strength steel.
However, material alone is not enough. The individual parts must be well connected to perform their function properly. Steel parts are most often spot or arc welded, but gluing or laser welding are popular too. After all, there are up to 5,500 welds on every bodywork, whose rigidity and safety are increased by the optimum mix of material and correct connection of parts. A prime example of this mix and development of steel parts is the bumper reinforcement. A part that saves lives by absorbing much of the energy of a frontal impact has undergone an interesting evolution from a simple moulding that resembled a traverse to today’s complex weldment featuring numerous modern technologies. High-strength, hot-pressed steels are currently the most widely used materials for bumper reinforcement and are supplemented by another mix of high-strength and low-strength materials. “We are also looking into the possibility of using aluminium, various alloys or composite materials in our development. However, these are not clearly beneficial from the economic aspect at the moment; therefore, we’re focusing our development on the maximum design optimisation of the standard available steels. In view of eMobility and the new requirements of the EuroNCAP crash tests and other homologation or internal requirements for car safety, we currently prefer more robust reinforcements that are more protective of the crew, friendly to surrounding cars and, together with the robust bodywork, protect the electric car batteries”, says Jan Kouřil from the EKV/1 – Frontend, CMS department.
However, steel is not the only metal material the carmaker uses. Aluminium plays an important role in the production of its engines, transmissions and functional parts, such as exhaust tips, roof racks and wheel rims. The range of “metal” parts is really wide and represents the biggest commodity in terms of sales. In addition to negotiating prices and finding suppliers for new projects (more than 3,000 suppliers currently supply metal parts to the VW Group), the day-to-day activities of the Purchasing department include ensuring sufficient capacity for the more than 5,500 metal parts supplied. “The still tense situation with the coronavirus, the record rise in the price of basic materials, Great Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, tariff wars among the world powers and uncertain economic developments make it likely that securing sufficient capacity on the most favourable possible terms for ŠKODA AUTO will continue to be one of the main tasks of our metal parts purchasers in the near future”, says Miroslav Heršálek, Head of the BM – Purchasing Metal department. ED
Rejuvenated KAROQ Awaits its Premiere
Design sketches give the first glimpse of ŠKODA’s compact SUV modernisation
ark Tuesday, 30 November, on your calendar. That is the date of the digital presentation of the redesigned KAROQ, which has undergone a design and technical modernisation four years after its launch. The facelift gives the model a more distinctive front end: The wider and newly hexagonal radiator grille is decorated with distinctive double fins, with a wide air intake opening underneath. The headlights are narrower than before and reach up to the bonnet. The line of daytime running lights is now divided into two parts. Under it is the second light, which includes fog lamps or, in the top version, a separate LED module. In the dark, this gives the car its characteristic “four-eyed” appearance.
With its generous space and typical ŠKODA functionality, the KAROQ has delighted our customers from the very beginning. I’m convinced that the rejuvenated model will build on its success and win new customers for the ŠKODA brand.
Martin Jahn
Board Member for Sales and Marketing
The second of the sketches shows the appearance of the car’s rear. It reveals a longer rear spoiler and an optically modified rear bumper with a black diffuser, as well as a new design for the sharply shaped rear lights. These, too, are flatter than in the original version and emphasise the car’s width. The typical crystalline structures give the rear group lights, which continue to feature the characteristic C-shaped graphic, an exceptional optical accent.
Pair of innovated SUVs
The modernisation of the KAROQ model follows the facelift of its bigger “brother” from the ŠKODA SUV family. The rejuvenated KODIAQ was unveiled in April and has been available to customers since July. The model, which was at the start of the Mladá Boleslav carmaker’s SUV offensive in 2016, also received a new front end with a more upright grille. The car boasts improved aerodynamics and a host of technical features: for example, its Matrix-LED headlights, extended version of the proactive passenger protection system, and new Top ergonomic seats. Journalists and fans of the brand were also very impressed by the top-of-the-range KODIAQ RS sports version with its more powerful TSI engine. ED
The second-most sought-after model
The KAROQ has been ŠKODA’s best-selling SUV for the past year and a half
KODA AUTO has already produced more than half a million KAROQs since sales began in early 2017. The compact SUV has earned the respect of its customers and experts around the world and has significantly shaped the development of the Czech brand. Last year and the first half of this year, only the OCTAVIA managed to surpass it in terms of popularity. The car’s design concept with its crystalline elements is based on the bigger KODIAQ, and it follows this in its naming with the typical features of ŠKODA’s SUV family (i.e. the initial letter “K” and the last letter “Q”). KAROQ refers to the language of the indigenous Alaskan tribe, the Aleutians, and was created by combining the Aleutian words “kaa’raq” and “ruq”, meaning “car” and “arrow”, which is the theme of the carmaker’s logo. The compact SUV is sized for city driving but can handle unpaved roads thanks to its Off-Road mode, high ground clearance and optional 4×4 drive. Its generous interior and boot make it ideal for families with children and people with an active lifestyle.
countries are home to plants where the KAROQ is built: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia and China.
countries have the SUV KAROQ available in their market
One award after another
Since its launch, the model has been winning awards. The German Auto Bild Magazine awarded it the Golden Steering Wheel prize for the best small SUV, and the Auto Motor und Sport Magazine awarded a prize for the best new design in the compact SUV class. In addition, the car was also selected as Car of the Year in the Czech Republic and Greece and SUV of the Year in Bulgaria. In 2021, in addition to being named the Best Family SUV by the British What Car? Magazine, it also won two awards in Russia, where it was the Car of the Year in the Autoreview competition and the Best Compact 4×4 Crossover in the Za Rulyom Grand Prix. ED
How it Works
How it Works
Digitised car testing
The EZLog system developed by GQM helps with the organisation of car testing and simplifies the recording of identified defects
he digital system uses a number of features that facilitate both the daily work of drivers and the administration of test cars; it also guides models through their final approval process to release them to series production. “EZLog contributes to savings in the operation of test cars and improves their operating safety”, adds Jaroslav Slába, Driving Test Coordinator from the GQM – Quality Management Complete Vehicle Technician department, which developed EZLog. The system is already applied outside the Quality Management department. For example, it is considered by the Technical Development department and used for random tests of production line cars (DKA). Our Spanish colleagues at SEAT have also shown an interest in it, and the system is in use at the ŠKODA AUTO facilities in Russia and India, as well as VW Bratislava. ED
Season Full of Achievements
The FABIA Rally2 and Rally2 evo cars in the customer team colours triumphed all over the world this year
ven in this season, which has already been significantly less constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic than in 2020, ŠKODA Motorsport has relied on the support of customer teams. And they have thrived beyond measure – especially the German Toksport WRT team, which participated in the World and European championships with the support of Mladá Boleslav and the FABIA Rally2 evo cars. The World Championship series in the WRC2 category and the European Championship were dominated in its colours by Norwegian driver Andreas Mikkelsen. In the domestic championship, ŠKODA Motorsport focused on supporting the dealer teams. Jan Kopecký of the AGROTEC ŠKODA Rally Team won the Czech Championship with his FABIA Rally2 evo. However, ŠKODA Motorsport’s factory-branded cars were also on show this year, with three of them taking to the start of the Mladá Boleslav Rally Bohemia to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the carmaker’s motorsport activities and claiming the two first places. The development team, which is already tuning and testing a new successor racing special based on the fourth generation of the FABIA model, has not been idle either. We will take a closer look in some of the next issues of ŠKODA Mobil. ED
Customer Programme
2021 season (as of 22 November 2021)
Podium finishes
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place)Since the programme started in 2015
Podium finishes
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place)Championship titles
Andreas Mikkelsen
WRC2 Teams
European Rally Championship (ERC)
Andreas Mikkelsen
Balkan Rally Trophy
Miroslav Angelov
Lukas Dunner
Countries where the FABIA Rally2 and Rally2 evo have won titles
National Championship titles
Alejandro Cancio
John O’Dowd
Simon Wagner
Roberto Saba
Miroslav Angelov
Czech Republic
Jan Kopecký
Emil Lindholm
Giandomenico Basso
Roger Feghali
Steve Fernandes
Mikolaj Marczyk
Ricardo Teodósio
Simone Tempestini
Igor Bulantsev
Grzegorz Grzyb
José Antonio Suaréz
Mike Coppens
Italy (gravel)
Paolo Andreucci
Italy (asphalt)
Stefano Albertini
Madeira (Portugalsko)
Miguel Nunes
Beware of Incorrect Procedure
Current statistical data, labour discipline violations and disciplinary measures at the VW Group
he Group’s statistics, which track employee misconduct and the resulting sanctions, record data around the world from 111 entities with 496,000 employees for the first half of 2021. In this group, there were 2,967 written warnings for labour discipline violations and 424 employment terminations (see the Statistics column for details). These figures are published internally by the VW Group every six months in the belief that the success of every brand must be based on a fair and lawful approach, with the customer as the constant and primary concern. This is the only way to avert damage to the company, its employees and business partners.
Case study
The most frequent cases of work discipline violations at ŠKODA AUTO are working time offences, whether they are short- or long-term absences or a failure to observe designated working hours (i.e. arbitrarily leaving the workplace). In some cases, depending on the severity and circumstances, there may also be a risk of employment termination for work discipline violations. Such violations may include cases where an employee fails to properly excuse their absence due to illness. In the event of an illness, employees in the Czech Republic are obliged to comply with the established temporary incapacity for work regime during their period of temporary incapacity for work, in terms of their obligation to stay at their place of residence during their period of temporary incapacity for work and to observe the time and extent of the permitted absences under the Sickness Insurance Act. In the Czech Republic, the employee must always excuse their absence from work in a proper manner and without delay. ED
Arne Meiswinkel
Head of Human Resources Management/HR Policy and Steering of the VW Group
If you can’t come to work, discuss the reasons openly with your manager and jointly agree on a solution. Only use the options given by the various rules if they are applicable to your situation.
Articles on the key initiatives of the Together4Integrity Program can be found in ŠKODA Space..
For the first time, the statistics include data for the Group entities around the world with fewer than 1,000 and more than 500 employees. Therefore, the number of entities increased from 62 to 111 compared with the previous data. The statistics on workplace discipline violations also include cases linked to new regulations introduced this year to protect against the coronavirus (e.g. the obligation to wear respiratory protection) and to protect non-smokers (e.g. the smoking ban). The introduction of the new coronavirus obligations occurred mainly at the international VW sites with a high incidence of COVID-19. The Group companies monitored in the statistics employ approximately 496,000 people worldwide. In the first half of 2021, a total of 2,967 written warnings were issued. There were 424 employment terminations due to activities that violated the individual companies’ regulations.
Failure to observe working hours (e. g. unexcused absence)
Property offences/fraudulent acts, including entrapment
Failure to meet work obligations
Alcohol and substance abuse (repeated smoking ban violations)
Note: This statistical data include disciplinary measures imposed by the Human Resources Management as a result of intentional or negligent violations of internal regulations, contractual obligations or laws. Some of them are based on investigations completed as part of the VW Group’s Whistleblower System.
Out of the Closet
ŠKODA Proud opens up an important debate about LGBT+ people
t the beginning of November, a streamed debate on inclusive working environments was held under the auspices of the recently formed ŠKODA Proud employee group. Its main guest was TV and radio host Ester Janečková, who is the patron of the Sbarvouven.cz counselling service.
The discussion around the lives of LGBT+ people was opened by Jan Kotík from the S/X -Transformation unit, who explained to non-English speaking colleagues that, in this case, the word Proud is not meant in the Czech sense (literally, “electric current”) but as an English word. It is widely used in the context of minorities, so that their representatives are not ashamed to speak openly about their world. Štěpánka Kubicová from SE – ŠKODA Academy explained that society is currently undergoing a transformation in how it perceives the LGBT+ community, and the carmaker cannot be left behind. The aim of the diversity debates, she said, is to open up discussions with employees about how to achieve a work environment where the person you love or whether you feel like a man or a woman is not a barrier to personal development. To find out what problems are troubling LGBT+ people in the Czech Republic and how the carmaker as a company can contribute to solving them, ŠKODA AUTO joined the Pride Business Forum (PBF) platform in mid-May. It brings together companies that are committed to the equal treatment of LGBT+ employees, and there are quite a few in the Czech Republic. Adéla Horáková, a representative of the PBF and the main moderator of the discussion, said that in the Czech Republic there are about 6.7 percent of sexual minorities among men and 11.5 percent among women. According to the ombudsman's office, more than 50 percent of them prefer to hide their sexual or gender identity at work. "I have experienced this myself. It's a strange state in which you try to do your job fully, but a small part of your brain is still dedicated to hiding who you are”, Horáková explained. As a result of such a state, where people are unable to fully concentrate on their core business, the issue of LGBT+ discrimination is negatively imprinted on the Czech economy. Renowned consultancy firms estimate the cost of this in the Open for Business study at between CZK 5 billion and CZK 37 billion a year.
Openness is important
Besides Janečková, who is a TV and radio presenter and the patron of the Sbarvouven.cz counselling centre, Václav Horecký from the SEA/1 – New Media / Language Training unit, who is a mentor of the consultancy, also shared his experience. At the beginning of his story, he joined the church, became aware of his different orientation and then struggled with how to cope with the situation. "Homosexuality isn't very common in the church", he said. Horecký initially married under pressure, primarily from the church community. The main problem was that he had no one to confide in. The impossibility to talk openly about the problem also brought Janečková to the counselling centre. Her nephew Filip, who took his own life years ago, had left behind a farewell letter in which he described in detail why he no longer wanted to live in a world full of hatred towards homosexuals. "He hoped that his act would help change the world, at least a little, and he asked us to shout it out to society", said Janečková. Today, Filip's story is helping to motivate others to be open, an important change from the situation in the 1990s, when the presenter’s older sister revealed she had a different orientation. ed
You can listen to the entire discussion in the Media Room on ŠKODA Space.
INDIA 2.0 / SLAVIA – fotogalerie
The SLAVIA sedan has a slightly higher ground clearance for Indian conditions.
Customers can choose the car with the metallic colour Crystal Blue, which is available exclusively in the Indian market.
The generous luggage compartment also impresses in the compact sedan segment.
The interior is similar to that of the fourth-generation FABIA.
Customers can also choose ventilated front seats on request.
Uživatelské testování – fotogalerie
Jedno z nedávných uživatelských testování se zaměřilo na HMI (human machine interface – rozhraní člověk/stroj) vozů, tedy na ovládání infotainmentu vozů a v něm zahrnutých aplikací.
Pro agilní vývoj těchto aplikací jsou velmi důležité poznatky, které od uživatelů získává UX tým při těchto přímých testech.
Vzhledem k tomu, že je organizuje ve vlastní režii, může se snadno přizpůsobit aktuálním požadavkům vývojových týmů.
Kromě testů online UX tým stále častěji testuje i osobně, například přímo ve voze.
Dotazování provádí stejný tým, který testy připravuje, a tak může výsledky vnímat v širších souvislostech.
Sluzby – fotogalerie
Jak to chodí – fotogalerie
“Years ago, the EZLog system replaced the paper documentation of pre-production car test drives. Previously, drivers had to fill in both defect sheets and fuelling records manually”, explains Slába (pictured). Today, the system is automated, so the driver can concentrate on driving and dictate their findings to the car.
EZLog uses four important components. The first is a unit connected to the car’s OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) connector, which reads data, such as mileage, tank level and other details.
mobile phone, but nothing else works on it except EZLog”, explains Slába. The test driver logs into the phone and its app via their MFA card. The phone reads the data from the OBD module via Bluetooth and records it in its database, and at the touch of a button, the driver can dictate their findings while driving, which are later automatically converted into a text format.
Every test driver drives up to 600 kilometres a day on secret routes. Their phone guides them all the time. “At the start, for example, it shows them their daily task list. The system generates their tasks according to the needs and frequency, so that every feature of the car is tested during the drives,” says Martin Langšádl from GQM. The app also allows other test drivers to enter their alerts on any route issues.
The third critical EZLog user component is a tablet with an application using features similar to a mobile phone. “It serves mainly during management trips; for example, during tests when the car is approved for release to its series production by the Board members”, explains M. Langšádl. The tablet allows the crew to interact with the system more than a mobile phone because during management tests, the car is often occupied by passengers who can use it while driving. The tablet offers a detailed overview of the configuration, including measures already relevant to this particular car. It also shows the test drive route. “Last but not least, managers also receive various tasks during their test drives to try out the car’s features and, thus, verify its readiness for production launch”, says Petr Sedláček from the same department.
In addition to mobile and tablet, EZLog works on computers as well. “Administrators and the individual managers have a complete overview of the test fleet, current locations of the cars or all the notes entered for the individual cars,” says P. Sedláček. However, the central brain of the application includes the servers that run and store all the EZLog data. The data flow from there not only to ŠKODA AUTO’s systems but also to the Group’s systems.
The EZLog PC application is used by the individual department managers to plan test cars and actual tests. In addition to the current test fleet, the application provides an overview of the future fleet and what will have to be tested in the upcoming ŠKODA cars.
IVET – fotogalerie
Innovation incubator projects
Alternative materials
The Board Members also visited IVET
Discussion on the topic of bidirectional charging
ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab – fotogalerie
Elektrické skútry BeRider již v Praze zaznamenaly tři miliony ujetých kilometrů.
Další přidají i v následujících měsících, kdy mohou zůstat v provozu díky přezutí na zimní pneu.
A daří se i službě studentského carsharingu Uniqway, ve kterém je lákadlem i ENYAQ iV.
Škodováci – fotogalerie
Triatlonista Martin Cindr je členem týmu ADAM a podílí se na kaci Kolo pro Adama.
Martin se věnuje ultra triatlonu, který patří mezi nejtěžší verze tohoto sportu.
V závodech Ultra Czech 515 se mu podařilo úspěšně dokončit všechny tři ročníky.
Za jeden z nětších zážitků považuje účast na norském závodě Norseman...
... ale cení si i výsledků v českém Wintermanu, na kterém závodil čtyřikrát.
Tehdy a teď – fotogalerie
Cast wheels dominate all the ŠKODA models, including the electric ENYAQ iV.
The standard for the ŠKODA FAVORIT was sheet metal wheels; however, in later years and at an extra cost or in special trim series, customers also received 13-inch cast wheels.
Series production of cast wheels has come a long way from the FAVORIT to the ENYAQ iV...
In addition to the quality and number of shapes, the wheel size in inches has also increased significantly.
Vyroba – fotogalerie
ŠKODA AUTO was awarded a special prize at the Automotive Lean Production Awards for the start-up of the new Paint Shop.
The carmaker hosted the entire congress at the ŠKODA Museum and arranged an excursion to the Mladá Boleslav plant for the participants.
Michael Oeljeklaus, Board Member for area P – Production and Logistics, opened the second day of the conference with an introductory presentation.
Another speaker from ŠKODA AUTO management was Maren Gräf, Member of the Board of Management for area S - People & Culture.
Okem zrcadlovky – fotogalerie
Reportáž ze zoo – Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Tak tady už nebudu ani vteřinu... – reportáž z RockOpery a představení Vymítač
Když se nedaří – RedBull Air Race Balaton – reportáž
Finálový průlet – večerní zakončení a exhibice Redbull Air Race Abu Dhabi – reportáž
Dobrou noc – jak si kdo ustele, tak si lehne – ZOO Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Krásná Louka Fest – Petr Janda & Olympic – reportáž
Prodej – fotogalerie
New showrooms are already attracting customers around the world; for example, in Brussels...
... and Moscow. They feature airiness, a certain casual style and modern technology,
including large OLED screens.Pravidla soutěže PDF
Pravidla soutěže Motorsport
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 27. 08. 2021 do 20. 09. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Září 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováni 5 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
5x Jízda vozem FABIA Rally2 evo
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 27. 08. 2021.
Motorsport – fotogalerie
Posádka Marco Bulacia / Marcelo Der Ohannesian startovala na Španělské rallye i bez nároku na body, aby se procvičila na asfaltu.
Vítězství v Portugalsku nasměrovalo Andrease Mikkelsena k titulu mistra Evropy...
... zatímco světovým šampionem v kategorii WRC2 se stal ještě před tím.
K titulu týmového mistra světa v kategorii WRC2 má blízko Toksport WRT, který startuje s podporou ŠKODA Motorsport.
Diverzita – fotogalerie
At the beginning of November, ŠKODA Proud hosted a streamed debate called S barvou ven (Out of the closet).
Its main guest was TV and radio presenter Ester Janečková, who is the patron of Sbarvouven.cz.
Štěpánka Kubicová from the SE - ŠKODA Academy explained why the carmaker must not be left behind in the perception of the LGBT+ community.
Václav Horecký from SEA/1 - New Media / Language Training, who is a mentor at Sbarvouven.cz, described his personal story.
The inability to talk openly about the problem brought Ester Janečková to the counselling room.
Green Future – fotogalerie
With the use of REkrabička, ŠKODA AUTO has joined the more than seven hundred companies in the Czech Republic that use this eco-friendly packaging.
Since the summer, they have been available in all Aramark cafeterias for employees of the carmaker.
ŠKODA AUTO saved 14 tonnes of waste per year thanks to them.
REkrabička is made from polypropylene granulate.
It takes 20 to 30 seconds to produce one, depending on size and weight.
They are produced using electric machines with optimum parameters for the environmental friendliness and economy of the whole process.
Kvasiny – fotogalerie
Již druhým rokem využívají sdílení kol NextBike lidé v Mladé Boleslavi.
Letos se služba ve spolupráci s Nadačním fondem ŠKODA AUTO rozšířila i na Rychnovsko do okolí závodu Kvasiny.
A kola je možné využívat také v Mnichově Hradišti, i zde je prvních 15 minut zdarma.
Sysel při západu slunce na Radouči
Bedřichov po cestě na přehradu
Zima v Arberu
Přehrada Souš
Kozí hřbety nad Špindlerovým Mlýnem
Mléčná dráha nad osadou Jizerka
Srdcovka – fotogalerie
Odborné přednášky zaujaly trenéry i učitele.
Všichni šli do projektu s cílem vrátit děti ke sportu.
Projekt zaštítili i odborní lektoři, např. Jan Pirk.
Pravidla soutěže
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 26. 11. 2021 do 9. 12. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GKU jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Prosinec 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováno 10 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
10x dva lístky na představení do Národního divadla
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 26. 11. 2021.
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{"en":"Year 2019 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2019 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2018 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2018 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2017 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2017 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2020 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2020 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2016 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2016 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2015 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2015 (PDF)"}
{"en":"ŠKODA Weekly","cz":"ŠKODA Týdeník"}
{"en":"Year 2020","cz":"Ročník 2020"}
{"en":"Year 2021","cz":"Ročník 2021"}
Ročník 2022
Ročník 2023
Enyaq in a new outfit
Right at the start of 2025, Škoda Auto is preparing a grand premiere to present a new version of the Enyaq and Enyaq Coupé. Now even more appealing thanks to the Modern Solid design language, they offer customers much more than ever before – from sustainable materials to more advanced digital features and assistance systems, along with an extended range made possible by improved aerodynamics.
Enyaq v novém hávu
Hned na úvod roku 2025 nachystala Škoda Auto velkou premiéru, na které představila novou verzi vozů Enyaq a Enyaq Coupé. Ty jsou nyní ještě přitažlivější díky využití designového jazyka Modern Solid. A zákazníkům toho nabízejí mnohem více. Od udržitelných materiálů přes pokročilejší digitální funkce a asistenční systémy až po prodloužený dojezd díky vylepšené aerodynamice.
Accelerated Kylaq roll-out
The launch of the new Kylaq SUV in India was completed five weeks ahead of schedule, which allowed the brand’s most compact vehicle to reach customers sooner and strengthen Škoda Auto's competitiveness on the Indian market. Thanks to this accelerated ramp-up, production in Pune started on 12 December, and thus, the project team was able to build on the successful launches of the Kushaq and Slavia.
Urychlený náběh Kylaqu
Zahájení výroby nového SUV Kylaq v Indii se podařilo uskutečnit s pětitýdenním předstihem, což umožnilo přivést aktuálně nejkompaktnější vůz značky k zákazníkům dříve, a přispět tak ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Škoda Auto na indickém trhu. Díky urychlení náběhu začala jeho výroba v Púně už 12. prosince. Projektovému týmu se tak podařilo navázat na úspěšné náběhy modelů Kushaq a Slavia.
Elroq enters series production
Škoda Auto started mass production of the Elroq in January. This all-electric model not only introduces the Modern Solid design but also incorporates several technological innovations. The Elroq rolled off the production line in Mladá Boleslav, marking its launch four years after production began on the Enyaq, the carmaker’s first electric SUV, which shares the same production line in the M13 hall.
Elroq v sériové výrobě
Škoda Auto v lednu zahájila sériovou výrobu modelu Elroq. V Mladé Boleslavi tak začal z výrobních linek sjíždět plně elektrický model, který přináší nejenom nový design Modern Solid, ale i spoustu technologických inovací. Náběh modelu Elroq přichází po čtyřech letech od startu výroby prvního elektrického SUV Enyaq, se kterým sdílí i výrobní linku v mladoboleslavské hale M13.
February anniversaries
What does the first recorded theft of an L&K car on Czech territory have in common with the digital world premiere of the updated Octavia model? Both took place in the month of February, but 113 years apart! These and other fascinating February milestones from the automaker’s history are presented in the section celebrating the 130th anniversary of Škoda Auto.
Jak to chodí / mistrovske-forum
Únorová výročí
Víte, co má společného první popsaná krádež vozu L&K na českém území s digitální světovou premiérou inovovaného modelu Octavia? Oba historicky důležité okamžiky se odehrály v měsíci únoru, i když je od sebe dělí úctyhodných 113 let. Nejen tyto zajímavosti, ale také mnoho dalších únorových milníků automobilky přináší nyní už pravidelná rubrika věnovaná 130. výročí založení Škoda Auto.
The supercharged Kodiaq RS
The sporty version of the second-generation Kodiaq is even more dynamic, thanks to the new 195 kW 2.0 TSI EVO engine with all-wheel drive. The Kodiaq RS is traditionally adorned with black design elements, such as the mirror caps, the trim around the side windows and the grille frame. The interior features Suedia fibre upholstery combined with faux leather and offers optional sports seats.
Nabušený Kodiaq RS
Sportovní verze druhé generace modelu Kodiaq je díky novému motoru 2,0 TSI EVO o výkonu 195 kW a s pohonem všech kol ještě dynamičtější. Kodiaq RS tradičně zdobí černé designové prvky, jako jsou kryty zpětných zrcátek, lišty kolem bočních oken nebo rámeček masky chladiče. Interiér sází na čalounění s vláknem Suedia v kombinaci s umělou kůží a na přání je bez příplatku dodáván se sportovními sedadly.
Elroq dazzles in Mallorca
To raise awareness of the new compact and affordable Elroq electric car among customers in key markets following its October launch, Škoda Auto hosted an event for journalists on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca in late November and early December. There, they had the opportunity to get to know the model thoroughly, including test drives in attractive surroundings and on challenging terrain.
Elroq oslnil na Mallorce
Aby se nový kompaktní a dostupný elektromobil Elroq dostal po své říjnové premiéře do většího povědomí zákazníků na klíčových trzích, uspořádala Škoda Auto na přelomu listopadu a prosince akci pro stovky novinářů z celého světa na středomořském ostrově Mallorca. S modelem se zde důkladně seznámili během prezentací a také při testovacích jízdách v atraktivním prostředí a místy i náročnějším terénu.
January anniversaries
The year 2025 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of Škoda. That’s why, in each issue of this year’s Škoda Mobil, you’ll find historical highlights related to the month of publication. So, what happened in January? In 1936, for example, the carmaker took part in the Monte Carlo Rally for the first time. This issue explores the successes achieved at this famous event and more.
Lednová výročí
Celý rok 2025 se ponese ve znamení výročí 130 let od založení automobilky Škoda. Proto se v každém letošním Škoda Mobilu můžete těšit na historické zajímavosti, které se vztahují vždy k měsíci vydání. A co se tedy událo v lednu? Například v roce 1936 se automobilka poprvé účastnila Rallye Monte-Carlo. Nejen o úspěších dosažených na této slavné soutěži se dočtete tentokrát.
Future-Proof Factory
As part of its new strategic initiative, Peak, the Production and Logistics area is focusing on the competitiveness of vehicle and component manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic and India. Future-Proof Factory is one of three initiatives outlining the steps necessary to successfully address the challenges ahead. It aims to prepare plants for future manufacturing needs and their transformation.
Továrna budoucnosti
Ve své nové strategické iniciativě peak se oblast Výroby a logistiky zaměřuje na konkurenceschopnost závodů na výrobu vozů a komponentů v České republice i v Indii. Továrna budoucnosti je jednou ze tří hlavních iniciativ nastiňujících strategické kroky, které jsou nezbytné pro úspěšné řešení nadcházejících výzev. Jejím cílem je příprava závodů na budoucí výrobu a jejich další transformaci.
Škoda Mobil Únor
Škoda Mobil February
Škoda Mobil Leden
Škoda Mobil January
Škoda Mobil December
Škoda Mobil Prosinec
Škoda Mobil November
Škoda Mobil Listopad
Škoda Mobil Říjen
Škoda Mobil October
Škoda Mobil Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br>June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Leden
Škoda Mobil<br>January
Škoda Mobil<br>December
Škoda Mobil<br>Prosinec
Škoda Mobil<br>November
Škoda Mobil<br>Listopad
Škoda Mobil<br>Říjen
Škoda Mobil<br>October
Škoda Mobil<br>Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil<br>August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br> June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March 2023
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>November 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>June 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2021
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>January 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>July 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2020
Skoda Mobil – newsletter <br>06/2020
<b>ŠKODA Mobil</b><br>Květen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>May 2020.
Dubnové vydání CZ
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2020.
Březnové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2020.
Únorové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2020.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2020.
Lednové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2017.
{"en":"Škoda Weekly","cz":"Škoda Týdeník"}
{"cz":"Týdenní zpravodaj pro zaměstnance. Každý čtvrtek shrnuje hlavní události uplynulého týdne ve Škoda Auto, přináší novinky z kultury i regionu.","en":"Weekly Thursday newsletter for employees. A summary of the last week‘s main events at Škoda Auto, regional news as well as cultural events."}
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Škoda Týdeník 09/2025
08/2025 Škoda Týdeník
08/2025 Škoda Weekly
07/2025 Škoda Týdeník
07/2025 Škoda Weekly
06/2025 Škoda Týdeník
06/2025 Škoda Weekly
05/2025 Škoda Týdeník
05/2025 Škoda Weekly
04/2025 Škoda Týdeník
04/2025 Škoda Weekly
03/2025 Škoda Týdeník
03/2025 Škoda Weekly
Skoda TVK
02/2025 Škoda Týdeník
02/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Týdeník
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32/2024 Škoda Weekly
Plakat - Skoda Classic Tour
31/2024 Škoda Týdeník
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30/2024 Škoda Weekly
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24/2024 Škoda Weekly
Cervenec - mesic bez plastu
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13/2024 Škoda Weekly
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12/2024 Škoda Weekly
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09/2024 Škoda Týdeník
09/2024 Škoda Weekly
08/2024 Škoda Weekly
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07/2024 Škoda Weekly
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06/2024 Škoda Weekly
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05/2024 Škoda Weekly
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04/2024 Škoda Weekly
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03/2024 Škoda Weekly
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20/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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19/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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18/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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17/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
16/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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15/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
14/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
14/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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13/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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12/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
11/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
11/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
10/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
09/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
08/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
47/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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46/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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45/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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44/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
44/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
43/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
43/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
42/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
42/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
41/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
40/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
40/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
39/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
39/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
38/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
38/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
37/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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36/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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35/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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34/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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33/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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32/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
32/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
31/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
31/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
30/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
30/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
29/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
28/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
28/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
27/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
27/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
26/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
26/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
25/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
25/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
24/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
24/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
23/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
23/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
22/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
22/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
21/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
21/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
20/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
20/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
19/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
19/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
18/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
18/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
17/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
16/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
12/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
15/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
14/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
13/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
12/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
11/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
11/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
09/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
03/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
48/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
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45/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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44/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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43/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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40/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
40/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
39/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
39/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
38/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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33/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
33/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
32/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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27/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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21/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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20/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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18/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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17/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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15/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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13/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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11/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
11/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
08/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
03/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
02/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
{"cz":"Škoda Přílohy","en":"Skoda Supplements"}
{"cz":"Součástí Škoda Mobilu, zaměstnaneckých novin mladoboleslavské automobilky, jsou speciální přílohy, které se věnují mimořádným tématům z pohledu společnosti Škoda Auto. Mohou být součástí novin, ve shodném formátu jako noviny, vložené, například ve formě letáku, nebo to mohou být samostatné unikátní magazíny ve specifickém formátu jako například přílohy věnující se novým modelům, historickým výročím značky, nebo jiným důležitým informacím z prostředí firmy.","en":"Škoda Mobil, the employee newspaper of the Mladá Boleslav-based carmaker, includes special supplements that focus on especially important topics from Škoda's perspective. Supplements can be a part of the newspaper, in the same format as the newspaper, inserted, for example, in the form of a flyer, or they can be stand-alone unique magazines in a specific format, such as supplements dedicated to new models, the brand's historical anniversaries, or other important information from the company's environment."}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
130 let
55 Years of Škoda IT
55 let Škoda IT
Diversity Report 2023
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2023
Nový Kodiaq a Superb
New Kodiaq and Superb
Výsledky kolektivního vyjednávání
eMobility EN
Cafeteria Benefity ŠKODA
Výroční zpráva Diverzity 2021
Diversity Report 2021
ŠKODA příloha Strategie
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Komentované prohlídky ŠKODA Muzea za 40 Kč
120 Years on the Racetrack
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
120 let Motorsportu
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
Diversity report 2020
Výroční zpráva diverzity
Infografika - Nová centrální kuchyně
Dohody Kolektivni smlouvy
Diversity report 2019
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2019
Ride into the future
Jízda do budoucnosti
125 Years
125 let
Kolektivní smlouva 2020
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil.
Benefits ŠKODA Cafeteria
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Benefity ŠKODA Cafeteria
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, prosinec 2019.
60 let ŠKODA Octavia
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2019.
60 Years of the ŠKODA OCTAVIA
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červenec 2019.
Ride To The Future
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, July 2019
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - supplement ŠKODA Mobil, January 2019.
Volby do dozorčí rady
Mezi námi
Speciální nabídka vozů pro zaměstnance ŠKODA AUTO.
Motorem První republiky
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2018.
Driver of the First Republic
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, September 2018.
Ride Into The Future
Supplement ŠKODA Mobil, June 2018.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Sedm příběhů o proměně osobní mobility.
Kolektivní smlouva 2018
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2018
Péče o zdraví
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2017.
1927-2017: 90 years of vocational training. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
1927-2017: 90 let SOUs. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2017.
ŠKODA KAROQ - člen rodiny SUV. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, srpen 2017.
Ride Into The Future
50 phenomena that will take control of your future. ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
50 fenoménů, které ovládnou naši budoucnost. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červen 2017.
ŠKODA OCTAVIA: the heart of the brand. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
Srdce značky. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, únor 2017.
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2017
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2017.
{"cz":"Škoda GreenFuture"}
{"cz":"Green Future"}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Green Future
02/25 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Únor 2025
12/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Prosinec 2024
12/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture December 2024
11/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture November 2024
11/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Listopad 2024
10/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture Říjen 2024
10/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture October 2024
09/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Září 2024
09/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>September 2024
08/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Srpen 2024
08/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>August 2024
07/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Červenec 2024
07/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>July 2024
06/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Červen 2024
06/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>June 2024
05/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Květen 2024
05/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>May 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Duben 2024
04/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>April 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Březen 2024
03/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>March 2024
02/24 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Únor 2024
GreenFuture<br>February 2023
12/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
12/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
11/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>October 2023
11/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Listopad 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>Září 2023
09/23 GreenFuture
GreenFuture<br>September 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2023
08/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2023
07/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2023
06/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Květen 2023
05/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>May 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Duben 2023
04/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>Březen 2023
03/23 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>March 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>Únor 2023
02/23 Green Future
Green Future<br>February 2023
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
12/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
11/22 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
11/2022 BudEko
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>October 2022
10/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Říjen 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>Září 2022
09/22 Green Future
Green Future<br>September 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Srpen 2022
08/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>August 2022
08/2022 BudEko
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červenec 2022
07/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>July 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Červen 2022
06/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>June 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Květen 2022
05/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>May 2022
05/2022 BudEko
04/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Duben 2022
04/2022 GreenFuture
Green Future<br>April 2022
04/2022 BudEko
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Březen 2022
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>March 2022
03/2022 BudEko
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Leden 2022
01/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>January 2022
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Prosinec 2021
12/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>December 2021
12/2021 BudEko
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>Listopad 2021
11/2021 Green Future
Green Future<br>November 2021
11/2021 BudEko
10/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
10/2021 BudEko
09/2021 BudEko
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 Green Future
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
08/2021 BudEko
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 Green Future
07/2021 BudEko
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 Green Future
06/2021 BudEko
05/2021 BudEko
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 Green Future
04/2021 BudEko
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 Green Future
03/2021 BudEko
02/2021 BudEko
11/2020 Green Future
11/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
9/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
8/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
7/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
6/2020 Green Future
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5/2020 Green Future
4/2020 Green Future
4/2020 Green Future
3/2020 Green Future
3/2020 Green Future
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2/2020 Green Future
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1/2020 Green Future
12/2019 Green Future
12/2019 Green Future
11/2019 Green Future
11/2019 Green Future
10/2019 Green Future
10/2019 Green Future
09/2019 Green Future
09/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
08/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
07/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
06/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
05/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
04/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
03/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
02/2019 Green Future
01/2019 Green Future
12/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
11/2018 Green Future
10/2018 Green Future
10/2018 Green Future
09/2018 Green Future
09/2018 Green Future
08/2018 Green Future
07/2018 Green Future
07/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
06/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
05/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
04/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
03/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
02/2018 Green Future
01/2018 Green Future
01/2018 Green Future
12/2017 Green Future
12/2017 Green Future
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11/2017 Green Future
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10/2017 Green Future
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09/2017 Green Future
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08/2017 Green Future
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06/2017 Green Future
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05/2017 Green Future
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04/2017 Green Future
03/2017 Green Future
03/2017 Green Future
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02/2017 Green Future
01/2017 Green Future
01/2017 Green Future