{"cz":"Škoda Mobil","en":"Škoda Mobil"}
{"cz":"Škoda Mobil jsou firemní noviny pro zaměstnance Škoda Auto, které vychází jednou měsíčně a představují aktuální informace z dění ve Škoda Auto a koncernu Volkswagen. Pravidelné rubriky se zaměřují na zaměstnance, inovace a zajímavé projekty z prostředí firmy, aktuální informace z oblasti Motorsportu a mnohá další témata.","en":"Škoda Mobil is the company newspaper for Škoda Auto employees, published monthly and presenting up-to-date information on what is happening at Škoda Auto and the Volkswagen Group. The regular columns focuses on employees, innovations and interesting projects from within the company, current information from Škoda Motorsport and many other topics."}
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2022
A flight through ŠKODA world
A Flight Through the ŠKODA WORLD
What is happening at ŠKODA AUTO
Carmaker overcomes a challenging year
ŠKODA AUTO’s 2021 financial results were affected by the pandemic and the chip shortage that limited production. Despite fewer cars delivered to our customers, the carmaker slightly increased its sales to EUR 17.7 billion (approximately CZK 440 billion) and achieved a positive operating result of CZK 1.08 billion. Thanks to the excellent first half of the year, the return on sales was 6.1%, significantly higher than in the previous year. These figures are for the entire ŠKODA AUTO Group, including its foreign companies. The improved operating result and higher sales were driven by the ambitious cost-cutting programme and excellent performance of all 43,000 ŠKODA employees. The past year’s achievements also include the delivery of 45,000 ENYAQ iVs, which significantly exceeded expectations. This year, the modernised FABIA can show its full potential. At the same time, however, the outlook for 2022 is marked by significant uncertainty caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and parts supply issues.
For a complete overview of the results and a recaording of the annual press conference, you can visit the online ŠKODA Storyboard Magazine.
billion euros make up the total sales for the ŠKODA AUTO Group for 2021.
+3.9 %
is the increase in sales compared with 2020.
ŠKODA AUTO demonstrated a high degree of resilience and flexibility in the past fiscal year. Our company is stable,as demonstrated by the most important financial indicators, which developed positively compared with 2020.
Thomas Schäfer
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Thomas Schäfer joins Volkswagen Group leadership
As planned, Thomas Schäfer will take over as Chief Operating Officer of the Volkswagen brand in Wolfsburg on 1 April 2022. He will subsequently be appointed the new CEO of the Volkswagen brand on 1 July and will also be a member of the VW Group’s Board of Directors as the head of the volume group. He will also continue to lead ŠKODA AUTO until his successor is appointed.
New design language
At the annual press conference, ŠKODA AUTO also outlined its future plans. These include the introduction of a new design language for the ŠKODA brand in the second half of 2022. It is characterised by the MODERN SOLID slogan and linked to the carmaker’s even stronger focus on the individual areas of customer life, such as family and outdoor activities. The design language will gradually be transferred to the brand’s products over the next year.
Achievements and Trophies
Best reading for employees? ŠKODA Mobil
ŠKODA AUTO has twice succeeded in the competition for the best annual reports and company magazines for 2021. ŠKODA Mobil won the category of Magazines for Employees, while the carmaker placed second in the category of Best Electronic Annual Reports. Unlike the previous annual reports, which were published on high-quality paper on up to 180 pages and 120 copies each in Czech and English, the latest annual report (i.e. for 2020) has so far only been published electronically. In addition to paper, this has saved distribution costs as well.
Parts shortage due to fire has been resolved
Just eight weeks after a major fire at the Mladá Boleslav supplier of door panels for the OCTAVIA model, a joint team from ŠKODA AUTO and Grupo Antolin managed to secure the restoration of production in Turnov. This made it possible to start completing the unfinished cars. The provision of replacement production technology, premises, production management and downstream processes was managed by a cross-disciplinary crisis team to maintain a high-quality standard without compromise. The fire at the supplier occurred on 29 January, and the initial damage estimates amounted to CZK 1 billion.
Jak nás vidí
How fDrive.cz Sees Us (12 March 2022)
The ENYAQ COUPÉ iV is a well-designed car. For an electric car, this body type makes more sense as it has noticeably better aerodynamics.
Good-looking design
Excellent aerodynamics
Better feel in turns
Comfort even on rough roads
Less space above the boot
Version 60 is not available on the Czech market
electrified ŠKODA cars, including 10 purely electric ENYAQ iV models, will form the Czech Cycling Union’s fleet of service cars by the end of the year.
Electrified cars for cyclists
The Czech Cycling Union’s fleet will be fully electrified by the end of this year. The cars from the ŠKODA iV family will replace the existing models used by the organisation within its partnership with ŠKODA AUTO. The electrified cars will travel around the country, where they will help local clubs and organisers create a healthier and cleaner racing environment. The association already tried out the low-emission cars last year when it included several plug-in hybrids and one purely electric car in its fleet. On that occasion, it verified that an electric car can cover relatively long distances without limitations.
Column of a member of the Board
Column of a member of the Board
On the Road to Transformation
Martin Jahn, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, describes ŠKODA’s transformation for the future
Dear colleagues,
The world around us is undergoing turbulent changes that directly or indirectly affect the entire automotive industry. We are appalled by the war in Ukraine and hope for a halt to the fighting and a return to diplomacy under international law. The humanitarian crisis will last for a long time, and ŠKODA AUTO will monitor the situation and take concrete support steps in cooperation with our social partner, the KOVO Trade Union.
Our industry is now experiencing the biggest transformation in a century. The future is primarily electric. We intend to introduce at least three new fully electric models by 2030 alone. Thanks to the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030, we are fully prepared and will continue to be a successful and competitive brand in the future, meeting our customers with a personal touch and in the simplest possible way (for more on Human Touch and the Seamless Customer Journey, see the July 2021 issue of ŠKODA Mobil). Last year, the Sales and Marketing area underwent a significant change in structure to effectively develop new markets and business models. It has to respond to new players entering the automotive market with high-level developments in technology (e.g. connectivity or autonomous driving). Therefore, we must continue to offer our customers high quality while also continuing to improve in the areas of digitisation and online services. For this reason, the VX – Customer Journey department was created to research the needs of customers and create a unified and convenient ŠKODA world for them, bringing them a unique experience. A car is no longer only about getting from A to B but also about connectivity and data. That is why new technologies are important, as they bring a whole new ecosystem of business opportunities with them – from comprehensive charging infrastructure offerings to everyday connectivity services in and out of the car, new mobility options to autonomous driving technologies. ŠKODA AUTO is making great progress in these areas. This is evidenced by virtual showrooms, online sales, sharing economy services like BeRider and other newly introduced services that ŠKODA intends to develop further in the future. These include convenient location-based offers for the driver, which are displayed in the car’s infotainment system, or services in the ŠKODA Connect mobile and on-board app, such as parking payment or a digital certificate recording the car’s history.
The cars will change in a major way very soon; however, I believe that in 10 years, we will still be producing beautiful cars that benefit our customers and fulfil the Simply Clever and Human Touch principles in every respect. This year, we will also present the world with a new vision, identity and design language for our brand: MODERN SOLID. I am convinced that you and our customers will love it as much as I do.
We are living in a transformative period, so let us make the best of it. It is not going to be easy, it is not going to be free, but now is the time when we can improve and be even more successful thanks to our good foundation.
Martin Jahn
Board Member for Sales and Marketing
Ukraine / How we help
Ukraine / How we help
Help Ukraine
ŠKODA AUTO and its employees are taking concrete steps to help the people fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
he situation in Ukraine has hit the carmaker and its social partner hard. ŠKODA AUTO has several suppliers on the Ukrainian and Russian markets, and more than 600 Ukrainian employees work for the carmaker in the Czech Republic. Therefore, it has agreed with the KOVO Trade Union to take further humanitarian steps beyond the Group’s support. Our employees immediately joined the call. What were the reasons behind and stories of all those who are helping? What has the carmaker done since the beginning of the conflict, and how has it been involved in helping? You can find out on the following pages.
Humanity is one of ŠKODA AUTO’s core values. Now is the right time to show how everyone at the carmaker followsthis value. Let’s contribute and support those who need our help.
Humanitarian aid
ŠKODA AUTO immediately reached an agreement with the KOVO Trade Union on how they would proceed to help Ukraine. They divided their support into three main pillars: immediate humanitarian aid directly to the people of Ukraine; integration of Ukrainian refugees in the regions where ŠKODA AUTO operates; and assistance to Ukrainian employees. Together, they also appreciate how the partner cities of Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Vrchlabí have organised to facilitate how the Ukrainian refugees are received.
ŠKODA AUTO has already released more than CZK 20 million in connection with the critical situation in Ukraine and is providing material and financial assistance inside the country. The carmaker sent CZK 10 million to the People in Need non-profit organisation and another CZK 1 million to the Ukrainian town of Tyachiv to purchase medical supplies for its hospital, which was donated as part of a fundraiser taking place in Mladá Boleslav. The aid also included deploying volunteers from the Logistics department and lending trucks to rapidly dispatch a total of 12 humanitarian aid kits to Ukraine. The towns of Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Vrchlabí received CZK 2 million to provide the refugees with basic needs. The most recent contribution was a fundraiser among the employees; the proceeds are earmarked to support the integration of Ukrainian refugees. The fundraiser was organised by the KOVO Trade Union, and the carmaker’s management doubled the amount. The ŠKODA AUTO Foundation is also active in the integration and has announced a set of regional grant calls. ED
Three pillars of aid
he carmaker is aware that its assistance must be long-term; thus, it has divided its efforts into three pillars to provide targeted assistance: assistance to its Ukrainian employees, aid directly in Ukraine and integration of the refugees in the Czech Republic.
Assistance to Ukrainian employees
The carmaker wishes to help each of its Ukrainian employees to build a safe and secure life for their family in the Czech Republic. Specifically, it offers them support with visa processing, accommodation, language courses, health care, integration, education and, ideally, employment.
Aid in Ukraine
The money raised in the Czech Republic for humanitarian purposes is going straight to Solomonovo, as well as Lviv, Odessa and Tyachiv. Most of the collection drives are organised by the partner cities, with ŠKODA Logistics providing the transport. As of this writing, the most recent shipment left for Ukraine on Monday, 21 March. From the Solomonovo plant, for example, which is now a refugee centre and humanitarian aid hub, aid is distributed throughout western and central Ukraine.
Integration of refugees in the Czech Republic
One example of an immediate response to the needs of the refugee families is the town of Mladá Boleslav’s establishment of a learning centre, which is financially and materially supported by the carmaker. Within two weeks, its capacity has grown to 600 children and adults who already have access to 23 classrooms throughout the town.
Every form of help counts
How can you support Ukraine?
I will contribute to financial or material collections.
I will volunteer for non-profit organisations or the city.
I will offer myself as a driver.
I speak Russian or Ukrainian and can help as an interpreter.
I will provide free accommodation.
I will arrange help in the municipality where I reside.
I will contribute to leisure activities for refugee children.
I will organise weekend events for children from Ukraine.
I will share different forms of help on social networks
+420 704-941-434
Based on its agreement with the KOVO Trade Union, the carmaker has set up an Infoline to support the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. It has also established a communication channel on Viber. Those interested in joining this community can send a message to the infoline via this application. On both channels, it is possible to communicate in Ukrainian, Czech and English.
Financial collection
Mladá Boleslav has announced a public collection drive for aid to Ukraine. The money collected will be used to purchase humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. The town council plans to extend the collection drive, which was originally scheduled to end on 31 March, by three months. If you would like to contribute, you can find more information here.
Collection of materials
On 25 February, Mladá Boleslav announced the collection of non-perishable food, hygiene or medical supplies and other similar items, which was expected to run until 31 March. The town council is also planning to extend it by three months. You can contribute here.
The collection drive in the Rychnov region was organised by the town of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, and the towns of Dobruška, Kostelec nad Orlicí and Týniště nad Orlicí were also involved. The collected aid was sent directly to the Solomonovo plant’s branch for further distribution on several dates to the people in need. At the time of this writing, the most recent dispatch of humanitarian aid happened on 21 March.
Get involved in the Help Ukraine project.
Ukraine / Situation in the plants
Ukraine / Situation in the plants
Situation at the Ukrainian plants
roduction in Solomonovo, Ukraine, which is mediated by Eurocar’s business partner, has been halted for now. The SCALA and KAMIQ models are affected by the jeopardised production on the Czech side due to the lack of wiring harnesses. ŠKODA AUTO is in constant contact with colleagues from the partner company. It is to Solomonovo that humanitarian aid from the Czech Republic is being sent, which ŠKODA Logistics is helping to transport and to which employees are also contributing. A humanitarian hub where volunteers sort and package the humanitarian aid into smaller parcels, which are then sent to the people in need, has now been set up at the plant.
Against the backdrop of Russia’s attack on Ukraine and its consequences, the VW Group’s Management Board has decided to stop the production of cars in Russia with immediate effect until further notice. The decision applies to the Russian production plants in Kaluga and Nizhny Novgorod. It has also stopped exporting cars to Russia. By suspending business activities in Russia, the VW Group’s Management Board is responding to the overall situation characterised by considerable uncertainty and disruption. However, the VW Group also had the safety of its employees in mind. Therefore, ŠKODA AUTO decided to recall its employees working in Russia to the Czech Republic. However, the VW Group’s Management Board takes its responsibility for the affected Volkswagen Group RUS employees very seriously. They will receive appropriate wage compensation in Russia, and these costs will be borne by the VW Group. ED
Questions and answers
What is the current situation of the employees of the Ukraine plant and for how long is production suspended?
Production at the Ukrainian Eurocar plant in Solomonovo has been halted. However, numerous employees are working in the refugee centre and humanitarian hub.
Which models were being produced in Ukraine?
The cars were produced here in the SKD form (semi-knocked-down level of disassembly – ed.) – specifically, the SUPERB, KODIAQ, KAROQ and FABIA COMBI models intended exclusively for the local market.
Are you facing a shortage of supplies due to the situation in Ukraine?
The VW Group’s global supplier network of more than 40,000 suppliers also includes a number of suppliers from western Ukraine. Given the current situation in this region, the supply chain may be disrupted, leading to adjustments in production programmes at individual VW Group plants. To address this situation, an expert team has been set up, of which ŠKODA AUTO is a part.
Are any models other than the ENYAQ iV also at risk?
The jeopardised production due to the unavailability of wiring harnesses also affects the SCALA and KAMIQ models.
How many suppliers do you have in Ukraine?
It is a relatively small number: three direct suppliers and two others supplying cars in JIS (just in sequence – ed.) mode. In addition, ŠKODA AUTO has another five subcontractors there.
What is the carmaker doing to source materials and components that are either produced in Ukraine or pass through it?
ŠKODA AUTO strives to take the situation in Ukraine into account as much as possible and is looking for alternative supply options or alternative routes. It is monitoring the situation in the supply sector in Ukraine very closely. With regard to its customers, it is striving to find the most suitable alternatives for the production of ŠKODA cars.
Ukraine / Stories of help
Ukraine / Stories of help
Transport from the border
When they watched the news and saw what was happening in Ukraine, they did not want to remain idle but decided to help the war refugees. Daniel Benedikt and his girlfriend, Elishka, registered with organisations that coordinate aid right on the border. They offered to take people from the border and also to take care of animals temporarily. Their offer was immediately taken up. They went to the Ubl’a border crossing with a friend who interpreted for them. The three-person crew had a 920-kilometre journey ahead of them, which they covered in 12 hours. On the spot, they reported to the coordinators, picked up a group of five – a mother with a child and three foreign students – and took them to Prague. For those who would like to follow in their footsteps, they have several tips: Pillows and blankets are useful in the car, and power banks are priceless. “Don’t go to the border crossings on your own, and don’t expect to pick up anyone and simply drive them away. This kind of assistance would only cause confusion. Contact an organisation onsite, and they will get back to you. The same goes for material support,” Daniel advises.
Don’t go to the border crossings on your own, and don’t expect to pick up anyone and simply drive them away.
Daniel Benedikt
Intern – optional internship in the SR – External Relations department
Finance and volunteering
His father experienced the bombing of Mladá Boleslav at the age of nine and saw families torn apart. He knows what war looks like from his stories. Together with his wife, who studied in Moscow and knows the mentality of both nations, he watched with concern what was happening in Ukraine. Miroslav also serves as a councillor and head of the Security Committee, both of which are paid positions. After a family discussion, he decided to donate one month’s income from the town to an account set up by the town of Mladá Boleslav to help Ukraine. However, he plans to help in other ways as well, so he volunteered to do whatever is needed. “Any help is welcome. For example, the older generation speaks some Russian, which they can use. The refugees certainly appreciate it when someone speaks to them,” Miroslav says.
It doesn’t matter how much money or material help is given. Everyone can help however much they can.
Miroslav Čuban
Specialist external audits environmental protection from the PSU/1 – Environmental Protection department
Volunteer firefighters
Martin organised a small material collection drive as far back as Saturday, 26 February, together with the vice-mayor of the Vraclav municipality. However, so many items were collected that they could not fit them all in the passenger car. Therefore, the volunteer fire brigade, where Martin is the commander, helped out. Their car set off the same day and arrived at the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing the following morning. After they had unloaded all the items, they helped the refugees on the spot and asked whether anyone wanted to go with them to the Czech Republic. “We got in touch with the Order of the Knights of Malta, which organised the transport of refugees from Ukraine. Its members asked us if we would take some Nigerian medical students (two men, three women and a two-month-old baby) to Banská Štiavnica,” says Martin. He resumed his charitable activities as soon as he returned from his adventurous weekend. “The next day, our unit of volunteer firefighters of the Vraclav municipality, together with the municipal authority, were approached by representatives of the Pardubice region to organise a collection, the proceeds of which we later handed over to the humanitarian aid warehouse for the Pardubice region in Česká Třebová. From there, it will be shipped to Ukraine,” he adds.
I got involved Ukraine mainly for moral reasons right at the beginning of Russia’s attack.
Martin Jílek
Logistics operator from the PFK-I/14231V – 31/Body Suspending and Removing department
On our own
The Trainees team organised a humanitarian collection drive called “On Our Own”. The Trainees joined the official collection activities of Mladá Boleslav and encouraged other colleagues to donate as well. From them, they eventually collected all the donations and handed them over to the town. From here, the aid will be distributed directly to Ukraine.
We joined the town’s collection drive and encouraged other colleagues to help as well.
Alexandra Viktória Debnáriková
Trainee from the STR/2 – TALENT ACQUISITION department
Warmth of home
After he and his girlfriend discussed the situation, they agreed that since they had two spare rooms left by their adult children, they would offer them to people fleeing the war. They registered and waited for someone to come. Two mothers with three children arrived, and the Ukrainian community helped them to register. They have been in the Czech Republic for only a few days. “They have small children, and they’re here without their husbands, so they can’t imagine starting to work somewhere. We plan to allocate money in the budget to ensure that they aren’t just at home. For example, we’re planning trips for them,” says Petr. “The mothers living in our home are closely monitoring what is going on in their country, and they’re very stressed. However, they still believe that the war will soon be over and they will be able to return home,” he adds.
I admire how the Ukrainian community works here; people help each other a lot thanks to it.
Petr Štický
Head of the GQS – Smart Quality department
All the information can be found here.
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Strategie oblasti V
Area V Strategy
Customer at the Centre
At the core of the new functional strategy of Area V – Sales and Marketing is the new VX – Customer Journey department and its work. The relationship with the customer is now far from over when the car is sold
he new functional strategy of Area V – Sales and Marketing goes hand in hand with a restructuring of its departments. This process was carried out last year in the wake of a global acceleration of digitisation that had been spurred by lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch of electric cars and environmental changes. Previously, digital service competencies had been fragmented between several departments and lacked a focus on customer experience. The new department, VX – Customer Journey, was created to take over the tasks of some of the previous and existing departments. The objectives of this department are evident throughout the functional strategy of the area.
Today, ŠKODA is a mobility brand. Our long-term goal is to become a partner for our customers’ lives and offer them smart and innovative Simply Clever solutions.
The main idea is that the relationship with the customer does not end when the car is sold but begins much earlier and continues long afterward. This is called the Customer Journey. The departments under VX focus on direct contact with customers through the dealer network by prioritising digital tools according to customer preferences or developing and implementing the best solutions. These tools include the ŠKODA website and the online car configurator, among others. A special role is played by the VX4 – Customer Journey Strategy department, which works across the carmaker and the VW Group to connect apps with products and strengthen the concept of Customer Centricity. This puts the carmaker’s focus on the customer and not the product or service. “Customer Centricity is also the key element in the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. To achieve it, we need to change the business model and take into account the customer’s lifetime value,” says Eric Boutin, Head of VX. One of the projects already running in this area is the launch of direct sales of electric cars over the past year. There is also a focus on the so-called Seamless Customer Journey, as part of which the carmaker’s new website is likely to be launched at the end of this year.
In addition, the Human Touch concept, which should differentiate the brand from its competitors, is being applied to the ŠKODA AUTO dealer network. This personal approach is also promoted with ŠKODA AUTO’s digital tools to make their use as simple and Simply Clever as possible.
Another theme of the new functional strategy for Area V is ŠKODA AUTO’s new vision based on values Human, Simplifying and Surprising. This defines the positive impact that the carmaker’s activities should have on society while also giving meaning to what its employees do and why they do it every day. In addition, studies show that customers prefer brands that enrich their daily lives in an emotional and tangible way. “We have come to the conclusion that ŠKODA AUTO’s long-term desire and vision is to help the world live smarter,” adds Lukáš Shon, expert coordinator of the VMS – Brand Strategy and Content Production Department. Read more about the brand’s purpose in the next issue of ŠKODA Mobil.
The carmaker has laid out its strategic business goals as part of its reorganisation and separated European (VE department) from developing (VI department) markets. In Europe, ŠKODA AUTO’s goal is to be among the Top 5 best-selling carmakers by 2030 – among others, by introducing at least three new electric models by then. ED
An example of this new approach to the customer is the so-called eMobility HUB, which guides customers through the world of electric cars. You can find it under the eMobility tab at www.skoda-auto.com.
Strengthening our position
The carmaker is ready for direct contact with the customer. Its current business models are being digitised. It can sell cars and services directly to the customer without an intermediary.
360° customer focus
A competitive ecosystem is being established. A platform covering all the possible channels with products and services for any occasions. A seamless user experience.
Targeted management
We become a partner for the daily life of our customers. We enable them to live their lives in a smart and innovative way – Simply Clever.
Journalists admired ENYAQ COUPÉ iV
The new electric coupé was shown to journalists at a media presentation in Italy
lthough the ENYAQ iV base model was not available yet due to pandemic restrictions, the coupé version of ŠKODA’s electric SUV underwent extensive media testing in sunny Tuscany, Italy, not far from the town of Grosseto, at the beginning of March. As the car was unveiled online, it was the first real encounter with the ENYAQ COUPÉ iV and sporty ENYAQ COUPÉ RS iV for many journalists.
ENYAQ COUPÉ iV and ENYAQ COUPÉ RS iV cars were made available to journalists at a media presentation in Italy.
Hours is how much time the test participants typically spent behind the wheel of these models.
iven the car’s range of up to 540 km in the WLTP mode, the logistics of the event were not too much of a challenge. Recharging was provided by two charging banks at the airport and two at the hotel. In addition to the test cars, the experts involved in the development of the cars were available to speak to the journalists as well. The specifics of the electric motor were presented by Oldřich Vyziblo, coordinator of the EPE/2 – Development Electric Drives department. For example, he explained how the two motors in the 4×4 version work. “The primary motor is the rear one, which has higher power and is complemented by the secondary front one. The system constantly monitors the driving conditions and tries to follow the driver’s power requirements as closely as possible. It is a huge advantage that the front and rear axles are not mechanically linked and can be controlled independently. The car can be much more sensitive to all the dynamic requirements and the specific driving situation,” says Vyziblo, describing the driving experience of the electric car. He also points out that the four-wheel drive allows the enormous torque on the road that the electric motor already has at low speeds.
The ENYAQ COUPÉ iV also offers the exclusive Sportline, RS Suite and RS Lounge interiors. They were presented by Stefan Webelhorst, designer of the EDI/3 – Colour and Trim department, who is jointly responsible for the colours and materials. “The stitching in a different colour is fantastic. We designed a nice black-and-grey combination for the Sportline interior and a black suede interior with lime stitching for the RS Suite version. It looks very fresh and suits the eMobility,” Webelhorst emphasised and added that, as with the ENYAQ iV, there are a number of sustainable elements in the coupé’s interior. For example, the Lodge version has seat covers made of a blend of wool and recycled polyester.
The new electric coupé also uses the Group’s latest ME3 software, with features such as improved battery thermal management, which increases the car’s range in winter conditions during regular daily use on shorter trips around town. However, it also brings new features to the infotainment system, such as pictograms for junctions and roundabouts appearing on the head-up display in the navigation system. A Better Route Planner service algorithm has also been incorporated for route finding. ED
How do you organise the testing of dozens of electric cars for journalists? Why does the high-performance ENYAQ COUPÉ RS iV sports car have a top speed of “only” 180 km/h? And what else does the new ME3 version of the Group’s software bring to the car? All this and much more in the 22nd episode of the podcast, which you can find on apps like Spotify, Google Podcast and Apple Podcasts or at www.simplycleverpodcast.cz.
Force program
FORCE Program
Savings through Digitisation
The FORCE Program is the intersection of our activities, say the sponsors of the F1 and F8 action fields
he Factory of the Future (F1) and Green Future – Environment (F8) are two of the FORCE Program’s eight action fields that deliver significant savings and put innovative solutions into practice. We looked at these action fields last year. What awaits production this year is revealed in an interview with Tomáš Posekaný (F1), project manager for data communication from the PPD – Digitisation and Industrie 4.0 department, and Pavel Grmela (F8), project coordinator for CO2-neutral production from the PSU – Ecology and Work Protection department.
What was achieved in the F1 and F8 action fields in 2021?
T. Posekaný: We implemented the Power Apps platform, which can create applications without requiring a deep knowledge of programming and code writing. We continued our educational programmes and opened our AIM.Lab (Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing) with the Technical University of Ostrava. The unique laboratory focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in production. We also worked on the new parts of our digital control room and connected more machines to our platform. In this way, we can better monitor the effectiveness of its utilisation and learn from this data in the future.
P. Grmela: Our action field features a system where the individual centres submit their ideas for energy or water savings and waste management. Last year, we implemented over 50 such ideas, which resulted in a saving of tens of millions of crowns. In general, the FORCE Program has great potential for savings, even though many of the easier cost-saving measures were implemented at ŠKODA AUTO before it was established.
Monitoring data on energy, material flow and the environmental impact of production cannot be done without digitisation and artificial intelligence.
How have the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic affected your fields of action?
T. Posekaný: Our planning department has been affected by unavoidable measures that have limited the opportunity for face-to-face meetings. However, we have resolved the complications by increasing the use of digital tools. Thanks to this, we’ve also been able to accelerate the improvement of the digital competences of the Production and Logistics staff, which is also a key objective of the F1 action field.
P. Grmela: The shutdowns affected almost all the indicators we monitor. In fact, production is most energy-efficient if it runs virtually continuously. Starting up and stopping it causes a deterioration in the production environmental efficiency indicators.
To what extent does the F8 action field influence the current energy market situation?
P. Grmela: The rising prices of emission allowances and energy prices in general are just another incentive for us to switch to CO2-neutral energy sources that do not require emission allowances. The goal of achieving CO2 neutrality in car and component production at the Czech and Indian plants in the second half of this decade remains in force.
Are your fields of action linked in any way?
T. Posekaný: Our primary focus is the digitisation of the Production and Logistics, strategic planning and implementation of digitisation solutions and platforms. We actively support the transformation of digital education. In the context of innovation, we seek parallels between digitisation, electromobility and ecology.
P. Grmela: There is actually interaction between everything. Digitisation can largely eliminate human error. We want to have the energy data collection digitised and, in the future, also our nascent “material flow monitoring” project. One of the big upcoming topics is the circular economy, which means, among other things, the circulation of materials and their re-use.
What are you planning for this year?
T. Posekaný: We want to continue focusing on activities that support data-driven manufacturing. Key projects are the digital production control room and the Group’s DPP (Digital Production Platform – ed.) project. We’re also preparing vehicle cybersecurity certification projects.
P. Grmela: In addition to material flow monitoring and waste re-use projects, we want to focus on the new topic of biodiversity. Specific projects can already be seen in Vrchlabí (bumblebee meadow) and in Aurangabad, India (Oxygen Park). ED
KAROQ Production Commenced
The modernised model is already rolling off the production lines in the Czech and Slovak plants
t the beginning of December 2021, all of ŠKODA’s authorised partners on the Czech market started their pre-sales of the modernised KAROQ. Mass production of the KAROQ began at the Kvasiny plant on 2 March. Before the actual launch, the implementation team had to deal with a change in the production programme caused by a shortage of semiconductors. In addition to the exterior and interior changes to the car (see the January 2022 issue of ŠKODA Mobil), the PAC – COMPACT Project Launch Management team also had to prepare for new equipment and packet combinations. In addition, it organised the parallel launch of two completely new metallic colours for the car, Graphite Grey and Phoenix Orange.
The biggest challenge for the PAC staff and the entire project team was to coordinate the launch in the Pilot Halls and the Launch teams, as the carmaker was launching production of the KAROQ simultaneously at two plants: in Kvasiny, Czech Republic, and at the Bratislava plant in Slovakia. ED
KAROQ and its significant changes
The car has a redesigned and modernised front end (new Matrix-LED headlights, radiator grille, bumpers), and a new rear spoiler in the car’s colour gives it a sporty look.
It features a new design of front and rear LED headlights with animated turn indicators.
New 17”, 18” and 19” wheels with aerodynamic plastic covers help reduce air resistance.
My footprint in production
My footprint in production
Passing on My Knowledge and Experience
I still enjoy seeing where we’re headed as a company, says Josef Šimáně, who has been working at the carmaker for 42 years and went from being a metalworker to coordinating one of the Production departments.
Josef Šimáně
Coordinator of the PFO-P/31 – Press Tools Maintenance department
What led you to work at ŠKODA AUTO?
I’ve had a positive relationship with the automotive industry since I was young. I’ve always been actively interested in technology and cars, and this was one of the reasons why I decided to apply to study at the Secondary Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering.
So, working at the carmaker was the logical next step, or did you have other plans?
Exactly. During my studies, I already worked in the Press Tool Maintenance department as part of my practical training, and I enjoyed the work, so joining the carmaker was a natural progression.
How did you start at the carmaker?
I progressed through several positions in the Press Tool Maintenance department. First, I worked as a metalworker, then as a foreman, and finally, I became the coordinator at the department. Over my career, I’ve seen a tremendous development of press shops that take full advantage of modern technology. Compared with my early days, there has been a great boom.
What contribution have you made to the carmaker?
My long service has certainly enriched me with a lot of knowledge and experience, which I’m now trying to pass on to my younger colleagues. In cooperation with the series pilot halls, we make several dozen modifications to the mouldings every year to improve the quality of our products, and everyone is an important part of the team.
Is working in production challenging?
I think that today’s intense times are challenging, and not only in production. There is a constant acceleration of production and a reduction in space for maintenance activities. Nevertheless, our well-coordinated and experienced team can handle all the activities in the required time and quality. But support is also important. The support of my family helps me to maintain a positive attitude at work. ED
Green Future / Logistics
Smart Packaging
Smarter packaging of parts directly at their suppliers reduces the packaging consumption and saves expenses and the environment
he PLL/1 –Development, Planning Containers department team has been working intensively on eliminating excess packaging inserts – that is, packaging material inside packaging – for the past three years. The packaging of parts delivered to production is a rather demanding undertaking. The packaged parts are protected from any damage. This often means that the individual parts have to be carefully separated from each other and are, therefore, contained in separate packaging in the pallet, in which they are transported to the carmaker. This generates a considerable amount of waste in production, which the carmaker is trying to reduce. “We have always paid attention to packaging quality; however, since 2020, the packaging planning team has been hard at work to address the environmental aspect of packaging,” says David Strnad, Head of the PL – Brand Logistics department.
The carmaker reduced the packaging amounts for 215 parts last year, resulting in a saving of 44.4 tonnes.
That is why the team is now trying to reduce the amount of so-called packaging inserts. “We first monitored the parts on the production line to see how they are handled there. Then, we started looking into the packaging of the parts in the warehouse, where it is a more concentrated issue,” says Petr Sloup, packaging planning coordinator at PLL/1. “We can either omit the packaging inserts altogether or replace them with cardboard, for example, which is easier to recycle than the plastic that tends to be used for packaging,” explains Sloup.
However, the extra packaging cannot be omitted for every part; for example, the plastic covering cannot be removed for the appearance parts and interior trim, which must not be scratched during handling or assembly. Nevertheless, there are more than enough opportunities to reduce the amount of packaging material. Last year, Logistics inspected 836 parts and was able to reduce the packaging amount for 215 of them. This resulted in a saving of 44.4 tonnes of packaging. The goal for this year is to save 61 tonnes.
In the process, the work system has changed. Currently, the PLL – Logistics Planning department always requests a packaging regulation from the suppliers, which every part must have due to the required ISO certification. Based on the regulation, they can establish whether there is any potential to reduce packaging for a particular part. If they find such a potential, PLL works with the Quality team and the supplier to change the packaging method. On new projects, they work with their colleagues in pre-production logistics to reduce the amount of packaging associated with new cars at the very beginning of the process.So far, the optimisation has been carried out mainly in Mladá Boleslav; however, the team is gradually preparing to introduce it at the Kvasiny and Vrchlabí plants as well. ŠKODA AUTO is not only addressing the quantity of packaging inserts. “We’re working on using all the pallets as effectively as possible and expect that they will be recycled at the end of their useful life, which is at least seven years – the same as the life of the model series. We wish to achieve circularity so that the original packaging returns to us in its recycled form,” adds Sloup. ED
Did you know that...
...ŠKODA AUTO’s goal is to inspect all 38,296 parts that come into production in Mladá Boleslav from the suppliers? The implementation team sees the improvement suggestions, which employees can submit via the ZEBRA system, as another way to help reduce packaging.
Green Future
Relief for Boilers and the Environment
Thanks to a smart solution, ŠKO-ENERGO has reduced its hydrogen chloride emissions
he reduction in emissions in the air above Mladá Boleslav was brought about by the activity of ŠKO-ENERGO heating plant employees, which resulted in the commissioning of a unique chlorine capture technology last August.
Thanks to the innovation, ŠKO-ENERGO did not have to reduce its share of biomass energy production. On the contrary, it will enable a further reduction in the amount of greenhouse gases produced by energy production for ŠKODA AUTO’s operations.
Pavel Matějka
Mechanical Engineering Technologist, ŠKO-ENERGO
Top in biomass utilisation
ŠKO-ENERGO has been operating two fluidised bed boilers since 1998, and in 2006, it started to co-fire biomass along with coal. These boilers have made a significant contribution to reducing the share of fossil fuels in energy production for the parent company, ŠKODA AUTO, in Mladá Boleslav, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The share of biomass combustion has increased over the years, and the heating plant is currently at the top of the rankings in the Czech Republic in terms of the volume of co-firing plant biomass. However, green energy is not free. Especially in the burnt pellet biomass that is produced by pressing vegetable matter, there is a certain amount of chlorine, which escapes as emissions into the flue gas of the chimney. And the stricter EU-wide emission limits for stationary energy sources, which came into force in the summer of 2021, are specifically aimed at reducing chlorine compounds in a significant way.
Contribution to sustainable energy management
The ŠKO-ENERGO team reacted promptly and in advance to the upcoming change. Already in 2018, it began testing technology for capturing hydrogen chloride emissions with an efficient sorbent. “During the tests, we found that after its introduction, the heating plant will be able to meet future legislative requirements even while maintaining a high volume of co-firing plant biomass,” explains Pavel Matějka, the initiator of the idea and project leader. The favourable results enabled the project to be developed, which required an investment of approximately CZK 33 million, and construction of the first plant of its kind in the Czech Republic began in the spring of 2021. However, the actual development and investment of the heating plant did not end after successful commissioning. Thanks to the combination of the new plant and the previously installed NOx reduction technology commissioned in 2019 and 2020, further projects will be possible. They will lead to reduced emissions and reduce the amount of sticking inside the boilers that is associated with the combustion of vegetable pellets. With this solution, ŠKO-ENERGO has shown that it has the ambition to become a “smart factory” and is actively involved in improving its surrounding environment. ED
Clean up the Czech Republic 2022 is just beginning
fter a long time, the volunteer clean-up event, which takes place throughout the Czech Republic, will happen again on regular dates. This year, the event returns to the original idea and involves local communities in the organisation and identification of suitable locations. In Mladá Boleslav, there is cooperation with ČSOP (Czech Union for Nature Conservation) Klenice, in Vrchlabí with the Krkonoše National Park (KRNAP), and in Rychnov nad Kněžnou with ČSOP Prorubky. The main spring clean-up day will take place on 2 April, and the others will follow in May, so don’t hesitate to get involved. ED
Mladá Boleslav
ČSOP Klenice is the organisation partner
When: 2 April 2022, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Where: Milovice Nature Reserve, where there will be several optional routes
KRNAP is the organisation partner
When: 21 May 2022, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Where: Krkonoše Mountains – Harrachov
ČSOP Prorubky is the organisation partner
When: 22 May 2022, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Where: Orlické Mountains ridge trails
Green Week
We Think Green
Regional food has known origins and does not lose its valuable nutritional properties and varied flavours. It also has a lower ecological footprint and supports the local economy and employment, thereby keeping funds local and contributing to the development of local communities. The SPP4/4 team and Aramark care about where the food they use to prepare your daily menu comes from, which helps to contribute to sustainable farming in the Czech countryside.
Local food
All of the pork, beef and venison that Aramark offers comes from the Czech Republic. Thanks to the Path to Plate concept, Czech fruit and vegetables complement this offer throughout the year. Thanks to this approach, Aramark reduces the carbon footprint of its food by 30%.
Dining according to the season
Eating fresh seasonal ingredients is natural. They taste great and contain the important nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs during certain months. The Path to Plate concept connects the local with the seasonal, which is why you will find fruit and vegetables in their natural growing season on the Aramark menu. This eliminates long storage, freezing and transport. For example, importing 1 kg of tomatoes from Spain releases approximately 199 g of CO2, whereas when the tomatoes travel 30 km from a local farmer, about 20 g of CO2 are released into the air – i.e. 10 times less.
The real price of food
Did you know that Chinese garlic goes by boat to Hamburg and then travels to us in trucks? As a result, it does not reach us until a year after it has been harvested and has travelled 23,000 kilometres. Thus, the transport of 1 kg of cheap Chinese garlic burdens the environment with an additional 300 g of CO2. Furthermore, low food prices are often linked to poorer farming or growing conditions and the level of pesticides, fungicides (against fungi), herbicides (against weeds) and insecticides (against pests) used. For example, meat is cheap because animals are kept in the smallest possible area, live for a shorter time and eat cheap feed.
From Idea to Innovation
There are several tools to help put innovation into practice in the carmaker. Here is how to use them
rom the initial idea to the innovation implementation, there is a path to follow, which includes evaluating its meaningfulness, identifying potential problems, thoroughly testing and much more. In short, it is a process that ensures the innovations arrive at the implementation stage in a fine-tuned form and with real benefits for ŠKODA AUTO. Alternatively, it promptly stops work on an interesting idea if it proves to be unsuitable for implementation. Does the thought of such a process make your head spin? Although it may sound challenging, there is certainly nothing to fear and no need to keep your ideas to yourself. Innovation teams have a range of tools to help you on this innovation journey and are part of the entire ŠKODA AUTO innovation ecosystem (read more about it in the October 2020 issue of ŠKODA Mobil). An innomanager for your area is also available to you at all times. So go for it! ED
Origin of the idea
Do you have an idea that will save costs for the automaker, make production more efficient, improve work ergonomics, help save the environment or have other benefits? Don’t hesitate to discuss it with your supervisor and the innomanager in your area (you can find contacts on ŠKODA Space, on the InnoTeam page). They are definitely interested in your idea and will help you develop the assignment that forms the basis for the next stages of the innovation cycle.
What awaits you
You will define the problem and create clear expectations of the benefits the solution will bring.
You will get an overall understanding of the problem.
You will identify the required capacities, skills and knowledge.
You will identify the project’s key characteristics of the project.
You will create the terms of reference for the assignment.
What will help you
Inspiration from successful examples and participation in events, such as InnoDay and Open Day, podcasts and videos on innovation, e.g. the InnoStories series.
Result: assignment
It is necessary to find ideas and also choose the best possible solution that will suit the person who will work with it in the end. And also, to check whether other areas have already developed or used the idea. But don’t worry, it won’t just be up to you. It is up to competent experts to assess.
What awaits you
You analyse and validate the problem. You identify customer needs.
You invent, research and discuss possible solutions. You design their different concepts.
You identify the project’s business and product owner.
You formulate the potential and prepare a preliminary timeline.
You define the needs for the next phase.
What will help you
Innovation tools, like InnoToolBox, the IdeaSpace portal, the ZEBRA improvement programme, incubators like AI hub and others.
Result: ideas
Development and validation
It is time to test and experiment with your invented solution concept. POC means “proof of concept”, which is still being done on a small scale. It will help you see whether everything works as it should and whether the carmaker will actually make a profit from your solution. InnoTeam can also help you with the financing of this phase or, where appropriate, provide you with methodological support for setting up the POC.
What awaits you
You specify the risks and questions to check.
You test hypotheses and make prototypes.
You implement the POC, evaluate its results and design the implementation.
You solve the concept’s main feasibility problems.
You verify the solution’s potential and characteristics.
You internally “sell” and promote the concept to find its supporters.
What will help you
InnoPOC programme, ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab innovation lab, cooperation with universities.
Result: concept
Now is the time to put the solution into practice; first in the pilot mode as an MVP (minimum viable product – ed.), which will still undergo modifications and fine-tuning. If it succeeds, you will see a full-scale launch.
What awaits you
It will be decided whether the solution is suitable for deployment.
You receive approval and support (e.g. funding) for it.
You develop and test the minimum viable product.
A pilot phase will take place.
Business model will be validated, approved by controlling.
Market rollout and scale-up.
What will help you
ŠKODA Portfolio Management Tool, Inno Incubator, ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab, standard implementation processes (PEP, IT PEP, agile development).
Result: prototype
The solution is already working, but it certainly doesn’t stop there. It is extremely important to keep monitoring, improving and evaluating everything. And, of course, to share with colleagues at ŠKODA AUTO the results and inspiration from the project.
What awaits you
A defined, optimised and safe operation and maintenance process.
Performance and benefits monitoring.
Evaluation and confirmation of the financial impact.
Sharing experiences and presenting successful solutions.
What will help you
Internal communication and its information channels (e.g. ŠKODA Mobil and ŠKODA Space), ŠKODA Portfolio Management Tool.
Result: innovation
Innomanagers for each area
G – Company Strategy
Robin Ojha
F – Finance and IT
Roman Ráž
V – Sales and Marketing
Roman Šiser
P – Production and Logistics
Kiril Ribarov
E – Technical Development
Jiří Vodička
S – People & Culture
Petr Holeček
B – Purchasing
Petr Ondráček
I Strive to Lead by Example
Interview with Helena Machková, Head of the GO – Governance, Risk & Compliance department
How do you understand the concept of integrity?
It refers to everyone’s moral attitude regarding universally accepted ethical values, as well as people’s honest behaviour in everyday life, including behaviour under pressure.
From your point of view, why is it important for ŠKODA AUTO that its employees act in accordance with the principles of integrity?
It forms part of the carmaker’s positive development and is a prerequisite for sustainable prosperity. In today’s world, it is not just about product quality but also about the image and reputation of the brand and the company. Indeed, a large number of customers or prospective employees take these principles into account in their decision-making. Therefore, if the carmaker as a whole acts in accordance with the principles of integrity, it prevents crime, breaches of legal and internal regulations, damage and negative reputation. The principles of integrity are part of our corporate culture and create a pleasant working environment and conditions for open communication.
Integrity is a natural quality in all of us and helps us to navigate complex or ambiguous situations.
As a leader, how specifically do you strive to communicate and promote the principles of integrity in your department?
Rather than give lectures or instructions, I strive to lead by example. This is what helps team members to naturally navigate ambiguous situations and sets the standard of conduct for communication within and outside of the company, for example. I also encourage open communication and honest dealings. I give team members the space to discuss these topics; we don’t deal just with operational or urgent technical topics all the time.
Describe a specific situation where you have had to choose between following the rules and your personal beliefs.
I had the dilemma of whether to apply the process I had developed at my previous employer to ŠKODA AUTO and share certain know-how. I knew that this step would probably not be uncovered, and I was also the author of the process. Although I was sure that this would be very beneficial to the carmaker and the VW Group, I would have violated the principles of integrity and perhaps even internal regulations. That is why I decided not to do it. The bottom line is that one cannot always do what one subjectively thinks is a good idea at the time; instead, one should think about the consequences of one’s actions and the regulations that are part of ŠKODA AUTO. ED
Think Digitally
Accelerating digitisation
New digital HR strategy and innovations such as digital signatures will bring many benefits to employees
he carmaker’s NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030 also includes the development of a digital HR strategy. Its framework is set by the S area’s new functional strategy, the NEXT LEVEL ŠKODA People Strategy 2030, which you can read about in the March 2022 issue of ŠKODA Mobil. In addition to defining the vision, mission and strategic objectives, it includes the development of a Digital HR Roadmap, which will serve to plan and manage key resources, decision-making processes and interfaces. The ultimate goal is to create a unified One Digi HR digital ecosystem that will serve office and frontline workers.
Significant steps include the implementation of SAP Success Factors across the entire VW Group. ŠKODA AUTO will certainly not be left behind. The modules of this integrated ecosystem will cover all major HR processes and offer employee and manager self-service in the HR system. For the carmaker’s employees, this means a user-friendly environment with real-time data availability, even from a phone or home computer.
Digital employee files instead of tonnes of paper
Employee data is currently stored in a rather fragmented way. Personnel files in paper form are located in the individual Human Resources Centres, while other data is held in systems such as SAP and KOMPAS. In addition, other documents (e.g. relating to training) are managed by the various services in the S – People & Culture area. The sharing of such information is complicated, and changes are made in an inconsistent manner. Therefore, the solution will be a data management system (DMS) or digital folder that allows documents to be stored and shared securely by using data access roles. It will be linked to the KOMPAS HR system and other applications. The whole process is not simple, however, and involves the digitisation of up to 3 million documents.
The digital employee file will have an even greater effect when combined with the introduction of electronic signing of a selected group of documents. These will be generated in KOMPAS, including the completed data, and then signed using an electronic signature pad, where the employee will view and sign the document. The signed documents will then be uploaded to KOMPAS again and, when ready, to the employee’s digital file. KOMPAS already includes more than 50 documents that can be signed in this way. This solution will save paper, eliminate the conversion of paper documents into digital form, prevent the errors that occur when employees manually fill in documents and reduce the burden on HR staff. “DMS and electronic signatures are part of the efforts to change processes at ŠKODA AUTO, which will lead to better opportunities for employees to handle many of their tasks without having to visit the HR department in person,” explains Tereza Kollmannová, project coordinator for data quality assurance – GDPR from the SB – Operative HR Care, Digitisation, HR 4.0 unit. ED
What SAP Success Factors offers
A modern HR system that reflects best practices in the field of human resources management
Working in the cloud with data available online
Access from the mobile app
Standardised HR process templates
Interconnection of modules by process (recruitment, HR data collection and management, training, compensation, reporting and more)
Digital services for all
Using the possibilities of digital HR is far from limited to administrative staff, who spend most of their time working at a computer. Employees in production can also benefit from it. That is why in February, a pilot training session was held at the paint shops in the PFO unit, where foremen, supported by colleagues from the S and FI areas, showed employees how to use their mobile phones to connect to the ŠKODA Space portal. This is now also possible via a personal number (more about this innovation in the March 2022 issue of ŠKODA Mobil).
Disciplinary process now via KOMPAS
ny suspected breach of labour law obligations must be discussed with the relevant HR manager and the relevant documents must be prepared as part of the disciplinary process. In order to reduce this administrative burden, the process has undergone an improvement since 1 February 2022 by computerising it. Reports are now entered by line managers into the KOMPAS system. “It is therefore no longer necessary to deal with consultations via e-mails and then archive their threads. The system is also able to generate documents that are used in the disciplinary process,” explains Jitka Šlejharová, project coordinator for HR Compliance Management, SPS – Social Relations and HR Compliance.
In addition to reducing administration, the electronic reporting of breaches of labour discipline will also ensure more transparent recording of cases and uniform access to information for all persons involved in the disciplinary process. The aim of this process is to ensure that transparency is maintained and that all ŠKODA AUTO employees are treated uniformly and fairly in relation to breaches of labour discipline. In general, breaches of work discipline are considered to be, for example, violations of the smoking ban, unexcused absences, failure to follow established work procedures, or more serious acts such as property offences, misconduct or fraud, which must be investigated and adjudicated by the Personnel Committee. The current disciplinary process was introduced in August 2020 and all suspected breaches of labour law at the car maker are dealt with under its rules. ED
Instructions for Work discipline breaches reporting in KOMPAS can be found on ŠKODA Space.
365 Days with Office
A year ago, ŠKODA AUTO launched a new suite of office applications and tools. Are you using it to its full potential?
ffice 365 not only has updated applications with new features but also brought completely new ways of working. To make the adaptation to the new features as smooth as possible, ŠKODA Academy and FIO – IT Services prepared the 365 ACADEMY training programme. You should already have gotten used to communicating in MS Teams or to 100 GB e-mail boxes, and you regularly work with data in the cloud or organise online meetings via your mobile phone. However, the changes and developments don’t stop there; for example, support for Skype will be discontinued this year, and Team Sites will be migrated. That is why 365 ACADEMY, including recordings of many webinars, is still available. New inspirational content is also in the pipeline. So what is available, and what can you look forward to?
O365 Step by Step
Still not sure how to use the tools correctly? Need more support when you first use them? To that end, the new programme is available in a presentation format.
365 Ambassador Club
New courses are also planned for curious employees who have taken on the role of 365 Ambassadors, already know something about the new applications and are happy to help others. There are training courses for a more advanced level of knowledge.
O365 Onboarding Check
This onboarding page is for new colleagues. It will help them to get up to speed with the Office 365 environment, including specifics within ŠKODA AUTO.
Digital Driver’s Licence
This is for employees who don’t have their computers assigned for work but want to stay up-to-date in the digital world. You can still follow this course from home, for example.
Digital Parental Licence
This is a new feature for employees who are currently spending their time on parental leave but want to stay digitally fit while being able to work on their devices safely.
The best school is learning through games. You probably know that already. But have you heard of the 365 CHALLENGE? It took place just before Christmas with around 500 participants. With the help of Václav Klement in the form of a chatbot, they completed tasks in the Office 365 ecosystem and gained useful digital skills. Interesting prizes were also offered to the drawn successful participants. In a similar spirit, but on an even bigger scale, the continuation of this game will start in August. ED
Štěpánka El Amouri
Project Coordinator of Automation, Maintenance, PLL – Logistics Planning
I like to leave work with a clear head, so I write down my work in progress and planned tasks in the To Do app before I leave. The big advantage is that I can update the status not only at my desk from my computer but also in the app from my mobile phone. I write down personal tasks here, and I can also see the tasks I receive in MS Teams within various projects in Planner. To keep everything in one place, I have also set up a view of tasks from Outlook.
Pavel Vorlík
Expert Coordinator of Engine Production PKM – Engine EA 211
We use the MS Teams app on our mobile phone to record reports and forward issues to our colleagues directly from the production incident site. This makes it easy for the adjuster and foreman to take a photo, video or accompanying information and send it as a post in their team’s feed. The data is immediately accessible to their colleagues, coordinators and supervisors across shifts.
Martin Horák
Blended Learning Specialist SEA/1 – New Media/Language Training
We broadcast webinars from the studio where we have to make recordings and pass them on to others. The files are usually around 1 GB. Therefore, we appreciate the Sharepoint cloud storage. We upload the processed videos to a directory within the team in MS Teams and set everyone’s permissions accordingly. It’s very simple! For us, the time of the eBox service is over.
Details on Office 365 can be found on ŠKODA Space.
Sustainability Priority Map
ŠKODA translates the views of its stakeholders from stakeholder dialogue into sustainability strategy
t the end of last year, ŠKODA AUTO held its regular stakeholder dialogue with the company’s stakeholders to seek their views on sustainability issues at the carmaker and regarding its direction. This is a standard tool used throughout the VW Group and is a common practice for managing sustainability strategy. For the purpose of this dialogue, sustainability was defined by the internal stakeholder (i.e. the carmaker’s management) according 25 themes under three pillars: economics and management, environment and social.
The dialogue was conducted through interviews with selected representatives of external stakeholders and a questionnaire. Stakeholders include all those who can influence or are influenced by the carmaker’s sustainability activities, such as customers, suppliers, employees or representatives of NGOs and ministries. Nearly 500 respondents participated in this dialogue. ŠKODA AUTO employees were represented by the largest proportion: 60%. The dialogue resulted in valuable responses and comments and also illustrated the intersection of priority topics from the perspective of internal and external stakeholders. The resulting sustainability priority map is an important guide to understanding the needs and interests of all parties involved in sustainability activities. The results of the survey will be reflected by the carmaker in the ongoing update of the 2030 sustainability strategy. This will also become part of the Sustainability Report in the future.
Three themes emerged as the most important ones from a sustainability perspective: profitability and sustainable growth, circular economy and customer focus. The research also revealed several themes with different ratings of importance between the two stakeholder groups. At the same time, no new topics were identified as being missing from ŠKODA AUTO’s sustainability programme. All research outputs will gradually undergo an internal evaluation by representatives of the environmental, social and economic and administrative parts of sustainability to ensure that they are in line with the carmaker’s priorities and, at the same time, reflect the voices of stakeholders. ED
If you want more detailed information on the results and recommendations resulting from this research, watch for the next ŠKODA AUTO Sustainability Report or contact the GSC – Sustainability Strategy department by e-mailing petra.rafert@skoda-auto.cz.
Survey Topics
Most important from a sustainability perspective
Profitability and sustainable growth
Circular economy
Customer-centric approach
Highly important
Resource management and innovation
Quality and safety
Technology and innovation
Health and safety
Employee relations and satisfaction
Important from the internal stakeholder perspective
Circular economy
Data protection
Important from the external stakeholder perspective
Sustainability in the supply chain (in terms of overall resilience and consideration of sustainability criteria)
Regional development (in terms of support across the country)
Quality and safety (in terms of customer expectations)
Safely on the net
Safely on the net
Attack of the cookies!
Do you know why you have to accept so-called cookies when you visit any website?
his boom has been brought about by the amendment to the Electronic Communications Act, which, in January 2022, tightened rules on the use of cookies and the tracking of users’ activities on the Web – for example, cookies may only be activated with your explicit consent. With the new legislation, website operators must allow you to set your preferences regarding cookies; otherwise, the site will not be able to store them on endpoint devices. ŠKODA AUTO was one of the first Czech companies to implement this functionality last year. ED
If you spend a lot of time on the Web, allowing cookies is probably the most common contract you enter into on a daily basis.
What are cookies?
Have you noticed, for example, that when you search online for a washing machine, ads for these products suddenly start appearing on Facebook or your favourite news site? Cookies are responsible for this, too. They are data files stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone while you are online. On the internet, they are like a trail that tells the website operator what you are looking at, and the pages that you visit remember your username or the contents of your shopping basket.
Types of cookies
First-party cookies aim to ensure your smooth interaction with a website. Some cookies are essential for the functioning of the website, while others provide a user experience. However, there are also third-party cookies that track you through them. They analyse your behaviour (e.g. shopping) and collect data on your interests and preferences. Although third-party cookies have the greatest economic potential, they pose the most significant risk to users’ privacy.
What do cookies know about you?
A lot – or everything – that causes you to see ads that are “tailored” to you the next time you browse a website. This is because cookies can store information you have given about yourself, remembering what you clicked on, what domain you came from and where you are going.
Diversity Story
Diversity Story
Change is Normal but Not Always Pleasant
Interview with Marek Jancák, Head of PF – Car Production, about his approach to mindset change and diversity
olleagues describe Marek Jancák as a person who cares about openness and knows that the result is first visualised in one’s mind before it can be put into practice. He is also active within the Mindset Change initiative. He presented his view on this topic in an interview.
What does Mindset Change mean to you, and how do you perceive the topic of diversity in the company culture?
I have never had any doubts about the usefulness of diversity, and I’m certainly not unique in that. The question is how to enforce it. I recently read an article about a major technology company that banned the use of words like blacklist or whitelist and master or slave. At first, I laughed at this; who could be affected by naming conventions used for decades? But then, I realised it had a powerful meaning. It is the banality bordering on the nonsense that gets the attention. Corporate culture lies at the lowest end of what management would tolerate. And that is why I’m in favour of quotas for women in management because simply recommending them gets us nowhere. So everyone will talk about quotas; they will help us to overcome the phase of doubt that will be followed by the commonplace. And then we will abolish them.
Have you experienced a moment or event in your life that influenced your major change?
Professionally, yes. It was the moment when I presented an idea for process improvement to the brand-new Head of Production and Logistics. After two minutes, Michael Oeljeklaus interrupted me and asked me why I was showing it to him. Raised by the old company culture, I replied that I would be happy to have him approve it. I was taken aback by the answer, “If you believe it is beneficial, just do it. If you have doubts, we’re wasting our time here.” That was a huge turning point in the management approach. For “trust” has a sibling: “accountability”. So, if I’ve ever lost sleep over my previous supervisor’s decisions, from this point on, it could only be because of my own. Moreover, if you apply this principle at all management levels, you will find yourself in agile and fast decision-making and efficient company. However, carefully selecting managers at all levels is essential.
What advice would you give to a potential colleague with regard to mindset change?
Everyone should ask themselves at the end of the day what they have changed that day and what ideas they have for tomorrow. If they don’t have any answers, it’s time for the biggest change: a change of job. ED
What is Mindset Change?
This initiative is one of the key ones in the company-wide NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. It could simply be described as a strategic topic regarding invisible things that create tangible results. Mindset means setting up expectations of behaviour, as well as assumptions, habits, choices, methods, tools and ideas about ourselves and the world, which are often shared with a group of people. We can refine and fine-tune processes, but how we go about it, how far we dare to go, how we collaborate and implement change, and how much time it takes depends on the mindset.
Comfortable in the Paint Shop
ŠKODA manufacturers have come up with their own solution to make the work of the operators of the Mladá Boleslav Paint Shop more comfortable
rgonomics in the workplace is a very important topic, which is why the automotive industry is also developing helpers in this direction. The innovation, which took almost two years to develop, is intended to improve the comfort of employees at work and reduce their risk of injury or occupational disease. The new ergoseat is installed on one of the two lines in Paint Shop A, at the body undercarriage masking workplace. Here, operators cover holes in the bodywork with covers. Up to now, they have moved around on a simple seat under the bodywork, pushing off with their feet and inserting the covers with their hands high above their heads. “At the Bratislava plant, I was inspired by how to improve comfort in the workplace. However, my colleagues and I decided to develop a functionally better and less demanding device in terms of installation,” explains Pavel Mizera, Head of PFO-L – Paint Shop A.
The design of the new ergoseat was developed in cooperation between the PFO-L department as the customer and the departments PSI-P – Production System, PFS-P – Programme Management and SG - Health Services and Ergonomics. Dominik Vild, a specialist from PFS-P/11– Product launch MB, was in charge of the coordination from the beginning. “None of the suppliers offered a similar solution, so we had to come up with a complete specification and find a supplier who would develop the device with us and eventually manufacture and install it,” says D. Vild. Jan Král, a KVP specialist and Lean consultant from PSI-P/1 – KVP and training centres, worked with him on the project. “We started working on how to make the initial idea a reality. We had to come up with functionality requirements, technical specifications and finally the whole brief. Everything worked out thanks to the great cooperation of all parties involved,” says J. Král.
Comfortable working
At the moment, the workers on one of the lines in Paint Shop A are able to use a state-of-the-art ergonomic chair that is operated by foot pedals and moved by electric motors. The seat has a wide range of individual adjustment and allows operators to work in a much more ergonomically comfortable position. “They can sit in the seat reclined backwards, where the mechanism raises the seat to working height and the employee can lean back comfortably. When developing the ergonomic seat with SKLOPAN Liberec, we also placed emphasis on the ease of use of the device and sufficient space for several types of covers,” explains D. Vild. “Most people like it, but you can see that some operators have to get used to the new feature after years of operating according to the original procedure,” adds D. Vild. If the ergonomic chair on the line in pain Shop A proves to be a success, it will be fitted to the second line. The solution can eventually be replicated at other ŠKODA AUTO or VW plants. ED
How SG sees it
The new wheelchair has clearly reduced the physical strain on employees. A completely visible benefit is the high-quality head and back support, which reduces the demands on trunk activity and the static load on the spine. This has eliminated the risk factor of cervical spine strain and back strain. This has significantly improved the starting situation for demanding overhead work. Employees no longer have to hold their arms above shoulder level for long periods of time while using so much force to operate. In general, the ratio has changed from a predominantly static load to a dynamic load that allows better blood circulation to the muscles and is not as risky for the development of chronic hand diseases. The pedal control also adjusts the alignment of the joints of the lower limbs, which again relieves the spine and helps better blood flow to the lower limbs.
How not to burn out
SG – Health Services and Ergonomics’ first podcast focused on burnout syndrome
he carmaker has launched a new employee care program focused on mental health. The first venture is podcasts in which the SG unit will respond to current topics. The first episode offered answers to the questions: what is burnout syndrome and how to recognise it early, while the second episode will provide employees with practical tips on how to treat burnout syndrome. It’s not so much stress that harms your body, but the way you react to stressful situations. In order to cope with the demands of everyday life and the challenging situations you encounter, you must not let stress take over and make you lose control. If this happens to you, you get into a state of emotional exhaustion and feel burnt out. ED
11 tips on how not to burn out
Always consider yourself at work too and don’t forget your needs.
Take short breaks, moments just for yourself.
Learn to say no to protect yourself from overwork.
Don’t be too hard on dorselgie, lower the bar. Don’t try to do what nobody wants you to do.
Relax in your favorite activity with your children, family or friends, in sports, outdoors or at home.
Don’t take unnecessary responsibility for others.
Make lists and notes, get worries about what needs to be done in your appointment book out of your head.
If you can’t, say something nice to the people around you. It will come back to you in a good way.
Plan not only the things you have to do, but also the things you want to do.
Leave work at the scheduled time, not when everything is done.
Build good relationships in the workplace. Good relationships with colleagues protect against burnout.
You can listen to new podcasts on mental health in the Media Room at ŠKODA Space.
GreenFuture – fotogalerie
The parts going into production used to be double-packed: in a crate and in the packaging.
Now, all that is needed to package them is the connecting tape or carton that separates them.
In the middle crate, the parts going to production no longer need additional packaging material.
The cartons that now separate some parts are easier to recycle.
AZUBI Car – fotogalerie
Kvůli komplikacím způsobeným pandemií covidu-19 se nový žákovský vůz představí až po téměř dvou letech.
Žáci při konstrukci modelu AFRIQ vycházeli z městského SUV KAMIQ.
Model určený pro pouštní rallye obsahuje řadu prvků soutěžních vozů, s jejichž implementací pomohl tým ŠKODA Motorsport.
Motorsport – fotogalerie
Výrazně přepracovaný je u nového soutěžního speciálu FABIA Rally2 tzv. scoop, tedy otvor nad čelním sklem, který směřuje čerstvý vzduch do kabiny.
Proudění vzduchu okolo předních kol optimalizují vzduchové clony Air Curtain.
Dalším výrazným aerodynamickým prvkem je zadní křídlo, které je výrazně větší než u sériové verze.
Při vývoji aerodynamiky vozu se výrazně uplatnily počítačové simulace.
Ukrajina – fotogalerie
ŠKODA AUTO is helping materially and financially in the critical situation in Ukraine.
The aid is collected in collections in the Czech Republic and goes to Ukraine.
ŠKODA Logistics distributes the aid to its destination.
In the Czech Republic, the car company is involved in helping refugees.
Pravidla soutěže PDF
Pravidla soutěže
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 25. 2. 2022 do 17. 3. 2022 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Březen 2022), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí bude vylosováno 10 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
5x Dva poukazy na 1 000 Kč na nákup vstupenek do Národního divadla.
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 25. 02. 2022.
Výroba komponentů – fotogalerie
Bloky motorů vznikají ve Slévárně za pomocí licí formy na platformě, která je shodná se slévárnou v Kasselu.
V Mladé Boleslavi nově vzniká blok motoru 1.5 TSI pro celá koncern VW.
Škodováci – fotogalerie
Josef Kroutil se věnuje detektoringu a všechny nálezy odevzdává místním muzeím.
Nález hortů šípů z doby laténské patří k jeho největším objevům.
Josefův první stříbrňák – jednokrejcar Leopold z roku 1671.
Sysel při západu slunce na Radouči
Bedřichov po cestě na přehradu
Zima v Arberu
Přehrada Souš
Kozí hřbety nad Špindlerovým Mlýnem
Mléčná dráha nad osadou Jizerka
Pravidla soutěže Motorsport
Pravidla soutěže ve ŠKODA Mobilu
1. Pořadatel Soutěže
Společnost ŠKODA AUTO a.s., se sídlem tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, IČO: 00177041, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze pod sp. zn. B 332 (dále jen „Pořadatel“), pořádá tuto čtenářskou soutěž (dále jen „Soutěž“), jejíž postup a podmínky upravují tato pravidla (dále jen „Pravidla“).
2. Doba trvání soutěže
Soutěž probíhá v době od 27. 08. 2021 do 20. 09. 2021 (dále jen „Doba soutěže“).
3. Soutěžící
Soutěže se může účastnit každý čtenář zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil, který v Době soutěže vyplní kvíz a své odpovědi zašle na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz (dále jen „Soutěžící“). Soutěžící se zavazuje uvádět v soutěžní registraci pouze pravdivé údaje.
Soutěžící mladší 18 let se mohou Soutěže zúčastnit pouze se souhlasem svého zákonného zástupce, který je povinen se na žádost Pořadateli prokázat.
Ze Soutěže jsou vyloučeni zaměstnanci útvaru GK/1 jako organizátora soutěže a osoby těmto osobám blízké podle § 22 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
4. Princip Soutěže
Úkolem soutěžícího je zodpovědět otázky v kvízu, který Pořadatel zveřejní v tištěné verzi zaměstnaneckých novin ŠKODA Mobil (vydání Září 2021), nebo v online verzi novin téhož vydání na webové adrese www.skodamobil.cz. Zodpovězením otázek se rozumí odeslání odpovědí na kvízové otázky na e-mailovou adresu skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz. Každý soutěžící může odeslat své odpovědi za Dobu soutěže jen jednou. Ze správných odpovědí budou vylosováni 5 výherců (dále jen „Výherce“).
5. Výhra v Soutěži
Výhrou jsou následující ceny:
5x Jízda vozem FABIA Rally2 evo
6. Kontaktování Výherce a podmínky čerpání výhry
Pořadatel bude Výherce informovat o výhře zejména telefonicky/písemně na kontaktní telefonní číslo / e-mailovou adresu, které Soutěžící uvedl v e-mailu se svými odpověďmi, a to nejpozději do 14 dnů od ukončení Soutěže. S Výhercem se Pořadatel následně dohodne na způsobu předání Výhry. Standardní způsob předání výhry je osobní předání. Podmínkou předání výhry je podpis předávacího protokolu nebo potvrzení o převzetí ze strany Výherce.
Výhru není možné alternativně vyplatit v hotovosti ani v jiném plnění. Výhra není soudně vymahatelná. Poskytovatelem výhry je Pořadatel. Pořadatel nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jakákoliv rizika a závazky související s užíváním výhry. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo výměny výhry za výhru, která je odpovídající náhradou.
V případě, že Výherce výhru nepřevezme osobně ve sjednaném termínu, ztrácí na výhru nárok a výhra propadne, aniž by Výherci vznikl nárok na jakoukoliv kompenzaci ze strany Pořadatele.
7. Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů (v souladu s GDPR 2016/679)
Vyplněním kvízu a zasláním odpovědí na výše uvedenou e-mailovou adresu Soutěžící vědomě a dobrovolně souhlasí s Pravidly soutěže (viz tento dokument), což znamená:
– zařazení do soutěže a příslušné evidence Soutěžících;
– zasílání informačních e-mailů týkajících se této Soutěže;
– případné zveřejnění jeho osobních údajů v rozsahu jméno a útvar na výherní listině.
Osobní údaje budou uchovávány pouze pro potřebu Soutěže a nebudou využívány k marketingovým účelům.
Osobní údaje se zpracovávají po dobu od jejich poskytnutí v rámci Soutěže až do vyhlášení výsledků Soutěže, maximálně však na 1 rok od jejich poskytnutí. Osobní údaje jsou od Soutěžícího získávány na základě pravdivě vyplněného registračního e-mailu (e-mail se správnými odpověďmi zaslaný na skoda.mobil@skoda-auto.cz). Osobní údaje Soutěžícího budou zpracovány ve výše uvedeném rozsahu v elektronické databázi správce osobních údajů, popř. zpracovatelem, se kterým správce osobních údajů (Pořadatel) uzavře příslušnou smlouvu.
Požádá-li Soutěžící o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu správce a případně i zpracovatel povinen tuto informaci bez zbytečného odkladu předat. Každý Soutěžící, který zjistí nebo se domnívá, že správce provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života Soutěžícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, může požádat správce o vysvětlení nebo požadovat, aby správce odstranil takto vzniklý stav. Soutěžící má právo (omezení zpracování, oprava osobních údajů, doplnění nebo likvidace osobních údajů, podání stížnosti) se obracet na správce na: DPoffice@skoda-auto.cz.
Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů ve ŠKODA AUTO: DPO@skoda-auto.cz
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů: www.uoou.cz.
8. Ostatní ustanovení
Pořadatel neodpovídá za přímé či nepřímé škody v souvislosti s účastí v Soutěži. Nebezpečí škody na výhře přechází na Výherce okamžikem předání výhry Výherci. Pořadatel není odpovědný za jakékoli technické problémy vzniklé při přenosu dat elektronickými prostředky.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo bez udání důvodu vyloučit Soutěžícího, jehož chování či jednání vykazuje známky nekalého či podvodného jednání. Osoby nesplňující podmínky účasti v Soutěži nebo jednající v rozporu s Pravidly Soutěže nebudou do Soutěže zařazeny. I pokud taková osoba splní některé podmínky pro získání výhry, např. v důsledku nepravdivých informací, které poskytla, nestává se Výhercem a nemá nárok na výhru. Výhra bude v takovém případě předána dalšímu Soutěžícímu v pořadí. Soutěžící bude vyloučen v případě, že Pořadatel zjistí nebo bude mít oprávněné podezření na spáchání podvodného nebo nekalého jednání ze strany některého ze Soutěžících či jiné osoby, která dopomohla danému Soutěžícímu k získání Výhry.
Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo i bez uvedení důvodů Dobu soutěže zkrátit, Soutěž přerušit nebo zrušit či změnit její Pravidla, a to i bez udělení výhry a bez poskytnutí náhrad. Pořadatel si rovněž vyhrazuje právo nahradit ohlášenou výhru předmětem podobného typu a odpovídající hodnoty a upravit podmínky předání výhry v případě, že výhra nebude poskytnuta způsobem umožňujícím předání výhry vítězům v souladu s těmito Pravidly.
Pořadatel má právo konečného rozhodnutí ve všech záležitostech Soutěže včetně rozhodnutí o neudělení výhry v Soutěži a také si vyhrazuje právo konečného posouzení splnění či nesplnění podmínek stanovených pro získání výhry v Soutěži. Výhru nezískají ti Soutěžící, kteří nesplní byť jen okrajově či částečně stanovené podmínky pro získání výhry. Pořadatel tímto nepřebírá vůči Soutěžícím žádné jiné závazky, a tito nemají nárok na jakákoliv jiná plnění ze strany Pořadatele než uvedená v těchto Pravidlech.
V případě, že dojde ke změnám podmínek a Pravidel Soutěže, bude toto učiněno písemně ve formě aktualizace těchto Pravidel. Aktuální verze těchto Pravidel je v plném znění dostupná na www.skodamobil.cz. Soutěžící nemá právo na náhradu nákladů spojených s účastí v Soutěži, a to ani v případě změny těchto Pravidel.
Tato Pravidla jsou platná a účinná ode dne 27. 08. 2021.
eMobilita - fotogalerie
Journalists were able to test drive the sporty ENYAQ COUPÉ RS iV in an attractive environment.
There was also a demonstration of original accessories.
Italian Tuscany provided a beautiful backdrop for the car's performance.
Other versions of the electric SUV coupe were also available.
The participants could also see the interactive electronics of the car in detail.
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{"en":"Year 2019 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2019 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2018 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2018 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2017 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2017 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2020 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2020 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2016 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2016 (PDF)"}
{"en":"Year 2015 (PDF)","cz":"Ročník 2015 (PDF)"}
{"en":"ŠKODA Weekly","cz":"ŠKODA Týdeník"}
{"en":"Year 2020","cz":"Ročník 2020"}
{"en":"Year 2021","cz":"Ročník 2021"}
Ročník 2022
Ročník 2023
Enyaq in a new outfit
Right at the start of 2025, Škoda Auto is preparing a grand premiere to present a new version of the Enyaq and Enyaq Coupé. Now even more appealing thanks to the Modern Solid design language, they offer customers much more than ever before – from sustainable materials to more advanced digital features and assistance systems, along with an extended range made possible by improved aerodynamics.
Enyaq v novém hávu
Hned na úvod roku 2025 nachystala Škoda Auto velkou premiéru, na které představila novou verzi vozů Enyaq a Enyaq Coupé. Ty jsou nyní ještě přitažlivější díky využití designového jazyka Modern Solid. A zákazníkům toho nabízejí mnohem více. Od udržitelných materiálů přes pokročilejší digitální funkce a asistenční systémy až po prodloužený dojezd díky vylepšené aerodynamice.
Accelerated Kylaq roll-out
The launch of the new Kylaq SUV in India was completed five weeks ahead of schedule, which allowed the brand’s most compact vehicle to reach customers sooner and strengthen Škoda Auto's competitiveness on the Indian market. Thanks to this accelerated ramp-up, production in Pune started on 12 December, and thus, the project team was able to build on the successful launches of the Kushaq and Slavia.
Urychlený náběh Kylaqu
Zahájení výroby nového SUV Kylaq v Indii se podařilo uskutečnit s pětitýdenním předstihem, což umožnilo přivést aktuálně nejkompaktnější vůz značky k zákazníkům dříve, a přispět tak ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Škoda Auto na indickém trhu. Díky urychlení náběhu začala jeho výroba v Púně už 12. prosince. Projektovému týmu se tak podařilo navázat na úspěšné náběhy modelů Kushaq a Slavia.
Elroq enters series production
Škoda Auto started mass production of the Elroq in January. This all-electric model not only introduces the Modern Solid design but also incorporates several technological innovations. The Elroq rolled off the production line in Mladá Boleslav, marking its launch four years after production began on the Enyaq, the carmaker’s first electric SUV, which shares the same production line in the M13 hall.
Elroq v sériové výrobě
Škoda Auto v lednu zahájila sériovou výrobu modelu Elroq. V Mladé Boleslavi tak začal z výrobních linek sjíždět plně elektrický model, který přináší nejenom nový design Modern Solid, ale i spoustu technologických inovací. Náběh modelu Elroq přichází po čtyřech letech od startu výroby prvního elektrického SUV Enyaq, se kterým sdílí i výrobní linku v mladoboleslavské hale M13.
February anniversaries
What does the first recorded theft of an L&K car on Czech territory have in common with the digital world premiere of the updated Octavia model? Both took place in the month of February, but 113 years apart! These and other fascinating February milestones from the automaker’s history are presented in the section celebrating the 130th anniversary of Škoda Auto.
Jak to chodí / mistrovske-forum
Únorová výročí
Víte, co má společného první popsaná krádež vozu L&K na českém území s digitální světovou premiérou inovovaného modelu Octavia? Oba historicky důležité okamžiky se odehrály v měsíci únoru, i když je od sebe dělí úctyhodných 113 let. Nejen tyto zajímavosti, ale také mnoho dalších únorových milníků automobilky přináší nyní už pravidelná rubrika věnovaná 130. výročí založení Škoda Auto.
The supercharged Kodiaq RS
The sporty version of the second-generation Kodiaq is even more dynamic, thanks to the new 195 kW 2.0 TSI EVO engine with all-wheel drive. The Kodiaq RS is traditionally adorned with black design elements, such as the mirror caps, the trim around the side windows and the grille frame. The interior features Suedia fibre upholstery combined with faux leather and offers optional sports seats.
Nabušený Kodiaq RS
Sportovní verze druhé generace modelu Kodiaq je díky novému motoru 2,0 TSI EVO o výkonu 195 kW a s pohonem všech kol ještě dynamičtější. Kodiaq RS tradičně zdobí černé designové prvky, jako jsou kryty zpětných zrcátek, lišty kolem bočních oken nebo rámeček masky chladiče. Interiér sází na čalounění s vláknem Suedia v kombinaci s umělou kůží a na přání je bez příplatku dodáván se sportovními sedadly.
Elroq dazzles in Mallorca
To raise awareness of the new compact and affordable Elroq electric car among customers in key markets following its October launch, Škoda Auto hosted an event for journalists on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca in late November and early December. There, they had the opportunity to get to know the model thoroughly, including test drives in attractive surroundings and on challenging terrain.
Elroq oslnil na Mallorce
Aby se nový kompaktní a dostupný elektromobil Elroq dostal po své říjnové premiéře do většího povědomí zákazníků na klíčových trzích, uspořádala Škoda Auto na přelomu listopadu a prosince akci pro stovky novinářů z celého světa na středomořském ostrově Mallorca. S modelem se zde důkladně seznámili během prezentací a také při testovacích jízdách v atraktivním prostředí a místy i náročnějším terénu.
January anniversaries
The year 2025 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of Škoda. That’s why, in each issue of this year’s Škoda Mobil, you’ll find historical highlights related to the month of publication. So, what happened in January? In 1936, for example, the carmaker took part in the Monte Carlo Rally for the first time. This issue explores the successes achieved at this famous event and more.
Lednová výročí
Celý rok 2025 se ponese ve znamení výročí 130 let od založení automobilky Škoda. Proto se v každém letošním Škoda Mobilu můžete těšit na historické zajímavosti, které se vztahují vždy k měsíci vydání. A co se tedy událo v lednu? Například v roce 1936 se automobilka poprvé účastnila Rallye Monte-Carlo. Nejen o úspěších dosažených na této slavné soutěži se dočtete tentokrát.
Future-Proof Factory
As part of its new strategic initiative, Peak, the Production and Logistics area is focusing on the competitiveness of vehicle and component manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic and India. Future-Proof Factory is one of three initiatives outlining the steps necessary to successfully address the challenges ahead. It aims to prepare plants for future manufacturing needs and their transformation.
Továrna budoucnosti
Ve své nové strategické iniciativě peak se oblast Výroby a logistiky zaměřuje na konkurenceschopnost závodů na výrobu vozů a komponentů v České republice i v Indii. Továrna budoucnosti je jednou ze tří hlavních iniciativ nastiňujících strategické kroky, které jsou nezbytné pro úspěšné řešení nadcházejících výzev. Jejím cílem je příprava závodů na budoucí výrobu a jejich další transformaci.
Škoda Mobil Únor
Škoda Mobil February
Škoda Mobil Leden
Škoda Mobil January
Škoda Mobil December
Škoda Mobil Prosinec
Škoda Mobil November
Škoda Mobil Listopad
Škoda Mobil Říjen
Škoda Mobil October
Škoda Mobil Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br>June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Leden
Škoda Mobil<br>January
Škoda Mobil<br>December
Škoda Mobil<br>Prosinec
Škoda Mobil<br>November
Škoda Mobil<br>Listopad
Škoda Mobil<br>Říjen
Škoda Mobil<br>October
Škoda Mobil<br>Září
Škoda Mobil<br>September
Škoda Mobil<br>Srpen
Škoda Mobil<br>August
Škoda Mobil<br>Červenec
Škoda Mobil<br>July
Škoda Mobil<br> June
Škoda Mobil<br>Červen
Škoda Mobil<br>May
Škoda Mobil<br>Květen
Škoda Mobil<br>Duben
Škoda Mobil<br>April
Škoda Mobil<br>Březen
Škoda Mobil<br>March 2023
Škoda Mobil<br>February
Škoda Mobil<br>Únor
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2023
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>May 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>January 2022
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>December 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>November 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>October 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>September 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>August 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>July 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>June 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Květen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Duben 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>April 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Březen 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>March 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>February 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Únor 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Leden 2021
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>January 2021
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN Mobil<br>Listopad/Prosinec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Říjen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil EN<br>Září 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Srpen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červenec 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>July 2020
ŠKODA Mobil<br>Červen 2020
Skoda Mobil – newsletter <br>06/2020
<b>ŠKODA Mobil</b><br>Květen 2020
ŠKODA Mobil – newsletter, <br>May 2020.
Dubnové vydání CZ
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2020.
Březnové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2020.
Únorové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2020.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2020.
Lednové vydání CZ.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2019.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání leden 2018.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání prosinec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, December 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, November 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání listopad 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání říjen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, October 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání září 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, September 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání srpen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, August 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červenec 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, July 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání červen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, June 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání květen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, May 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání duben 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, April 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání březen 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, March 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - noviny zaměstnanců ŠKODA AUTO, vydání únor 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, February 2017.
ŠKODA Mobil - newsletter, January 2017.
{"en":"Škoda Weekly","cz":"Škoda Týdeník"}
{"cz":"Týdenní zpravodaj pro zaměstnance. Každý čtvrtek shrnuje hlavní události uplynulého týdne ve Škoda Auto, přináší novinky z kultury i regionu.","en":"Weekly Thursday newsletter for employees. A summary of the last week‘s main events at Škoda Auto, regional news as well as cultural events."}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
06/2025 Škoda Týdeník
06/2025 Škoda Weekly
05/2025 Škoda Týdeník
05/2025 Škoda Weekly
04/2025 Škoda Týdeník
04/2025 Škoda Weekly
03/2025 Škoda Týdeník
03/2025 Škoda Weekly
Skoda TVK
02/2025 Škoda Týdeník
02/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Weekly
01/2025 Škoda Týdeník
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47/2024 Škoda Weekly
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45/2024 Škoda Weekly
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44/2024 Škoda Weekly
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43/2024 Škoda Weekly
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41/2024 Škoda Weekly
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40/2024 Škoda Weekly
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38/2024 Škoda Weekly
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37/2024 Škoda Weekly
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35/2024 Škoda Weekly
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33/2024 Škoda Týdeník
33/2024 Škoda Weekly
32/2024 Škoda Týdeník
32/2024 Škoda Weekly
Plakat - Skoda Classic Tour
31/2024 Škoda Týdeník
31/2024 Škoda Weekly
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30/2024 Škoda Weekly
29/2024 Škoda Týdeník
29/2024 Škoda Weekly
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28/2024 Škoda Weekly
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26/2024 Škoda Weekly
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24/2024 Škoda Weekly
Cervenec - mesic bez plastu
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22/2024 Škoda Weekly
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19/2024 Škoda Weekly
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16/2024 Škoda Weekly
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14/2024 Škoda Weekly
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13/2024 Škoda Weekly
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12/2024 Škoda Weekly
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11/2024 Škoda Weekly
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10/2024 Škoda Weekly
09/2024 Škoda Týdeník
09/2024 Škoda Weekly
08/2024 Škoda Weekly
08/2024 Škoda Týdeník
07/2024 Škoda Týdeník
07/2024 Škoda Weekly
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06/2024 Škoda Weekly
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05/2024 Škoda Weekly
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04/2024 Škoda Weekly
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03/2024 Škoda Weekly
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09/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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08/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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06/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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05/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2022 ŠKODA Weekly
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02/2022 ŠKODA Týdeník
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44/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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42/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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40/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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31/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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30/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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28/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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27/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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24/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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23/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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22/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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21/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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19/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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18/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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16/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
12/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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14/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
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12/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
11/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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10/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
09/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
07/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
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03/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2021 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2021 ŠKODA Týdeník
48/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
47/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
46/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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45/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
45/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
44/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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43/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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42/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
42/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
41/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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40/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
40/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
39/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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38/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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37/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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36/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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35/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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34/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
34/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
33/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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32/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
32/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
31/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
31/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
30/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
30/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
29/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
29/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
28/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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27/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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26/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
26/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
25/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
25/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
24/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
24/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
23/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
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22/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
22/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
21/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
21/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
20/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
20/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
19/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
19/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
18/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
18/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
17/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
17/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
16/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
15/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
15/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
14/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
14/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
13/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
13/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
12/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
12/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
11/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
11/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
10/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
09/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
08/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
08/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
07/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
06/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
06/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
05/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
05/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
04/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
04/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
03/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
03/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
02/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
02/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
01/2020 ŠKODA Týdeník
01/2020 ŠKODA Weekly
{"cz":"Škoda Přílohy","en":"Skoda Supplements"}
{"cz":"Součástí Škoda Mobilu, zaměstnaneckých novin mladoboleslavské automobilky, jsou speciální přílohy, které se věnují mimořádným tématům z pohledu společnosti Škoda Auto. Mohou být součástí novin, ve shodném formátu jako noviny, vložené, například ve formě letáku, nebo to mohou být samostatné unikátní magazíny ve specifickém formátu jako například přílohy věnující se novým modelům, historickým výročím značky, nebo jiným důležitým informacím z prostředí firmy.","en":"Škoda Mobil, the employee newspaper of the Mladá Boleslav-based carmaker, includes special supplements that focus on especially important topics from Škoda's perspective. Supplements can be a part of the newspaper, in the same format as the newspaper, inserted, for example, in the form of a flyer, or they can be stand-alone unique magazines in a specific format, such as supplements dedicated to new models, the brand's historical anniversaries, or other important information from the company's environment."}
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
55 Years of Škoda IT
55 let Škoda IT
Diversity Report 2023
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2023
Nový Kodiaq a Superb
New Kodiaq and Superb
Výsledky kolektivního vyjednávání
eMobility EN
Diversity Report 2021
Výroční zpráva Diverzity 2021
Cafeteria Benefity ŠKODA
ŠKODA příloha Strategie
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Dohody kolektivni smlouvy 2022
Komentované prohlídky ŠKODA Muzea za 40 Kč
120 Years on the Racetrack
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
120 let Motorsportu
příloha 120 let Motorsportu
Diversity report 2020
Výroční zpráva diverzity
Infografika - Nová centrální kuchyně
Dohody Kolektivni smlouvy
Diversity report 2019
Výroční zpráva diverzity 2019
Ride into the future
Jízda do budoucnosti
125 Years
125 let
Kolektivní smlouva 2020
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil.
Benefits ŠKODA Cafeteria
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Benefity ŠKODA Cafeteria
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, prosinec 2019.
60 let ŠKODA Octavia
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2019.
60 Years of the ŠKODA OCTAVIA
ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červenec 2019.
Ride To The Future
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, July 2019
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2019
ŠKODA SCALA - supplement ŠKODA Mobil, January 2019.
Volby do dozorčí rady
Mezi námi
Speciální nabídka vozů pro zaměstnance ŠKODA AUTO.
Motorem První republiky
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2018.
Driver of the First Republic
ŠKODA Mobil supplement, September 2018.
Jízda do budoucnosti
Sedm příběhů o proměně osobní mobility.
Ride Into The Future
Supplement ŠKODA Mobil, June 2018.
Kolektivní smlouva 2018
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2018
Péče o zdraví
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, listopad 2017.
1927-2017: 90 years of vocational training. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
1927-2017: 90 let SOUs. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, září 2017.
ŠKODA KAROQ - člen rodiny SUV. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, srpen 2017.
Ride Into The Future
50 phenomena that will take control of your future. ŠKODA Mobil supplement.
Jízda do budoucnosti
50 fenoménů, které ovládnou naši budoucnost. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, červen 2017.
ŠKODA OCTAVIA: the heart of the brand. Supplement of ŠKODA Mobil.
Srdce značky. Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, únor 2017.
Dohody kolektivní smlouvy 2017
Příloha ŠKODA Mobil, leden 2017.
{"cz":"Škoda GreenFuture"}
{"cz":"Green Future"}
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02/23 Green Future
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ŠKODA Mobil<br>Prosinec 2022
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04/2022 BudEko
03/2022 Green Future
Green Future<br>Březen 2022
03/2022 Green Future
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03/2022 BudEko
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08/2019 Green Future
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05/2019 Green Future
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03/2019 Green Future
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02/2019 Green Future
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